Volume 1(1) 1956 - Volume 68(4) 2023
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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Jackson, S. E. and J. E. Dutton. 1988. Discerning threats and opportunities. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(3): 370-387.
Jackson, S. R. 2023. (Not) paying for diversity: Repugnant market concerns associated with transactional approaches to diversity recruitment. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(3): 824-866.
Jacobs, D. 1974. Dependency and vulnerability: An exchange approach to the control of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(1): 45-59.
Jacobs, J. A. 1992. Women's entry into management: Trends in earnings, authority, and values among salaried managers. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(2): 282-301.
Jandhyala, S. and A. Phene. 2015. The role of intergovernmental organizations in cross-border knowledge transfer and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4): 712-743.
Janowitz, M. 1959. Changing patterns of organizational authority: The military establishment. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(4): 473-493.
Janowitz, M. and W. Delany. 1957. The bureaucrat and the public: A study of informational perspectives. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(2): 141-162.
Jehn, K. A. 1995. A multimethod examination of the benefits and detriments of intragroup conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(2): 256-282.
Jehn, K. A. 1997. A qualitative analysis of conflict types and dimensions in organizational groups. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 530-557.
Jehn, K. A., G. B. Northcraft and M. A. Neale. 1999. Why differences make a difference: A field study of diversity, conflict, and performance in workgroups. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(4): 741-763.
Jelinek, M., L. Smircich and P. Hirsch. 1983. Introduction: A code of many colors. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(3): 331-338. (Introduction to the 28(3) issue on culture).
Jenkins, J. C. 1977. Radical transformation of organizational goals. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(4): 568-586.
Jenks, L. H. 1960. Early phases of the management movement. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(3): 421-447.
Jennings, M. K. 1963. Public administrators and community decision making. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(1): 18-43.
Jennings, P. D. 2010. Book review: Learning by Example: Imitation and Innovation at a Global Bank by D. Strang. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(4): 680-682.
Jensen, M. 2003. The role of network resources in market entry: Commercial banks' entry into investment banking, 1991-1997. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(3): 466-497.
Jensen, M. 2006. Should we stay or should we go? Accountability, status anxiety, and client defections. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(1): 97-128. (This study focuses on what affected client defections from Arthur Andersen during its collapse in 2002).
Jensen, M. 2015. Book review: E. Appelbaum and R. Batt: Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(1): NP1-NP3.
Jensen, M. 2018. Book review: D. Waller and R. Younger: The Reputation Game: The Art of Changing How People See You. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(4): NP43-NP45.
Jensen, M. 2018. Book review: G. Guthrie: The Firm Divided: Manager-Shareholder Conflict and the Fight for Control of the Modern Corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): NP23-NP25.
Jeong, Y. and J. I. Siegel. 2017. Book review: H. Moon: The Strategy for Korea's Economic Success. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): NP18-NP22.
Jermier, J. M. 1998. Introduction: Critical perspective on organizational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 235-256.
Jermier, J. M. and L. J. Berkes. 1979. Leader behavior in a police command bureaucracy: A closer look at the quasi-military model. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(1): 1-23.
Ji-Yub, K., J Haleblian and S. Finkelstein. 2011. When firms are desperate to grow via acquisition: The effect of growth patterns and acquisition experience on acquisition premiums. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(1): 26-60.
Jiang, W. Y. 2021. Sustaining meaningful work in a crisis: Adopting and conveying a situational purpose. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 806-853.
Jiang, W. Y. 2022. Book review: Cech, E. A. 2021. The Trouble with Passion: How Searching for Fulfillment at Work Fosters Inequality. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(3): NP50-NP53.
Jiang, W. Y. and A. Wrzesniewski. 2023. Perceiving fixed or flexible meaning: Toward a model of meaning fixedness and navigating occupational destabilization. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(4): 1008-1055.
Jick, T. D. 1979. Mixing qualitative and quantitative methods: Triangulation in action. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4): 602-611.
Johanson, L. 2001. In memoriam: Robert N. Stern. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(2): iv.
Johnson, V. 2009. Book review: The Search for Social Entrepreneurship by Paul C. Light. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 341-343.
Johnson, W. B. and R. P. Magee. 1985. On executive succession. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(3): 420-422.
Johnston, H. R. 1976. A new conceptualization of source of organizational climate. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(1): 95-103.
Johnston, H. R. 1976. Reply to Schneider. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(3): 505-506.
Johnston, R. 1975. Reply to Lorsch and Morse. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(4): 631.
Jones, C. 2015. Book review: P. R. Carlile, D. Nicolini, A. Langley, and H. Tsoukas, eds.: How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4): NP50-NP53.
Jones, G. R. 1983. Transaction costs, property rights, and organizational culture: An exchange perspective. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(3): 454-467.
Jones, J. C. 2010. Book review: Accountants' Truth: Knowledge and Ethics in the Financial World by M. Gill. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(2): 324-327.
Jonsson, S., H. R. Greve and T. Fujiwara-Greve. 2009. Undeserved loss: The spread of legitimacy loss to innocent organizations in response to reported corporate deviance. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 195-228.
Jordan, J., N. Sivanathan and A. D. Galinsky. 2011. Something to lose and nothing to gain: The role of stress in the interactive effect of power and stability on risk taking. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(4): 530-558.
Joshi, A. 2014. By whom and when is women's expertise recognized? The interactive effects of gender and education in science and engineering teams. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(2): 202-239.
Jung, J. and T. Shin. 2019. Learning not to diversify: The transformation of graduate business education and the decline of diversifying acquisitions. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(2): 337-369.
Jurkovich, R. 1974. A core typology of organizational environments. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 380-394.
Just, D. R. 2020. Book review: John Kay and Mervyn King: Radical Uncertainty: Decision-Making Beyond the Numbers. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(3): NP24-NP26.
Kacperczyk, A. and P. Younkin. 2017. The paradox of breadth: The tension between experience and legitimacy in the transition to entrepreneurship. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(4): 731-764.
Kacperczyk, A., C. M. Beckman and T. P. Moliterno. 2015. Disentangling risk and change: Internal and external social comparison in the mutual fund industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(2): 228-262.
Kacperczyk, A. J. 2012. Opportunity structures in established firms: Entrepreneurship versus intrapreneurship in mutual funds. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(3): 484-521.
Kaczka, E. E. and R. V. Kirk. 1967. Managerial climate, work groups, and organizational performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(2): 253-272.
Kadushin, C. 1958. Individual decisions to undertake psychotherapy. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(3): 379-411.
Kahn, W. A. 1993. Caring for the caregivers: Patterns of organizational caregiving. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(4): 539-563.
Kahl, S. J. 2014. Book review: Decoding Organization: Bletchley Park, Codebreaking and Organization Studies by C. Grey. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(1): 182-183.
Kakar, S. 1971. Authority patterns and subordinate behavior in Indian organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 298-307.
Kalev, A., Y. Shenhav and D. De Vries. 2008. The state, the labor process, and the diffusion of managerial models. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(1): 1-28.
Kalleberg, A. L., P. V. Marsden, H. E. Aldrich and J. W. Cassell. 1990. Comparing organizational sampling frames. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(4): 658-688.
Kammerer, G. M. 1964. Role diversity of city managers. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(4): 421-442.
Kamps, J. 2009. Book review: Logics of Organization Theory: Audiences, Codes, and Ecologies by Michael T. Hannan, Laszlo Polos, Glenn R. Carroll. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 350-353.
Kang, S. K., K. A. DeCelles, A. Tilcsik and S. Jun. 2016. Whitened resumes: Race and self-presentation in the labor market. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(3): 469-502.
Kaplan, B. H. 1968. A commentary on organizations and social development. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(3): 484-490.
Kaplan, B. H. 1968. Guest editor's note. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(3): 368-369.
Kaplan, B. H. 1968. Notes on a non-Weberian model of bureaucracy: The case of development bureaucracy. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(3): 471-483.
Kaplan, N. 1959. The role of the research administrator. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(1): 20-42.
Kaplan, N. 1961. Research administration and the administrator: U.S.S.R. and U.S. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(1): 51-72.
Kaplan, S. 2012. Book review: Instrumental Community: Probe Microscopy and the Path to Nanotechnology by C. Mody. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 348-352.
Kaplan, S. 2023. Book review: Shalene Wuttunee Jobin. Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships: Nehiyawak ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐊᐧᐠ narratives. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(4): NP71-NP74. (Cree narratives or ways of living).
Karasek, R. A. Jr. 1979. Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain: Implications for job redesign. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(2): 285-308.
Karunakaran, A. 2022. Status-authority asymmetry between professions: The case of 911 dispatchers and police officers. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(2): 423-468.
Katila, R. and E. L. Chen. 2008. Effects of search timing on innovation: The value of not being in sync with rivals. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(4): 593-625.
Katila, R., J. D. Rosenberger and K. M. Eisenhardt. 2008. Swimming with sharks: Technology ventures, defense mechanisms and corporate relationships. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(2): 295-332. (Resource dependence theory).
Katz, E. and S. N. Eisenstadt. 1960. Some sociological observations on the response of Israeli organizations to new immigrants. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(1): 113-133.
Katz, F. E. 1965. Explaining informal work groups in complex organizations: The case for autonomy in structure. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(2): 204-223.
Katz, R. 1978. Job longevity as a situational factor in job satisfaction. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 204-223.
Katz, R. 1982. The effects of group longevity on project communication and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(1): 81-104.
Kaufmann, H. and D. Seidman. 1970. The morphology of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(4): 439-451.
Kavanagh, M. J. 1972. Leadership behavior as a function of subordinate competence and task complexity. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 591-600.
Kavčič, B., V. Rus and A. S. Tannenbaum. 1971. Control, participation, and effectiveness in four Yugoslav industrial organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 74-86.
Keegan, W. J. 1974. Multinational scanning: A study of the information sources utilized by headquarters executives in multinational companies. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 411-421.
Keeley, M. 1978. A social-justice approach to organizational evaluation. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 272-292.
Keeley, M. 1980. Organizational analogy: A comparison of organismic and social contract models. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(2): 337-362.
Keeley, M. 1984. Impartiality and participant-interest theories of organizational effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(1): 1-25.
Keeves, G. D., J. D. Westphal and M. L. McDonald. 2017. Those closest wield the sharpest knife: How ingratiation leads to resentment and social undermining of the CEO. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(3): 484-523.
Keller, J. 2018. Posting and slotting: How hiring processes shape the quality of hire and compensation in internal labor markets. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(4): 848-878.
Keller, J. 2019. Book review: James E. Coverdill and William Finlay: High Tech and High Touch: Headhunting, Technology, and Economic Transformation. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): NP36-NP37.
Kellogg, K. C. 2019. Subordinate activation tactics: Semi-professionals and micro-level institutional change in professional organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): 928-975.
Kennedy, J. L. and G. H. Putt. 1956. Administration of research in a research corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(3): 326-339.
Kensbock, J. M., L. Alkaersig and C. Lomberg. 2022. Authors' response: If anything, we should stigmatize unhealthy organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): 70-81.
Kensbock, J. M., L. Alkaesig and C. Lomberg. 2022. The epidemic of mental disorders in business - How depression, anxiety, and stress spread across organizations through employee mobility. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): 1-48.
Keppler, J. 1970. [Illustration]: Arbitration is the true balance of power. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(3): 294.
Keppler, J. 1970. [Illustration]: Consolidated. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(3): 352.
Kernan, J. B. and L. L. Schkade. 1972. A cross-cultural analysis of stimulus sampling. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(3): 351-358.
Kernan, J. B. and L. L. Schkade. 1973. Comment on the Michelsen-Terry reply. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(1): 105-106.
Ketokivi, M. and X. Castañer. 2004. Strategic planning as an integrative device. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(3): 337-365.
Keyes, K. M. and J. Shaman. 2022. Contagion and psychiatric disorders: The social epidemiology of risk (Comment on "The epidemic of metal disorders in business"). Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): 49-55.
Khaire, M. 2012. Book review: Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals, and Competitive Events by B. Moeran, J. S. Pederson. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(3): 541-544.
Khaire, M. 2019. Book review: Michael Lounsbury and Mary Ann Glynn: Cultural Entrepreneurship: A New Agenda for the Study of Entrepreneurial Processes and Possibilities. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): NP33-NP35.
Khandwalla, P. N. 1974. Mass output orientation of operations technology and organizational structure. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(1): 74-97.
Khessina, O. 2016. Book review: M. Piskorski: A Social Strategy: How We Profit from Social Media. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(1): NP1-NP4.
Khessina, O. M. 2023. Book review: Giacomo Negro and Michaael T. Hannan with Susan Olzak. Wine Markets: Genres and Identities. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(2): NP24-NP27.
Khessina, O. M., S. Reis and J. C. Verhaal. 2021. Stepping out of the shadows: Identity exposure as a remedy for stigma transfer concerns in the medical marijuana market. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 569-611.
Kieser, A. 1989. Organizational, institutional, and societal evolution: Medieval craft guilds and the genesis of formal organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(4): 540-564.
Kiesler, S. and L. Sproull. 1982. Managerial response to changing environments: Perspectives on problem sensing from social cognition. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(4): 548-570.
Kiggundu, M. N., J. J. Jorgensen and T. Hafsi. 1983. Administrative theory and practice in developing countries: A synthesis. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(1): 66-84. (Part of a special section on the utilization of organizational research, part 2).
Kilduff, M. 2019. Book review: Daniel M. Cable: Alive at Work: The Neuroscience of Helping Your People Love What They Do. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(1): NP1-NP3.
Kilduff, M. 2020. Book review: Sam Friedman and Daniel Laurison: The Class Ceiling: Why It Pays to Be Privileged. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(1): NP1-NP3.
Kilduff, M. and B. Landis. 2010. Book review: Neighbor Networks: Competitive Advantage Local and Personal by R. S. Burt. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(4): 677-679.
Kilduff, M. and J. W. Lee. 2018. Book review: D. Obstfeld: Getting New Things Done: Networks, Brokerage, and the Assembly of Innovative Action. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): NP26-NP29.
Kilduff, M. and R. A. Brands. 2010. Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation by L. M. Roberts, J. E. Dutton. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(2): 347-349.
Kim, K. and M. Jensen. 2011. How product order affects market identity: Repertoire ordering in the U.S. opera market. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(2): 238-256.
Kim, S. 2021. Frame restructuration: The making of an alternative business incubator amid Detroit's crisis. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 753-805.
Kim, S. and T. Schifeling. 2022. Good corp, bad corp, and the rise of B corps: How market incumbents' diverse responses reinvigorate challenges. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(3): 674-720.
Kim, T., D. Shin, H. Oh and Y. Jeong. 2007. Inside the iron cage: Organizational political dynamics and institutional changes in presidential selection systems in Korean universities, 1985-2002. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(2): 286-323.
Kimberly, J. R. 1975. Environmental constraints and organizational structure: A comparative analysis of rehabilitation organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(1): 1-9.
Kimberly, J. R. 1976. Organizational size and the structuralist perspective: A review, critique, and proposal. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 571-597.
Kimberly, J. R. 1977. Erratum: Organizational size and the structuralist perspective: A review, critique, and proposal. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(2):
Kimberly, J. R. and W. R. Nielsen. 1975. Organization development and change in organizational performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 191-206.
King, A. S. 1974. Expectation effects in organizational change. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(2): 221-230.
King, B. 2011. Book review: Politics and Partnerships: The Role of Voluntary Associations in America's Political Past and Present by E. S. Clemens, D. Guthrie. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(3): 490-493.
King, B. G. 2022. Book review: Westphal, J. and S. H. Park. 2020. Symbolic Management: Governance, Strategy, and Institutions. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): NP6-NP8.
King, B. G. 2023. Book review: Heather A. Haveman. The Power of Organizations: A New Approach to Organizational Theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(4): NP62-NP64.
King, M. 2015. Book review: E. T. Walker: Grassroots for Hire: Public Affairs Consultants in American Democracy. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(2): NP26-NP28.
King, B. 2015. Book review: N. Fligstein and D. McAdam: The Theory of Fields. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(1): NP4-NP6.
King, B. 2017. Book review: L. B. Edelman: Working Law: Courts, Corporations, and Symbolic Civil Rights. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(4): NP47-NP50.
King, B. G. 2008. A political mediation model of corporate response to social movement activism. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(3): 395-421.
King, B. G. and S. A. Soule. 2007. Social movements as extra-institutional entrepreneurs: The effect of protests on stock price returns. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(3): 413-442.
King, M. D. and H. A. Haveman. 2008. Antislavery in America: The press, the pulpit, and the rise of antislavery societies. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(3): 492-528.
Kipnis, D. and S. M. Schmidt. 1988. Upward-influence styles: Relationship with performance evaluations, salary, and stress. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(4): 528-542.
Kirsch, D. A. 2017. Book review: R. H. Frank: Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): NP12-NP14.
Klatzky, S. R. 1970. Relationship of organizational size to complexity and coordination. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(4): 428-438.
Klein, K. J., J. C. Ziegert, A. P. Knight and Y. Xiao. 2006. Dynamic delegation: Shared, hierarchical, and deindividualized leadership in extreme action teams. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(4): 590-621.
Klein, S. M., A. I. Kraut and A. Wolfson. 1971. Employee reactions to attitude survey feedback: A study of the impact of structure and process. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(4): 497-514.
Kleinbaum, A. M. 2012. Organizational misfits and the origins of brokerage in intrafirm networks. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(3): 407-452.
Klimoski, R. 2010. Book review: Deception: From Ancient Empires to Internet Dating by B. Harrington. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(2): 328-331.
Klonglan, G. E., R. D. Warren, J. M. Winkelpleck and S. K. Paulson. 1976. Interorganizational measurement in the social services sector: Differences by hierarchical level. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 675-687.
Kmetz, J. L. 1984. An information-processing study of a complex workflow in aircraft electronics repair. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(2): 255-280.
Knudsen, T. and K. Srikanth. 2014. Coordinated exploration: Organizing joint search by multiple specialists to overcome mutual confusion and joint myopia. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(3): 409-441.
Kochan, T. A. 1975. Determinants of the power of boundary units in an interorganizational bargaining relation. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(3): 434-452.
Kochan, T. A., G. P. Huber and L. L. Cummings. 1975. Determinants of intraorganizational conflict in collective bargaining in the public sector. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(1): 10-23.
Kogut, B. 2017. Book review essay: Economic Sociology as the New Dismal Science: G. F. Davis: The Vanishing American Corporation: Navigating the Hazards of a New Economy, and Y. Levin: The Fractured Republic: Renewing America's Social Contract in the Age of Individualism. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): NP1-NP5.
Konor, B. 1969. [Illustration]: Thunderstorm. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 521.
Konrad, A. M. and B. A. Gutek. 1986. Impact of work experiences on attitudes toward sexual harassment. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(3): 422-438.
Konrad, A. M. and J. Pfeffer. 1990. Do you get what you deserve? Factors affecting the relationship between productivity and pay. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(2): 258-285.
Konrad, A. M. and J. Pfeffer. 1990. Erratum: Do you get what you deserve? Factors affecting the relationship between productivity and pay. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(3): 551.
Koppman, S. 2016. Different like me: Why cultural omnivores get creative jobs. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(2): 291-331.
Kosnik, R. D. 1987. Greenmail: A study of board performance in corporate governance. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(2): 163-185.
Kossek, E. E. 2010. Book review: The Influence of Culture on Human Resource Management Processes and Practices by D. Stone, E. Stone-Romero. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(2): 344-346.
Kossek, E. E. 2022. Book review: Beckman, C. M. and M. Mazmanian. 2020. Dreams of the Overworked: Living, Working, and Parenting in the Digital Age. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(2): NP30-NP33.
Kovacs, B. and A. J. Sharkey. 2014. The paradox of publicity: How awards can negatively affect the evaluation of quality. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(1): 1-33.
Krabbe, A. D. and S. Grodal. 2023. The aesthetic evolution of product categories. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(3): 734-780.
Krackhardt, D. 1990. Assessing the political landscape: Structure, cognition, and power in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(2): 342-369.
Krackhardt, D. 1995. Review: WANTED: A good network theory of organization. Reviewed work: Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. by Ronald S. Burt. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(2): 350-354.
Krackhardt, D. and L. W. Porter. 1985. When friends leave: A structural analysis of the relationship between turnover and stayers' attitudes. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(2): 242-261.
Kralewski, J. E., L. Pitt and D. Shatin. 1985. Structural characteristics of medical group practices. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(1): 34-45.
Krauss, W. R. 1971. Toward a theory of political participation of public bureaucrats. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(2): 180-191. 1972. Erratum: Toward a theory of political participation of public bureaucrats. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(1): 57.
Kremser, W. and B. Blagoev. 2021. Temporally pattern complex role-routine ecologies. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(2): 339-379.
Krishnan, R., K. S. Cook, R. K. Kozhikode and O. Schilke. 2021. An interaction ritual theory of social resource exchange: Evidence from a Silicon Valley accelerator. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 659-710.
Kroezen, J. J. and P. P. M. A. R. Heugens. 2019. What is dead may never die: Institutional regeneration through logic reemergence in Dutch beer brewing. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): 976-1019.
Krouse, C. G. 1972. Complex objectives, decentralization, and the decision process of the organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 544-554.
Krueckeberg, D. A. 1971. Variations in behavior of planning agencies. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(2): 192-202.
Kulik, C. T. 1989. The effects of job categorization on judgments of the motivating potential of jobs. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(1): 68-90.
Kumar, R. 2009. Book review: India's Global Powerhouses: How They Are Taking on the World by Nirmalya Kumar, Pradipta K. Mohapatra, Suj Chandrashekhar. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 692-695.
La Porte, T. R. 1965. Conditions of strain and accommodation in industrial research organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(1): 21-38.
Lacey, R. 2012. Book review: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 28: Stanford's Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970-2000 by C. B. Schoonhoven, F. Dobbin. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(1): 171-172.
Lachman, R. 1989. Erratum: Power from what? A reexamination of its relationships with structural conditions. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(3): 482.
Lachman, R. 1989. Power from what? A reexamination of its relationships with structural conditions. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(2): 231-251.
Ladinsky, J. and J. B. Grossman. 1966. Organizational consequences of professional consensus: Lawyers and selection of judges. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(1): 79-106.
Lambert, R. A., D. F. Larcker and K. Weigelt. 1993. The structure of organizational incentives. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(3): 438-461.
Lammers, C. J. 1969. Strikes and mutinies: A comparative study of organizational conflicts between rulers and ruled. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 558-572.
Lammers, C. J. 1974. The state of organizational sociology in the United States: Travel impressions by a Dutch cousin. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 422-430.
Lammers, C. J. 1988. The interorganizational control of an occupied country. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(3): 438-457.
Landsberger, H. A. 1961. The horizontal dimension in bureaucracy. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(3): 299-332.
Lang, K. 1972. Military career structure: Emerging trends and alternatives. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 487-498.
Langley, A. 1989. In search of rationality: The purposes behind the use of formal analysis in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(4): 598-631.
Langton, J. 1984. The ecological theory of bureaucracy: The case of Josiah Wedgwood and the British pottery industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(3): 330-354.
Langton, J. 1985. Reply to Perrow. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(2): 284-288.
Larson, A. 1992. Network dyads in entrepreneurial settings: A study of the governance of exchange relationships. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(1): 76-104.
Lashley, K. and T. G. Pollock. 2020. Waiting to inhale: Reducing stigma in the medical cannabis industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(2): 434-482.
Launois, J. 1969. [Photograph]: Employee motivation on a Philippine plantation. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(1): 61.
Lauterbach, A. 1957. Perceptions of management: Case materials from western and northern Europe. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(1): 97-109.
Lawrence, P. R. and J. W. Lorsch. 1967. Differentiation and integration in complex organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(1): 1-47.
Lawrence, P. R. and J. W. Lorsch. 1973. A reply to Tosi, Aldag, and Storey. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(3): 397-398.
Lawrence, T. B. and G. Dover. 2015. Place and institutional work: Creating housing for the hard-to-house. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(3): 371-410.
Lazarus, R. S. 1963. A laboratory approach to the dynamics of psychological stress. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(2): 192-213.
Lazer, D. and A. Friedman. 2007. The network structure of exploration and exploitation. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(4): 667-694
Lazerson, M. 1995. A new Phoenix?: Modern putting-out in the Modena knitwear industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(1): 34-59.
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Miller, J. 1975. Isolation in organizations: Alienation from authority, control, and expressive relations. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 260-271.
Miller, R. F. 1971. The new science of administration in the USSR. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 247-257.
Millett, J. D. 1956. A critical appraisal of the study of public administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(2): 171-188.
Milne, R. S. 1970. Mechanistic and organic models of public administration in developing countries. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 57-67.
Milstein, M. 2009. Book review: Equity and Sustainable Development: Reflections from the U.S.-Mexico Border by Jane Clough-Riquelme, Nora Bringas. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(1): 179-181.
Mindlin, S. E. and H. Aldrich. 1975. Interorganizational dependence: A review of the concept and a reexamination of the findings of the Aston group. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(3): 382-392.
Miner, A. S. 1987. Idiosyncratic jobs in formalized organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(3): 327-351.
Miner, A. S., P. Bassoff and C. Moorman. 2001. Organizational improvisation and learning: A field study. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(2): 304-337.
Miner, A. S., T. L. Amburgey and T. M. Stearns. 1990. Interorganizational linkages and population dynamics: Buffering and transformational shields. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(4): 689-713.
Miner, J. B. 1962. Conformity among university professors and business executives. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(1): 96-109.
Miner, J. B. 1971. Changes in student attitudes toward bureaucratic role prescriptions during the 1960s. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 351-364.
Mintzberg, H. 1978. Mintzberg's final paradigm. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(4): 635-636.(Reject any submitted paper with the word paradigm in the title).
Mintzberg, H. 1979. An emerging strategy of "direct" research. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4): 582-589.
Mintzberg, H. and A. McHugh. 1985. Strategy formation in an adhocracy. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(2): 160-197.
Mintzberg, H., D. Raisinghani and A. Théorêt. 1976. The structure of "unstructured" decision processes. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(2): 246-275.
Misumi, J. and F. Seki. 1971. Effects of achievement motivation on the effectiveness of leadership patterns. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 51-59.
Misumi, J. and M. F. Peterson. 1985. The performance-maintenance (PM) theory of leadership: Review of a Japanese research program. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(2): 198-223.
Mitchell, S. M. 2018. Book review: F. C. Simon: Meta-regulation in Practice: Beyond Normative Views of Morality and Rationality. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(3): NP35-NP36.
Mitchell, T. R. and W. G. Scott. 1974. Reply to Argyris. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(1): 107-108.
Mitchell, W. 1989. Whether and when? Probability and timing of incumbents' entry into emerging industrial subfields. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(2): 208-230.
Mitchell, W. 1994. The dynamics of evolving markets: The effects of business sales and age on dissolutions and divestitures. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(4): 575-602.
Mitchell, W. C. 1958. Occupational role strains: The American elective public official. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(2): 210-228.
Mitsuhashi, H. 2014. Book review: Hedge Fund Activism in Japan: The Limits of Shareholder Primacy by J. Buchanan, D. H. Chai, S. Deakin. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(2): 366-369.
Mizruchi, M. S. 2015. Book review: B. Kogut (ed.): The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4): NP57-NP60.
Mizruchi, M. S. 2018. Book review essay: Wealth, power, and political influence: Organizations as tools. J. Mayer: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires behind the Rise of the Radical Right. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): NP11-NP18.
Mizruchi, M. S. 2021. Book review essay: Capitalism, socialism, or social democracy? Administrative Science Quarterly 66(2): NP17-NP22. (Adler, P. S. 2019. The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism. Six crises that plague capitalist societies: Economic irrationality (inequality, recessions), workplace disempowerment, unresponsive government, environmental unsustainability, social disintegration (including racial and gender discrimination, poorly distributed health care, education and housing), and international conflict).
Mizruchi, M. S. and D. Bunting. 1981. Influence in corporate networks: An examination of four measures. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(3): 475-489.
Mizruchi, M. S. and L. B. Stearns. 1988. A longitudinal study of the formation of interlocking directorates. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(2): 194-210.
Mizruchi, M. S. and L. B. Stearns. 1994. A longitudinal study of borrowing by large American corporations. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(1): 118-140.
Mizruchi, M. S. and L. C. Fein. 1999. The social construction of organizational knowledge: A study of the uses of coercive, mimetic, and normative isomorphism. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(4): 653-683.
Moch, M. K. 1976. Structure and organizational resource allocation. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 661-674.
Moeller, G. H. and W. W. Charters. 1966. Relation of bureaucratization to sense of power among teachers. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(4): 444-465.
Mohliver, A. 2019. How misconduct spreads: Auditors' role in the diffusion of stock-option backdating. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(2): 310-336.
Mohr, L. B. 1971. Organizational technology and organizational structure. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(4): 444-459.
Molnar, J. J. and D. L. Rogers. 1979. A comparative model of interorganizational conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(3): 405-425.
Montgomery, J. D. 1972. Allocation of authority in land reform programs: A comparative study of administrative processes and outputs. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(1): 62-75.
Montgomery, K. 2010. Book review: Healing Together: The Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente by T. A. Kochan, A. E. Eaton, R. M. McKersie, P. S. Adler. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(2): 335-336.
Montgomery, K. 2010. Book review: Social Commitments in a Depersonalized World by E. J. Lawler, S. R. Thye, J. Yoon. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(3): 516-517.
Montgomery, K. 2012. Book review: Airborne Dreams: "Nisei" Stewardesses and Pan American World Airways by C. R. Yano. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(1): 165-166.
Moore, D. 2009. Book review: Judging Merit by Warren Thorngate, Robyn M. Dawes, Margaret Foddy. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 684-685.
Morand, D. 2013. Book review: Navigating Power: Cross-Cultural Competence in Navajoland by G. Debebe. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(3): 483-486.
Morgan, G. 1979. Response to Mintzberg. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(1): 137-139.
Morgan, G. 1980. Paradigms, metaphors, and puzzle solving in organization theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(4): 605-622.
Morgan, G. 1981. Erratum: Paradigms, metaphors, and puzzle solving in organization theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 140.
Morgan, G. 1983. More on metaphor: Why we cannot control tropes in administrative science. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(4): 601-607.
Morley, E. 1974. Human support services in complex manufacturing organizations: A special case of differentiation. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 295-318.
Morris, M. W. 2011. Book review: Organizational Trust: A Cultural Perspective by M.N. Saunders, D. Skinner, G. Dietz, N. Gillespie, R. J. Lewicki. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(1): 127-132.
Morris, M. W. and P. C. Moore. 2000. The lessons we (don't) learn: Counterfactual thinking and organizational accountability after a close call. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(4): 737-765.
Morrison, E. W. 2009. Book review: Whistle-Blowing in Organizations by Marcia P. Miceli, Janet P. Near, Terry Morehead Dworkin. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 344-346.
Mowday, R. T. 1978. The exercise of upward influence in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(1): 137-156. 1978. Erratum: The exercise of upward influence in operations. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(3): 487.
Mulder, M. 1971. Power equalization through participation? Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 31-38.
Mulford, C. L. 1976. Comment on measurement of effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(1): 156-157.
Mun, E. and J. Jung. 2018. Change above the glass ceiling: Corporate social responsibility and gender diversity in Japanese firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): 409-440.
Munir, K., S. Ansari and D. Brown. 2021. From Patanjali to the "Gospel of Sweat": Yoga's remarkable transformation from a sacred movement into a thriving global market. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 854-899.
Murmann, J. P. and B. A. Schuler. 2020. Book review: Brent Goldfarb and David A Kirsch: Bubbles and Crashes: The Boom and Bust of Technological Innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(3): NP20-NP23.
Murnighan, J. K. and D. E. Conlon. 1991. The dynamics of intense work groups: A study of British string quartets. Administrative Science Quarterly 36(2): 165-186.
Murnighan, J. K., J. W. Kim and A. R. Metzger. 1993. The volunteer dilemma. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(4): 515-538.
Murphy, T. P. 1969. Political economy and geographic distribution of federal funds for research and development: The Midwest case. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 426-441.
Murray, V. V. 1973. Comment on Pondy. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(1): 106-107.
Myers, C. G. 2022. Storytelling as a tool for vicarious learning among air medical transport crews. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(2): 378-422.
Narayan, D. 2023. Book review: Erin L. Kelly and Phyllis Moen. Overload: How Good Jobs Went Bad and What We Can Do About It. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(1): NP21-NP23.
Narayanan, S. 2011. Book review: Dead Ringers: How Outsourcing is Changing the Way Indians Understand Themselves by S. Nadeem. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(3): 480-484.
Nast, T. 1969. [Illustration]: Tit for tat. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 543.
Naumovska, I. and D. Lavie. 2021. When an industry peer is accused of financial misconduct: Stigma versus competition effects on non-accused firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 1130-1172.
Navis, C. and M. A. Glynn. 2010. How new market categories emerge: Temporal dynamics of legitimacy, identity, and entrepreneurship in satellite radio, 1990-2005. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(3): 439-471.
Nebeker, D. M. 1975. Situational favorability and perceived environmental uncertainty: An integrative approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 281-294.
Nedd, A. N. B. 1971. The simultaneous effects of several variables on attitudes toward change. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 258-270.
Nee, V. 1992. Organizational dynamics of market transition: Hybrid forms, property rights, and mixed economy in China. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(1): 1-27.
Nelsen, B. J. and S. R. Barley. 1997. For love or money? Commodification and the construction of an occupational mandate. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(4): 619-653.
Nelson, A., C. Anthony and M. Tripsas. 2023. "If I could turn back time": Occupational dynamics, technology trajectories, and the reemergence of the analog music synthesizer. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(2): 551-599.
Nelson, R. E. 1993. Authority, organization, and societal context in multinational churches. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(4): 653-682.
Nicholson, N. 1984. A theory of work role transitions. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(2): 172-191.
Nickerson, J. A. and B. S. Silverman. 2003. Why firms want to organize efficiently and what keeps them from doing so: Inappropriate governance, performance, and adaptation in a deregulated industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(3): 433-465.
Niehoff, A. 1959. Caste and industrial organization in north India. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(4): 494-508.
Nigam, A., R. Huising and B. Golden. 2016. Explaining the selection of routines for change during organizational search. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(4): 551-585.
Nightingale, D. V. and J. Toulouse. 1977. Toward a multilevel congruence theory of organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(2): 264-280.
Nixon H. L. II. 1975. Faculty support of university authority. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(1): 114-123.
Nord, W. 1974. Personality, organizational theory, and the status quo: A response to Argyris. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(2): 250-253.
Normann, R. 1971. Organizational innovativeness: Product variation and reorientation. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(2): 203-215.
Notz, W. W. and F. A. Starke. 1978. Final-offer versus conventional arbitration as means of conflict management. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 189-203.
Nutt, P. C. 1984. Types of organizational decision processes. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(3): 414-450.
Nystrom, P. C. 1975. Input-output processes of the Federal Trade Commission. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(1): 104-113.
O'Mahony, S. 2011. Book review: Research Alive: Exploring Generative Moments in Doing Qualitative Research by A. Carlsen, J. E. Dutton. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(4): 650-652.
O'Mahony, S. and B. A. Bechky. 2008. Boundary organizations: Enabling collaboration among unexpected allies. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(3): 422-459.
O'Reilly, C. A. III and B. A. Weitz. 1980. Managing marginal employees: The use of warnings and dismissals. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(3): 467-484.
O'Reilly, C. A. III and D. F. Caldwell. 1981. The commitment and job tenure of new employees: Some evidence of postdecisional justification. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(4): 597-616.
O'Reilly, C. A. III and J. A. Chatman. 1994. Working smarter and harder: A longitudinal study of managerial success. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(4): 603-627.
O'Reilly III, C. A., B. G. Main and G. S. Crystal. 1988. CEO compensation as tournament and social comparison: A tale of two theories. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(2): 257-274.
O'Reilly III, C. A., D. F. Caldwell and W. P. Barnett. 1989. Work group demography, social integration, and turnover. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(1): 21-37.
Oakes, L. S., B. Townley and D. J. Cooper. 1998. Business planning as pedagogy: Language and control in a changing institutional field. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 257-292.
Oaklander, H. and E. A. Fleishman. 1964. Patterns of leadership related to organizational stress in hospital settings. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(4): 520-532.
Obloj, T. and M. Sengul. 2012. Incentive life-cycles: Learning and the division of value in firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 305-347.
Obstfeld, D. 2005. Social networks, the Tertius Iungens orientation, and involvement in innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 50(1): 100-130.
Obukhova, E. 2011. Book review: Culture and Economics: On Values, Economics and International Business by E. De Jong. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(2): 310-311.
Ocasio, W. 1994. Political dynamics and the circulation of power: CEO succession in U.S. industrial corporations, 1960-1990. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(2): 285-312.
Ocasio, W. 1999. Institutionalized action and corporate governance: The reliance on rules of CEO succession. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(2): 384-416.
Ocasio, W. 2022. Book review: Beckman, C. ed. 2021. Carnegie Goes to California: Advancing and Celebrating the Work of James G. March. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): NP80-NP84.
Ocasio, W. and H. Kim. 1999. The circulation of corporate control: Selection of functional backgrounds of new CEOs in large U.S. manufacturing firms, 1981-1992. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(3): 532-562.
Ody-Brasier, A. and F. Vermeulen. 2014. The price you pay: Price-setting as a response to norm violations in the market for champagne grapes. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(1): 109-144.
Odziemkowska, K. 2022. Frenemies: Overcoming audiences' ideological opposition to firm-activist collaborations. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(2): 469-514.
Okuda, K. 1973. Comments on Wildavsky's "Why planning fails in Nepal". Administrative Science Quarterly 18(4): 544-550.
Oldham, G. R. and D. J. Brass. 1979. Employee reactions to an open-plan office: A naturally occurring quasi-experiment. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(2): 267-284.
Oldham, G. R. and J. R. Hackman. 1981. Relationships between organizational structure and employee reactions: Comparing alternative frameworks. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 66-83.
Oldham, G. R. and N. L. Rotchford. 1983. Relationships between office characteristics and employee reactions: A study of the physical environment. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(4): 542-556.
Olive, B. A. 1967. The administration of higher education: A bibliographical survey. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(4): 671-677.
Oliver, C. 1988. The collective strategy framework: An application to competing predictions of isomorphism. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(4): 543-561.
Ondrack, D. A. 1975. Socialization in professional schools: A comparative study. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(1): 97-103.
Organ, D. W. and C. W. Greene. 1973. Some comments about comments: A reply to Beck. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(3): 395-397.
Organ, D. W. and C. N. Greene. 1981. The effects of formalization on professional involvement: A compensatory process approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(2): 237-252.
Orlikowski, W. J. and J. Yates. 1994. Genre repertoire: The structuring of communicative practices in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(4): 541-574.
Ornstein, M. 1984. Interlocking directorates in Canada: Intercorporate or class alliance? Administrative Science Quarterly 29(2): 210-231.
Ornstein, S. 2011. Book review: A Company of One: Insecurity, Independence, and the New World of White-Collar Unemployment by C. M. Lane. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(4): 647-649.
Osborn, R. N. and J. G. Hunt. 1974. Environment and organizational effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(2): 231-246.
Osterman, P. 1995. Work/family programs and the employment relationship. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(4): 681-700.
Osterman, P. 2006. Overcoming oligarchy: Culture and agency in social movement organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(4): 622-649.
Ou, A. Y., A. S. Tsui, A. J. Kinicki, D. A. Waldman, Z. Xiao and L. J. Song. 2014. Humble chief executive officers' connections to top management team integration and middle managers' responses. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(1): 34-72.
Ouchi, W. G. 1977. The relationship between organizational structure and organizational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(1): 95-113.
Ouchi, W. G. 1980. Markets, bureaucracies, and clans. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(1): 129-141.
Ouchi, W. G. and J. B. Dowling. 1974. Defining the span of control. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 357-365.
Ouchi, W. G. and J. B. Johnson. 1978. Types of organizational control and their relationship to emotional well being. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 293-317.
Ouchi, W. G. and M. A. Maguire. 1975. Organizational control: Two functions. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(4): 559-569.
Overton, P., R. Schneck and C. B. Hazlett. 1977. An empirical study of the technology of nursing subunits. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(2): 203-219.
Padavic, I., R. J. Ely and E. M. Reid. 2020. Explaining the persistence of gender inequality: The work-family narrative as a social defense against the 24/7 work culture. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(1): 61-111.
Padgett, J. F. 1980. Managing garbage can hierarchies. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(4): 583-604.
Padgett, J. F. 2013. Book review: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 36: The Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice: Looking Forward at Forty by A. Lomi, J. R. Harrison. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(3): 472-482.
Page, S. E. 2013. Book review: The Emergence of Organizations and Markets by J. F. Padgett, W. W. Powell. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(2): 304-306.
Pahnke, E. C., R. Katila and K. M. Eisenhardt. 2015. Who takes you to the dance? How partners' institutional logics influence innovation in young firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4): 596-633.
Palen, J. J. 1969. Belief in government control and the displaced worker. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 584-593.
Palmer, D. 1983. Broken ties: Interlocking directorates and intercorporate coordination. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(1): 40-55.
Palmer, D. 2006. Taking stock of the criteria we use to evaluate one another's work: ASQ 50 years out. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(4): 535-559. (Palmer embraces Weick's definition of stock taking as "a complex mixture of appreciation, wariness, anticipation, regret, and pride, all fused into thoughts of renewal." Palmer reviews the vision of organization studies established when the ASQ was first published in 1956, identifies seven controversies related to whether ASQ scholars have clung too closely to, or strayed to far from, the founder's vision for the journal, and offers his own thoughts on the concerns and challenges that ASQ scholars might do well to contemplate. The seven controversies relate to concerns about the field's: 1) object of inquiry, 2) devotion to theory building, 3) paradigmatic heterogeneity, 4) mode of building theory and conducting research, 5) disciplinary status and foundation, 6) relevance to practitioners, and 7) Anglocentrism).
Palmer, D. 2014. Book review: Corporate Wrongdoing and the Art of the Accusation by R. R. Faulkner. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(2): 370-373.
Palmer, D. and B. M. Barber. 2001. Challengers, elites, and owning families: A social class theory of corporate acquisitions in the 1960s. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(1): 87-120.
Palmer, D., R. Friedland, P. D. Jennings and M. E. Powers. 1987. The economics and politics of structure: The multidivisional form and the large U.S. corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(1): 25-48.
Palmer, D. A., P. D. Jennings and X. Zhou. 1993. Late adoption of the multidivisional form by large U.S. corporations: Institutional, political, and economic accounts. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(1): 100-131.
Park, S. H. and J. D. Westphal. 2013. Social discrimination in the corporate elite: How status affects the propensity for minority CEOs to receive blame for low firm performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(4): 542-586.
Park, S. H., J. D. Westphal and I. Stern. 2011. Set up for a fall: The insidious effects of flattery and opinion conformity toward corporate leaders. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(2): 257-302.
Parker, M. 2009. Book Review: Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform by Catherine Weaver. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(3): 540-542.
Parker, M. 2011. Book review: Flexible Firm: The Design of Culture at Bang & Olufsen by J. Krause-Jensen. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(1): 133-135.
Parmerlee, M. A., J. P. Near and T. C. Jensen. 1982. Correlates of whistle-blowers' perceptions of organizational retaliation. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(1): 17-34.
Parsons, T. 1956. Suggestions for a sociological approach to the theory of organizations I. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(1): 63-85.
Parsons, T. 1956. Suggestions for a sociological approach to the theory of organizations II. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(2): 225-239.
Pascale, R. T. 1978. Communication and decision making across cultures: Japanese and American comparisons. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(1): 91-110.
Pasmore, W. and F. Friedlander. 1982. An action-research program for increasing employee involvement in problem solving. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(3): 343-362.
Pasmore, W. and F. Friedlander. 1982. Errata: An action-research program for increasing employee involvement in problem solving. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(4): 690.
Patchen, M. 1962. Supervisory methods and group performance norms. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(3): 275-294.
Patchen, M. 1965. Labor-management consultation at TVA: Its impact on employees. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(2): 149-174.
Patil, S. V. 2019. "The public doesn't understand": The self-reinforcing interplay of image discrepancies and political ideologies in law enforcement. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(3): 737-769.
Pattenaude, R. L. 1974. A critique of "Role variety" as a measure of organizational specialization. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(4): 575-577.
Patterson, S. C. 1970. The professional staffs of congressional committees. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 22-37.
Patto, C. V. 1975. Budgeting under crisis: The Confederacy as a poor country. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(3): 355-370.
Paulson, S. K. 1974. Causal analysis of interorganizational relations: An axiomatic theory revised. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 319-337.
Paulson, S. K. 1975. Reply to Ross. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 297.
Payne, R. L. and R. Mansfield. 1973. Relationships of perceptions of organizational climate to organizational structure, context, and hierarchical position. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(4): 515-526
Peabody, R. L. 1962. Perceptions of organizational authority: A comparative analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(4): 463-482.
Pearson, C. M. 2010. Book review: Crisis Management in a Complex World by D. R. Gilpin, P. J. Murphy. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 170-171.
Pedersen, K. M. 1977. A proposed model for evaluation studies. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(2): 306-317.
Pelled, L. H., K. M. Eisenhardt and K. R. Xin. 1999. Exploring the black box: An analysis of work group diversity, conflict, and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(1): 1-28.
Pellegrin, R. J. and C. H. Coates. 1957. Executives and supervisors: Contrasting definitions of career success. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(4): 506-517.
Pelz, D. C. 1956. Some social factors related to performance in a research organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(3): 310-325.
Pelz, D. C. 1959. Interaction and attitudes between scientists and the auxiliary staff: I. Viewpoint of staff. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(3): 321-336.
Pelz, D. C. 1960. Interaction and attitudes between scientists and the auxiliary staff: II. Viewpoint of scientists. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(4): 410-425.
Pennings, J. M. 1970. Work-value systems of white-collar workers. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(4): 397-405.
Pennings, J. M. 1975. The relevance of the structural-contingency model for organizational effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(3): 393-410.
Pennings, J. M. 1976. Dimensions of organizational influence and their effectiveness correlates. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 688-699.
Pennings, J. M. 1977. Erratum: Dimensions of organizational influence and their effectiveness correlates. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(1): 139.
Pennings, J. M. 1982. Organizational birth frequencies: An empirical investigation. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(1): 120-144.
Pentland, B. T. 1992. Organizing moves in software support hot lines. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(4): 527-548.
Pentland, B. T. and H. H. Rueter. 1994. Organizational routines as grammars of action. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(3): 484-510.
Perkins, S. E. 2014. When does prior experience pay? Institutional experience and the multinational corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(1): 145-181.
Perlow, L. A. 1998. Boundary control: The social ordering of work and family time in a high-tech corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 328-357.
Perlow, L. A. 1999. The time famine: Toward a sociology of work time. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(1): 57-81.
Perrow, C. 1983. The organizational context of human factors engineering. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(4): 521-541.
Perrow, C. 1985. Comment on Langton's "Ecological theory of bureaucracy". Administrative Science Quarterly 30(2): 278-283.
Perrow, C. 2009. Book review: High Reliability Management: Operating on the Edge by Emery Roe, Paul R. Schulman. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 364-367.
Peterson, K. D. 1984. Mechanisms of administrative control over managers in educational organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(4): 573-597.
Peterson, M. F. 2009. Book review: The Academy of Management Annals, Volume 1 by James P. Walsh, Arthur P. Brief. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 356-360.
Peterson, R. A. and D. G. Berger. 1971. Entrepreneurship in organizations: Evidence from the popular music industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 97-106.
Petriglieri, G. 2019. Book review essay: The real winners in the arms race for global talent. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(3): NP24-NP29. (Kerr, W. R. The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy, and Society).
Petriglieri, G. 2020. Book review essay: Nostalgia and defiance on the frontlines of the war on work. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(4): NP33-NP39. (David L. Blustein. 2019. The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty: The Eroding Work Experience in America. Oxford University Press).
Petriglieri, G., J. L. Petriglieri and J. D. Wood. 2018. Fast tracks and inner journeys: Crafting portable selves for contemporary careers. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(3): 479-525.
Petriglieri, G., S. J. Ashford and A. Wrzesniewski. 2019. Agony and ecstasy in the gig economy: Cultivating holding environments for precarious and personalized work identities. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(1): 124-170.
Petriglieri, J. L. 2015. Co-creating relationship repair: Pathways to reconstructing destabilized organizational identification. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(3): 5118-557.
Petriglieri, J. L. and O. Obodaru. 2019. Secure-base relationships as drivers of professional identity development in dual-career couples. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(3): 694-736.
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