Management And Accounting Web

Main Bibliography
Section N: NAU-NIC


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Nau, C. H. 1907. Honest accounting is needed. Journal of Accountancy (June): 91-92.

Nau, C. H. 1907. The experience of Cleveland's street railways with three cent fares. Journal of Accountancy (April): 417-428.

Nau, C. H. 1913. Accounting as a basis for and a measure of efficiency in business. Journal of Accountancy (March): 143-156.

Nau, C. H. 1913. Municipal recognition of the certified public accountant. Journal of Accountancy (August): 99-109.

Nau, C. H. 1914. Uniform systems of accounts for public utilities. Journal of Accountancy (June): 412-426.

Nau, C. H. 1917. Comparative value of personal reputation and conferred degrees. Journal of Accountancy (October): 247-253.

Nau, C. H. 1921. Report of the president of the American Institute of Accountants. Journal of Accountancy (October): 241-246.

Nau, C. H. 1921. The aims of the institute. Journal of Accountancy (May): 321-328.

Nau, C. H. 1922. American Institute of Accountants - Report of the president. Journal of Accountancy (October): 241-248.

Nau, C. H. 1924. Growth of professional ethics. Journal of Accountancy (January): 1-10.

Nau, C. H. 1924. The balance-sheet - Its importance, content and preparation. Journal of Accountancy (March): 233-235.

Nau, C. H. 1925. The Profession of an Accountant. Journal of Accountancy (November): 390-394.

Nau, R. F. 2006. Uncertainty aversion with second-order utilities and probabilities. Management Science (January): 136-145.

Naughton, B. 2007. The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth. The MIT Press.

Naughton, B. and K. S. Tsai. Editors. 2015. State Capitalism, Institutional Adaptation, and the Chinese Miracle. Cambridge University Press.

Naughton, J. and H. Spamann. 2015. Deficiencies in accounting and finance reporting of state and municipal governments. The CPA Journal (June): 16-17.

Naughton, J. and H. Spamann. 2015. The authors respond: Reconciling budgetary performance with GASB statements. The CPA Journal (November): 19-20.

Naughton, J., R. Petacchi and J. Weber. 2015. Public pension accounting rules and economic outcomes. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 221-241.

Naughton, J. P. 2019. Regulatory oversight and trade-offs in earnings management: Evidence from pension accounting. Review of Accounting Studies 24(2): 456-490.

Naughton, J. P., C. Wang, and I. Yeung. 2019. Investor sentiment for corporate social performance. The Accounting Review (July): 401-420.

Naughton, J. P., R. Roga, J. Sunder and R. Zhang. 2018. SEC monitoring of foreign firms' disclosures in the presence of foreign regulators. Review of Accounting Studies 23(4): 1355-1388.

Naughton, J. P., T. O. Rusticus, C. Wang and I. Yeung. 2019. Private litigation costs and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from the Morrison ruling. The Accounting Review (May): 303-327.

Naumann, F. J. 1933. The development of standard order-handling and order-filling cost rates. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 15): 777-788.

Naumann, S. E. and N. Bennett. 2000. A case for procedural justice climate: Development and test of a multilevel model. The Academy of Management Journal 43(5): 881-889.

Naumovska, I. and D. Lavie. 2021. When an industry peer is accused of financial misconduct: Stigma versus competition effects on non-accused firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 1130-1172.

Navabi, A. 2014. Why There is No God: Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for the Existence of God. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Navani, V. S. 2005. Commuting expenses: What is a "metropolitan area"? Journal of Accountancy (January): 75-76.

Navarro, P. 2004. Principles of the master cyclist. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 20-24.

Navarro, P. 2009. Recession-proofing your organization. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 45-51.

Navarro, P., S. W. G. Robb, S. G. Sutton and M. M. Weisner. 2020. The cost stickiness of information technology material weaknesses: An intertemporal comparison between it-related and other material weaknesses. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (37): 100454.

Naveh, E., T. Katz-Navon and Z. Stern. 2005. Treatment errors in healthcare: A safety climate approach. Management Science (June): 948-960.

Navis, C. and M. A. Glynn. 2010. How new market categories emerge: Temporal dynamics of legitimacy, identity, and entrepreneurship in satellite radio, 1990-2005. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(3): 439-471.

Navissi, F. and VG Sridhran. 2017. Determinants of target costing adoption: A research note. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(1): 67-77.

Navissi, F., VG Sridharan, M. Khedmati, E. K. Y. Lim and E. Evdokimov. 2017. Business strategy, over- (under-) investment, and managerial compensation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(2): 63-86.

Nayak, S. and J. Bhatnagar. 2018. Case study: Are our customer liaisons helping or hurting? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 147-151.

Nayar, V. 2010. A maverick CEO explains how he persuaded his team to leap into the future. Harvard Business Review (June): 110-113.

Naylor, E. E. 1940. Budgetary and proprietary accounts of the federal government. The Accounting Review (December): 485-494.

Naylor, J. C. 1924. Normal vs. actual overhead. Manufacturers' News (April 26): 11-12.

Naylor, J. C. 1924. Overhead. Manufacturers' News (May 3): 26-28.

Naylor, T. H., J. M. Finger, J. L. McKenney, W. E. Schrank and C. C. Holt. 1967. Verification of computer simulation models. Management Science (October): B92-B106.

Nayyar, P. R. 1992. Performance effects of three foci in service firms. The Academy of Management Journal 35(5): 985-1009.

Nayyar, P. R. 1993. On the measurement of competitive strategy: Evidence from a large multiproduct U.S. firm. The Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1652-1669.

Nayyar, P. R. 1993. Performance effects of information asymmetry and economies of scope in diversified service firms. The Academy of Management Journal 36(1): 28-57.

Ndubizu, G. A. 2007. Do cross-border listing firms manage earnings or seize a window of opportunity? The Accounting Review (July): 1009-1030.

Neal, D. W. 1961. Cost control charts - An application of statistical techniques. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 73-78.

Neal, D. W. 1961. Straight-line projections with the learning curve. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 62.

Neal, E. V. 1899. Modern Banking and Bank Accounting: Containing a Complete Exposition on the Most Approved Methods of Bank Accounting, Designed as a Text Book. Williams & Rogers.

Neal, E. V. 2010. Modern Banking and Bank Accounting: Containing a Complete Exposition on the Most Approved Methods of Bank Accounting, Designed as a Text Book... Nabu Press. (Reproduction of the 1923 edition).

Neal, J. E. 2000. Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals: A Guide to Successful Evaluations. Neal Publications.

Neale, B. 2018. Think big and be bigger. Strategic Finance (October): 71.

Neale, M. A. and M. H. Bazerman. 1985. The effects of framing and negotiator overconfidence on bargaining behaviors and outcomes. The Academy of Management Journal 28(1): 34-49.

Near, J. P., C. A. Smith, R. W. Rice and R. G. Hunt. 1984. A comparison of work and nonwork predictors of life satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 27(1): 184-190.

Near, J. P., R. W. Rice and R. G. Hunt. 1978. Work and extra-work correlates of life and job satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 21(2): 248-264.

Neave, H. R. 1990. The Deming Dimension. Knoxville, Tennessee: SPC Press, Inc.

Neave, H. R. 1991. Deming speaks to European Executives. The British Deming Association.

Neave, H. R. 2000. The Deming dimension: Management for a better future. The Swiss Deming Institute.

Nebeker, D. M. 1975. Situational favorability and perceived environmental uncertainty: An integrative approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 281-294.

Neboian, A. and S. Spinler. 2015. Fleet replacement, technology choice, and the option to breach a leasing contract. Decision Sciences 46(1): 7-35.

Nebolsine, N. 2018. Client communications protected by Sec. 7525. Journal of Accountancy (August): 60.

Nedd, A. N. B. 1971. The simultaneous effects of several variables on attitudes toward change. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 258-270.

Nee, V. 1992. Organizational dynamics of market transition: Hybrid forms, property rights, and mixed economy in China. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(1): 1-27.

Needham, J. W. 1957. A records management procedure. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 808-813.

Needham, R. 2003. Team Secrets Of The Navy Seals. Andrews McMeel Publishing.

Needles, B. E. Jr. 1971. Budgeting techniques: Subjective to probabilistic. Management Accounting (December): 39-45.

Needles, B. E. Jr. 1973. Freedom and learning: An approach and first results. The Accounting Review (January): 143-148.

Needles, B. E. Jr., editor. 1985. Comparative International Auditing Standards. American Accounting Association.

Needles, B. E. Jr. 2012. Graeber Companies, Inc.: Examining impairment of equity-owned investments. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1215-1241.

Needles, B. E. Jr. and M. Powers. 1990. A comparative study of models of accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 250-267.

Needles, B. E. Jr. and M. Powers. 2009. International Financial Reporting Standards. South-Western.

Neel, H. H. 1929. Accounting for dairy products. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 1).

Neel, M. 2017. Accounting comparability and economic outcomes of mandatory IFRS adoption. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 658-690.

Neeley, P. and G. A. Robason. 1967. Governmental accounting: A critical evaluation. The Accounting Review (April): 366-369.

Neeley, T. 2012. Global business speaks English. Harvard Business Review (May): 116-124.

Neeley, T. 2015. Global teams that work. Harvard Business Review (October): 74-81.

Neeley, T. and P. Leonardi. 2022. Developing a digital mindset: How to lead your organization into the age of data, algorithms, and AI. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 50-55.

Neeley, T. and R. S. Kaplan. 2014. What's your language strategy? It should bind your company's global talent management and vision.  Harvard Business Review (September): 70-76.

Neely, A. 2002. Business Performance Measurement. Cambridge University Press.

Neely, A. and C. Adams. 2001. The performance prism perspective. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 7-15.

Neely, A. M. Bourne and M. Kennerley. 2003. Dysfunctional performance through dysfunctional measures. Cost Management (September/October): 41-45.

Neely, D. G. 2011. The impact of regulation on the U.S. nonprofit sector: Initial evidence from the Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004. Accounting Horizons (March): 107-125.

Neely, D. G. and D. Tinkelman. 2013. The Whip Cancer Walk: A case of real earnings management in the nonprofit sector. Journal of Accounting Education 31(3): 294-309.

Neely, M. P. and J. S. Cook. 2011. Fifteen years of data and information quality literature: Developing a research agenda for accounting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 79-108.

Negandhi, A. R. 1970. Comments: "The comparative management theory jungle". The Academy of Management Journal 13(1): 103-105.

Negandhi, A. R. 1975. Comparative management and organization theory: A marriage needed. The Academy of Management Journal 18(2): 334-344.

Negandhi, A. R. and B. C. Reimann. 1972. A contingency theory of organization re-examined in the context of a developing country. The Academy of Management Journal 15(2): 137-146.

Negandhi, A. R. and B. C. Reimann. 1973. Correlates of decentralization: Closed and open systems perspectives. The Academy of Management Journal 16(4): 570-582.

Negandhi, A. R. and B. D. Estafen. 1965. A research model to determine the applicability of American management know-how in differing cultures and/or environments. The Academy of Management Journal 8(4): 309-318.

Negangard, E. M. and R. G. Fay. 2020. Electronic discovery (ediscovery): Performing the early stages of the Enron investigation. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 43-58.

Negnevitsky, M. 2001. Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems. Addison Wesley.

Nehmer, R. A. 2020. Associate editor's introduction of the JETA special issue on future labs: Building the accounting technologies of tomorrow today. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(1): 41-42.

Neikirk, W. W. 1949. Organizing the business report. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 15): 193-204.

Neikirk, W. W. 1951. How direct costing can work for management. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 523-535.

Neill, J. D., S. G. Pourciau and T. F. Schaefer. 1995. Accounting method choice and IPO valuation. Accounting Horizons (September): 68-80.

Neilsen, O. 1954. Direct costing - The case "for". The Accounting Review (January): 89-93. (I believe this should be O. Nielsen).

Neilson, G. L. and J. Wulf. 2012. How many direct reports? Senior leaders, always pressed for time, are nonetheless broadening their span of control. Harvard Business Review (April): 112-119.

Neilson, G. L., B. A. Pasternack, and K. E. Van Nuys. 2005. The passive-aggressive organization. Harvard Business Review (October): 82-92. (Healthy vs. unhealthy organizations).

Neilson, G. L., K. L. Martin and E. Powers. 2008. The secrets to successful strategy execution. Harvard Business Review (June): 60-70.

Neilson, J. J. 2022. Investor information gathering and the resolution of uncertainty. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101513.

Neilson, J. J., S. G. Ryan, K. P. Wang and B. Xie. 2022. Asset-level transparency and the (E)valuation of asset-backed securities. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 1131-1183.

Neiman, W. L. 1954. Accounting for cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1284-1294.

Neimark, M. and T. Tinker. 1986. The social construction of management control systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 11(4-5): 369-395. (Summary).

Nekrasov, A. 2016. Equity value as a function of (eps1, dps1, bvps, beta): Concepts and realities. Discussion of Ohlson and Johannesson. Abacus 52(1): 100-105.

Nekrasov, A. and M. Ogneva. 2011. Using earnings forecasts to simultaneously estimate firm-specific cost of equity and long-term growth. Review of Accounting Studies 16(3): 414-457.

Nekrasov, A. and P. K. Shroff. 2009. Fundamentals-based risk measurement in valuation. The Accounting Review (November): 1938-2011.

Nekrasov, A., S. H. Teoh and S. Wu. 2022. Visuals and attention to earnings news on twitter. Review of Accounting Studies 27(4): 1233-1275.

Nellen, A. and J. A. Porter. 2016. 30 years after the Tax Reform Act: Still aiming for a better tax system. Journal of Accountancy (October): 60-61.

Nelms, L. L. and D. L. Crouse. 1989. CFO's headache: Surety bonds. Management Accounting (October): 39-43. (Related to construction companies).

Nelson, A., C. Anthony and M. Tripsas. 2023. "If I could turn back time": Occupational dynamics, technology trajectories, and the reemergence of the analog music synthesizer. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(2): 551-599.

Nelson, A. T. 1989. A new direction in accounting education - The AICPA steps out. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 211-217.

Nelson, A. T. 1991. An update on the 150-Hour educational requirement. Journal of Accounting Education 9(1): 53-62.

Nelson, A. T. 1996. The future for accounting education: A view from the rocking chair. Journal of Accounting Education 14(2): 245-254.

Nelson, B. and K. H. Blanchard. 1994. 1001 Ways to Reward Employees. Workman Publishing Company.

Nelsen, B. J. and S. R. Barley. 1997. For love or money? Commodification and the construction of an occupational mandate. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(4): 619-653.

Nelson, C. J. 1964. Risk management and the accountant. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 57-61.

Nelson, C. L. 1953. Use of accounting data in national-income estimation. The Accounting Review (April): 186-190.

Nelson, C. L. 1967. Critical synthesis of conference papers. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 235-240.

Nelson, C. J. 1949. Putting the factory ledger on punched cards. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 67-76.

Nelson, C. M. 2001. Distance learning: A beginner’s perspective. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 33-39.

Nelson, C. R. 1971. Discussion of a statistical model of earnings estimation. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 191-192.

Nelson, D. C. and J. D. Bell. 2004. Profiles in Entrepreneurship: Leaving More Than Footprints. South-Western Educational Publishing.

Nelson, D. L. and C. Sutton. 1990. Chronic work stress and coping: A longitudinal study and suggested new directions. The Academy of Management Journal 33(4): 859-869.

Nelson, E. G. 1935. That balance-sheet approach. The Accounting Review (December): 313-317.

Nelson, E. G. 1939. A note on principles of accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 350-355.

Nelson, E. G. 1942. The relation between the balance sheet and the profit-and-loss statement. The Accounting Review (April): 132-141.

Nelson, E. G. 1947. A brief study of balance sheets. The Accounting Review (October): 341-352.

Nelson, E. G. 1949. Science and accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 354-359.

Nelson, G. 1919. Depreciation and depletion in relation to income tax returns. Journal of Accountancy (February): 111-119.

Nelson, G. K. 1952. An internship program for accounting majors. The Accounting Review (July): 382-385.

Nelson, G. K. 1966. Current and historical costs in financial statements. The Accounting Review (January): 42-47.

Nelson, H. G. 1961. Impact and validity of the Ford and Carnegie reports on business education. The Accounting Review (April): 179-185.

Nelson, H. J. 1922. Logging costs. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (March 15): 3-14.

Nelson, I. 1995. What’s new about accounting education change? An historical perspective on the change movement. Accounting Horizons (December): 62-75.

Nelson, I. T. 1996. A Tetrahedral model of accounting education: A framework for research. Journal of Accounting Education 14(2): 227-236. (A model based on four factors: Characteristics of learners, learning activities, nature of materials, and criterial measures).

Nelson, I. T. 1995. What's new about accounting education change? An historical perspective on the change movement. Accounting Horizons (December): 62-75.

Nelson, I. T. and D. S. Deines. 1995. Accounting student characteristics: Results of the 1993 and 1994 Federation of Schools of Accountancy (FSA) surveys. Journal of Accounting Education 13(4): 393-411.

Nelson, I. T. and V. P. Vendrzyk. 1996. Trends in accounting student characteristics: A longitudinal study at FSA schools, 1991–1995. Journal of Accounting Education 14(4): 453-475.

Nelson, I. T., J. A. Bailey and A. T. Nelson. 1998. Changing accounting education with purpose: Market-based strategic planning for departments of accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 301-326.

Nelson, I. T., R. L. Ratliff, G. Steinhoff and G. J. Mitchell. 2003. Teaching logic to auditing students: Can training in logic reduce audit judgment errors? Journal of Accounting Education 21(3): 215-237.

Nelson, I. T., V. P. Vendrzyk, J. J. Quirin and R. D. Allen. 2002. No, the sky is not falling: Evidence of accounting student characteristics at FSA schools, 1995-2000. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 269-287.

Nelson, J. H. 1973. Behavioral implications of internal auditing. Management Accounting (October): 52-56.

Nelson, J. S. 1993. Account and acknowledge, or represent and control? On post-modern politics and economics of collective responsibility. Accounting, Organizations and Society 18(2-3): 207-229.

Nelson, K. and R. H. Strawser. 1970. A note on APB Opinion No. 16. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 284-289.

Nelson, K. K. 1996. Fair value accounting for commercial banks: An empirical analysis of SFAS No. 107. The Accounting Review (April): 161-182.

Nelson, K. K. 2000. Rate regulation, competition, and loss reserve discounting by property-casualty insurers. The Accounting Review (January): 115-138.

Nelson, K. K., R. A. Price and B. R. Rountree. 2008. The market reaction to Arthur Andersen's role in the Enron scandal: Loss of reputation or confounding effects? Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 279-293.

Nelson, L. W. 1956. An application of productivity measurement. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 762-766.

Nelson, M. 2017. Training needs to be logical progression... Journal of Accountancy (August): 84.

Nelson, M. W. 1993. The effects of error frequency and accounting knowledge on error diagnosis in analytical review. The Accounting Review (October): 804-824.

Nelson, M. W. 2003. Behavioral evidence on the effects on principles- and rules-based standards. Accounting Horizons (March): 91-104.

Nelson, M. W. 2009. A model and literature review of professional skepticism in auditing. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 28(2): 1-34.

Nelson, M. W. and C. A. Proell. 2018. Is silence golden? Audit team leader reactions to subordinates who speak up "in the moment" and at performance appraisal. The Accounting Review (November): 281-300.

Nelson, M. W. and D. J. Skinner. 2013. How should we think about earnings quality? A discussion of "Earnings quality: Evidence from the field". Journal of Accounting and Economics (December Supplement): 34-41.

Nelson, M. W. and K. K. Rupar. 2015. Numerical formats within risk disclosures and the moderating effect of investors' concerns about management discretion. The Accounting Review (May): 1149-1168.

Nelson, M. W. and W. B. Tayler. 2007. Information pursuit in financial statement analysis: Effects of choice, effort, and reconciliation. The Accounting Review (May): 731-758.

Nelson, M. W. and W. R. Kinney, Jr. 1997. The effect of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments. The Accounting Review (April): 257-274.

Nelson, M. W., C. A. Proell and A. E. Randel. 2016. Team-oriented leadership and auditors' willingness to raise audit issues. The Accounting Review (November): 1781-1805.

Nelson, M. W., J. A. Ellciott and R. L. Tarpley. 2002. Evidence from auditors about managers' and auditors' earnings management decisions. The Accounting Review (Supplement: Quality of Earnings Conference): 175-202.

Nelson, M. W., J. A. Elliott and R. L. Tarpley. 2003. How are earnings managed? Examples from auditors. Accounting Horizons (Supplement): 17-35. (Based 253 auditor responses).

Nelson, M. W., R. Libby and S. E. Bonner. 1995. Knowledge structure and the estimation of conditional probabilities in audit planning. The Accounting Review (January): 27-47.

Nelson, M. W., S. D. Krische and R. J. Bloomfield. 2003. Confidence and investors' reliance on disciplined trading strategies. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 503-523.

Nelson, M. W., S. D. Smith and Z. Palmrose. 2005. The effect of quantitative materiality approach on auditors' adjustment decisions. The Accounting Review (July): 897-920.

Nelson, N. E. 1979. Grievance rates and technology. The Academy of Management Journal 22(4): 810-815.

Nelson, O. S. 1934. Teaching accounting systems. The Accounting Review (March): 83-89.

Nelson, O. S. 1934. The Clark plan of retail accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 242-246.

Nelson, O. S. 1944. Cost principles in termination settlements. The Accounting Review (October): 422-430.

Nelson, O. S. 1945. Testing obsolescence in fixed assets. The Accounting Review (October): 447-458.

Nelson, O. S. 1951. Capital gains from price level increases. The Accounting Review (January): 31-32.

Nelson, O. S. 1951. Trends and problems in governmental and institutional accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 179-184.

Nelson, R. 1995. Recent evolutionary theorizing about economic change. Journal of Economic Literature 33: 48-90.

Nelson, R. B. 1995. Motivating employees with informal awards. Management Accounting (November): 30-34.

Nelson, R. E. 1989. The strength of strong ties: Social networks and intergroup conflict in organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 32(2): 377-401.

Nelson, R. E. 1993. Authority, organization, and societal context in multinational churches. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(4): 653-682.

Nelson, R. F. 1952. Seven basic reports on productive operations. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 748-753.

Nelson, R. H. 1953. The momentum theory of goodwill. The Accounting Review (October): 491-499.

Nelson, R. T. 1967. Labor and machine limited production systems. Management Science (May): 648-671.

Nelson, T. G. 1987. Post-retirement benefits: The tip of the financial iceberg. Management Accounting (January): 52-55.

Nelson, W. D. 1981. A guide to accounting for costs of discontinued operations. Management Accounting (April): 43-48.

Nelson, W. G. IV. 1962. Could game theory aid capital budgeting? N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 49-58.

Nelson, W. G. IV. 1966. Two cost-of-capital standards? Management Accounting (May): 29-32.

Nelson-Pallmeyer, J. 2003. Is Religion Killing Us?: Violence in the Bible and the Quran. Trinity Pr Intl.

Nembhard, D., K. Yip and A. Shtub. 2009. Comparing competitive and cooperative strategies for learning project management. International Journal of Engineering Education (April): 181-192.

Nemec, F. A. 1945. Intangible factors affecting renegotiation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 628-636.

Nemeroff, W. F. and J. Cosentino. 1979. Utilizing feedback and goal setting to increase performance appraisal interviewer skills of managers. The Academy of Management Journal 22(3): 566-576.

Nemhauser, G. L. and H. L. W. Nuttle. 1965. A quantitative approach to employment planning. Management Science (June): B155-B165.

Neprash, S. P. 1958. Don't take traffic costs for granted. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 5-13.

Nerkar, A. and S. Paruchuri. 2005. Evolution of R&D capabilities: The role of knowledge networks within a firm. Management Science (May): 771-785.

Nerlove, M. and S. Wage. 1964. On the optimality of adaptive forecasting. Management Science (January): 207-224.

Nerlove, S. H. 1930. Insiders and corporate income streams. The Accounting Review (June): 153-156.

Nerlove, S. H. 1935. Objectives attainable through accounting research. The Accounting Review (March): 29-31.

Nersessian, N. J. 1989. Conceptual change in science and in science education. Synthese 80(1) 163-184.

Nesbitt, W. L., E. Outslay and A. V. Persson. 2023. A reexamination of investors' reaction to tax shelter news: Evidence from the Luxembourg tax leaks. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 101537.

Ness, J. A., M. J. Schroeck, R. A. Letendre and W. J. Douglas. 2001. The role of ABM in measuring customer value. Strategic Finance (March): 32-37.

Ness, J. A., M. J. Schroeck, R. A. Letendre and W. J. Douglas. 2001. The role of ABM in measuring customer value - Part 2. Strategic Finance (April): 44-49.

Nessa, M., C. M. Schwab, B. Stomberg and E. M. Towery. 2020. How do IRS resources affect the corporate audit process? The Accounting Review (March): 311-338.

Nessa, M. L. 2017. Repatriation tax costs and U.S. multinational companies' shareholder payouts. The Accounting Review (July): 217-241.

Nestor, J. 1979. How cost accountants can improve public housing programs. Management Accounting (October): 40-42.

Nestor, J. 2020. Analyzing data and strategies to improve management. Cost Management (March/April): 3-4.

Nestor, O. W. and A. J. Riddell. 1979. A home health care agency cures itself. Management Accounting (July): 15-20.

Neter, J. 1952. Sampling tables: An important statistical tool for auditors. The Accounting Review (October): 475-483.

Neter, J. 1954. Problems in experimenting with the application of statistical techniques in auditing. The Accounting Review (October): 591-600.

Neter, J. 1956. Applicability of statistical sampling techniques to the confirmation of accounts receivable. The Accounting Review (January): 82-94.

Neter, J. 1966. Discussion of financial ratios as predictors of failure. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 112-118.

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