Management And Accounting Web

Main Bibliography
Section E: EAA-ELM


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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E. C. I. 1969. The Sepoy revolt in India, Brahmin mutineers "Blown from the guns". Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 557.

Eads, J. 2008. Practice Continuation Agreements. AICPA.

Eagen, J. D. 2020. The best opportunity. Strategic Finance (January): 64.

Eagle, N. 2004. Can serendipity be planned? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 10-14.

Eagly, A. H. and L. L. Carli. 2007. Women and the labyrinth of leadership. Harvard Business Review (September): 62-71.

Eakin, C. F., T. Louwers and S. Wheeler. 2009. The role of the auditor in managing public disclosures: Potentially misleading information in documents containing audited financial statements. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 1(2): 1-22.

Eakin, F. 1959. Each manager has his own compass. The Journal of the Academy of Management 2(2): 134.

Eames, M., S. M. Glover and J. Kennedy. 2002. The association between trading recommendations and broker-analysts' earnings forecasts. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 85-104.

Eames, M., S. M. Glover, and J. J. Kennedy. 2006. Stock recommendations as a source of bias in earnings forecasts. Behavioral Research in Accounting (18): 37-51.

Eames, M., S. Luttman and S. Parker. 2018. Accelerated vs. traditional accounting education and CPA exam performance. Journal of Accounting Education (44): 1-13.

Eames, M. J. and S. M. Glover. 2003. Earnings predictability and the direction of analysts' earnings forecast errors. The Accounting Review (July): 707-724.

Eapen, T. T., D. J. Finkenstadt, J. Folk and L. Venkataswamy. 2023. How generative AI can augment human creativity: Use it to promote divergent thinking. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 56-64. (Cover story).

Earl, D. W. and B. W. Rhoades. 1968. Management attention: Prerequisite to successful computer systems. Management Accounting (March): 20.

Earl, M. and B. Khan. 2001. E-commerce is changing the face of IT. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 64-72.

Earl, M. J. 1978. Prototype systems for accounting, information and control. Accounting, Organizations and Society 3(2): 161-170.

Earle, D. 1985. Providing managers with the right kind of information. Public Finance and Accountancy (March): 23.

Earley, C. E. 2001. Knowledge acquisition in auditing: Training novice auditors to recognize cue relationships in real estate valuation. The Accounting Review (January): 81-97.

Earley, C. E. 2003. A note on self-explanation as a training tool for novice auditors: The effects of outcome feedback timing and level of reasoning on performance. Behavioral Research In Accounting (15): 111-124.

Earley, C. E. and F. Phillips. 2008. Assessing audit and business risks at Toy Central Corporation. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 299-307.

Earley, C. E. and P. T. Kelly. 2004. A note on ethics education interventions in an undergraduate auditing course: Is there an "Enron effect"? Issues in Accounting Education (February): 53-71.

Earley, C. E., N. C. Feng and P. T. Kelly. 2015. The City of Providence, RI: A case examining the financial condition of a U.S. municipality. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 127-139.

Earley, C. E., V. B. Hoffman and J. R. Joe. 2008. Reducing management's influence on auditors' judgments: An experimental investigation of SOX 404 assessments. The Accounting Review (November): 1461-1485.

Earley, P. C. 1987. Intercultural training for managers: A comparison of documentary and interpersonal methods. The Academy of Management Journal 30(4): 685-698.

Earley, P. C. 1989. Social loafing and collectivism: A comparison of the United States and the People's Republic of China. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(4): 565-581.

Earley, P. C. 1993. East meets west meets mideast: Further explorations of collectivistic and individualistic work groups. The Academy of Management Journal 36(2): 319-348.

Earley, P. C. 1994. Self or group? Cultural effects of training on self-efficacy and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(1): 89-117.

Earley, P. C. and E. Mosakowski. 2000. Creating hybrid team cultures: An empirical test of transnational team functioning. The Academy of Management Journal 43(1): 26-49.

Earley, P. C. and E. Mosakowski. 2004. Cultural intelligence. Harvard Business Review (October): 139-146.

Earley, P. C. and H. Singh. 1995. International and intercultural management research: What's next? The Academy of Management Journal 38(2): 327-340.

Earley, P. C., G. B. Northcraft, C. Lee and T. R. Lituchy. 1990. Impact of process and outcome feedback on the relation of goal setting to task performance. The Academy of Management Journal 33(1): 87-105.

Early, E. 1930. Accounting for waste in industry. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 15): 903-922.

Early, J. 2009. Defined contribution plans for nonprofit organization. Journal of Accountancy (August): 38-42.

Early, J. and J. B. Davenport. 2010. Desired qualities of leaders within today's accounting firm. The CPA Journal (March): 59-62.

Earnest, E. R. 1990. Toward a revival of the principles of management. Industrial Management (January/February): 19-22.

Earnest, K. R. 1979. Applying motivational theory in management accounting. Management Accounting (December): 41-44.

Easman, W. S. Jr. 1978. Discussion of disclosure of estimates of holding gains and the assessment of systematic risk. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Changes in General and Specific Prices): 78-92.

Eason, S. B. and J. Burns. 2016. Five steps to prepare for audit season. The CPA Journal (December): 11-15.

East, L. 2002. A forensic accountant follows the money trail of Edwin Edwards. Journal of Forensic Accounting (3): 271-276.

Easterby-Smith, M. and D. Malina. 1999. Cross-cultural collaborative research: Toward reflexivity. The Academy of Management Journal 42(1): 76-86.

Easterby-Smith, M. and M. A. Lyles. Editors. 2003. The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management (Blackwell Handbooks in Management). Blackwell Publishers.

Easterday, K. and T. V. Eaton. 2010. A looming crisis for pensions. The CPA Journal (March): 56-58.

Easterday, K. and T. V. Eaton. 2012. Defined benefit pension plans: Understanding the differences between the public and private sector. The CPA Journal (September): 22-29.

Eastman, A. N. 1907. The relation of the public accountant to the lawyer. Journal of Accountancy (December): 183-187.

Eastman, D. R. 2002. What higher education is for. St. Petersburg Times (September 14): 19A. (Note).

Eastman, E. M., D. L. Eckles and A. Van Buskirk. 2021. Accounting-based regulation: Evidence from health insurers and the Affordable Care Act. The Accounting Review (March): 231-259.

Eastman, G. 1927. Do we need calendar reform? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 15): 1095-1114.

Eastman, K. K. 1994. In the eyes of the beholder: An attributional approach to ingratiation and organizational citizenship behavior. The Academy of Management Journal 37(5): 1379-1391.

Eastman, W. L. 1959. A note on the multi-commodity warehouse problem. Management Science (April): 327-331.

Eastman, W. L. 1965. Comments on a paper by Schild and Fredman. Management Science (May): 754-755.

Eastman, W. L., S. Even and I. M. Isaacs. 1964. Bounds for the optimal scheduling of n jobs on m processors. Management Science (November): 268-279.

Easton, D. 1957. Traditional and behavioral research in American political science. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(1): 110-115.

Easton, P. 2001. Discussion of: “When capital follows profitability: Non-linear residual income dynamics”. Review of Accounting Studies 6(2-3): 267-274.

Easton, P. 2003. Discussion of “The predictive value of expenses excluded from pro forma earnings”. Review of Accounting Studies 8(2-3): 175-183.

Easton, P. 2004. Discussion of “Forward versus trailing earnings in equity valuation”. Review of Accounting Studies 9(2-3): 331-336.

Easton, P. 2018. Discussion of "The effect of tax haven utilization on the implied cot of equity capital: Evidence from U.S. multinational firms." Journal of International Accounting Research 17(2): 71-73.

Easton, P. and J. Pae. 2004. Accounting conservatism and the relation between returns and accounting data. Review of Accounting Studies 9(4): 495-521.

Easton, P. and X. Zhang. 2017. Mixing fair-value and historical-cost accounting: Predictable other-comprehensive-income and mispricing of bank stocks. Review of Accounting Studies 22(4): 1732-1760.

Easton, P., G. Taylor, P. Shroff and T. Sougiannis. 2002. Using forecasts of earnings to simultaneously estimate growth and the rate of return on equity investment. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 657-676.

Easton, P., P. Shroff and G. Taylor. 2000. Permanent and transitory earnings, accounting recording lag, and the earnings coefficient. Review of Accounting Studies 5(4): 281-300.

Easton, P. D. 1985. Accounting earnings and security valuation: Empirical evidence of the fundamental links. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Earnings and Security Valuation: Current Research Issues): 54-77.

Easton, P. D. 1998. Discussion of revalued financial, tangible, and intangible assets: Association with share prices and non-market-based value estimates. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Enhancing the Financial Reporting Model): 235-247.

Easton, P. D. 1999. Commentaries base on the 1999 Doctoral Consortium: Security returns and the value relevance of accounting data. Accounting Horizons (December): 399-412.

Easton, P. D. 2004. PE ratios, PEG ratios, and estimating the implied expected rate of return on equity capital. The Accounting Review (January): 73-95.

Easton, P. D. and G. A. Sommers. 2007. Effect of analysts' optimism on estimates of the expected rate of return implied by earnings forecasts. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 983-1015.

Easton, P. D. and M. E. Zmijewski. 1989. Cross-sectional variation in the stock market response to accounting earnings announcements. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 117-141.

Easton, P. D. and M. E. Zmijewski. 1993. SEC form 10K/10Q reports and annual reports to shareholders: Reporting lags and squared market model prediction errors. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 113-129.

Easton, P. D. and S. J. Monahan. 2005. An evaluation of accounting-based measures of expected returns. The Accounting Review (April): 501-538.

Easton, P. D. and S. J. Monahan. 2016. Review of recent research on improving earnings forecasts and evaluating accounting-based estimates of the expected rate of return on equity capital. Abacus 52(1): 35-58.

Easton, P. D. and T. S. Harris. 1991. Earnings as an explanatory variable for returns. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 19-36.

Easton, P. D., P. H. Eddey and T. S. Harris. 1993. An investigation of revaluations of tangible long-lived assets. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on International Accounting): 1-38.

Easton, P. D., S. J. Monahan and F. P. Vasvari. 2009. Initial evidence on the role of accounting earnings in the bond market. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 721-766.

Easton, P. D., T. S. Harris and J. A. Ohlson. 1992. Aggregate accounting earnings can explain most of security returns: The case of long return intervals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June-September): 119-142.

Eaton, J. O. 1951. The legal battlefield of income tax administration. The Accounting Review (July): 371-383.

Eaton, J. W. 1962. Symbolic and substantive evaluative research. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(4): 421-442.

Eaton, L. N. 1970. Equating risk with investment and performance evaluation. Management Accounting (December): 19-22, 38.

Eaton, R. H. 1933. The cost approach. The Accounting Review (December): 345-348.

Eaton, T. V. 2003. The role of the forensic accountant in a criminal investigation. Journal of Forensic Accounting (4): 321-324.

Eaton, T. V. and B. R. Prucyk. 2005. No longer an "option": FASB mandates how companies should account for share-based compensation. Journal of Accountancy (April): 63-68.

Eaton, T. V. and D. E. Giacomino. 2001. An examination of personal values: Differences between accounting students and managers and differences between genders. Teaching Business Ethics 5(2): 213-229.

Eaton, T. V. and H. P. Roth. 1998. Disclosing managerial information: The Jenkins Committee recommendations. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 37-42.

Eaton, T. V. and J. B. Williams. 1998. Valuing deferred tax assets under SFAS 109. Management Accounting (March): 46-50.

Eaton, T. V. and M. Baader. 2018. Data visualization software: An introduction to Tableau for CPAs. The CPA Journal (June): 50-53.

Eaton, T. V. and S. C. Hunt. 2002. Job search and selection by academic accountants: New and relocating faculty. Journal of Accounting Education 20(2): 67-84.

Eaton, T. V. and R. J. Patterson. 2010. Underwater stock compensation: What options do employers have? The CPA Journal (November): 58-62.

Eaton, T. V. and W. T. Weber. 2008. Whistleblowing: A review of previous research and suggestions for best practices. Journal of Forensic Accounting 9(1): 21-36.

Eaton, T. V., A. Larson and J. Zhang. 2022. Building a bot: You don't need to be a software engineer or expert coder to begin using RPA to automate manual and tedious accounting and finance processes. Strategic Finance (January): 34-41.

Eaton, T. V., K. E. Easterday and M. R. Rhodes. 2013. The presentation of other comprehensive income: FASB's recent and proposed changes. The CPA Journal (March): 32-35.

Eaton, T. V., Q. L. Burke and P. Chen. 2015. Marking pension plans to market. The CPA Journal (May): 30-33.

Eaves, B. C. 1966. Operational axiomatic accounting mechanics. The Accounting Review (July): 426-442.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2020. Highlighting and celebrating diversity in lean. Cost Management (July/August): 3-5.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2020. Leadership in accounting: From the inside out. Cost Management (November/December): 3-5.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2020. Looking beyond tradition in accounting. Cost Management (September/October): 3-4.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2020. Special all-women issue: To lean and beyond. Cost Management (May/June): 3-5.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2021. Financial changes from Covid-19. Cost Management (July/August): 3-4.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2021. Practicing lean in everyday life. Cost Management (January/February): 3-5.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2021. Strategies for business and beyond. Cost Management (May/June): 3-4.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2021. Sustainability and financial planning. Cost Management (September/October): 3-4.

Ebbitt, C., G. Taylor and G. Kapanowski. 2021. Tools for financial success. Cost Management (March/April): 3-4.

Eber, J. E., P. M. Schwer and H. Mohammadi. 2013. Small company CFOs: Strategic partners or scorekeepers? Strategic Finance (December): 35-41.

Eberhardt, B. J. and A. B. Shani. 1984. The effects of full-time versus part-time employment status on attitudes toward specific organizational characteristics and overall job satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 27(4): 893-900.

Eberhart, A., W. Maxwell and A. Siddique. 2008. A reexamination of the tradeoff between the future benefit and riskiness of R&D increases. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 27-52.

Eberhart, R. N. 2022. Book review: Greenwood, R., C. Oliver, T. B. Lawrence, and R. E. Meyer (eds.). 2017. The SAGE Handbood of Organizational Institutionalism. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): NP1-NP5.

Eberhart, W. R. 1957. Group costing of products simplify operating control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 792-798.

Eberhart, W. R. 1959. Making budget measurements sensitive to product values. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 77-84.

Eberly, C. G. and D. C. Smith. 1970. Preface to "The teacher-student relation". Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 135-136.

Ebert, G. M. 1938. Cost accounting for airplane production. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 1): 1333-1351.

Ebert, M., D. Simons and J. D. Stecher. 2017. Discretionary aggregation. The Accounting Review (January): 73-91. (Hiding information via aggregation).

Ebert, S. and D. Wiesen. 2011. Testing for prudence and skewness seeking. Management Science (July): 1334-1349.

Ebey, C. F. 1982. Why don't colleges depreciate fixed assets? Management Accounting (August): 13-17.

Ebisike, O. A. 2010. Real Estate Accounting Made Easy, 2nd edition. Wiley.

Ebright, J. S. 1952. The accountant's part in market development. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1227-1233.

Eccher, E. A. 1998. Discussion of the value relevance of intangibles: The case of software capitalization. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Enhancing the Financial Reporting Model): 193-198.

Eccher, E. A., K. Ramesh and S. R. Thiagarajan. 1996. Fair value disclosures by bank holding companies. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August-December): 79-117.

Eccles, R. 1985. The Transfer Pricing Problem. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

Eccles, R. and M. P. Krzus. 2010. One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy. Wiley.

Eccles, R. G. 1981. Bureaucratic versus craft administration: The relationship of market structure to the construction firm. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(3): 449-469.

Eccles, R. G. 1987. Analyzing Your company's transfer pricing practices. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 21-33.

Eccles, R. G. 1991. The performance measurement manifesto. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 131-137.

Eccles, R. G. 2016. Sustainability as a social movement. The CPA Journal (June): 26-31.

Eccles, R. G. 2024. Moving beyond ESG. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 100-107.

Eccles, R. G. and A. Taylor. 2023. The evolving role of chief sustainability officers. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 76-85.

Eccles, R. G. and G. Serafeim. 2013. The performance frontier. Harvard Business Review (May): 50-60.

Eccles, R. G. and M. P. Krzus. 2018. Why companies should report financial risks from climate change. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.

Eccles, R. G. and P. J. Pyburn. 1992. Creating a comprehensive system to measure performance. Management Accounting (October): 41-44. (Related to quality).

Eccles, R. G. and S. Klimenko. 2019. The investor revolution: Shareholders are getting serious about sustainability. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 106-116.

Eccles, R. G., K. M. Perkins and G. Serafeim. 2012. How to become a sustainable company. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 43-50.

Eccles, R. G., M. Johnstone-Louis, C. Mayer and J. C. Stroehle. 2020. The board's role in sustainability: A new framework for getting directors behind ESG efforts. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 48-51. (ESG refers to environmental, social, and governance. A framework called SCORE:  Simplify, connect, own, reward, and exemplify).

Eccles, R. G., M. P. Krzus and S. Ribot. 2014. The Integrated Reporting Movement: Meaning, Momentum, Motives, and Materiality. Wiley.

Eccles, R. G., R. H. Herz, E. M. Keegan and D. M. H. Phillips. 2001. The Value Reporting Revolution: Moving Beyond the Earnings Game. Wiley.

Eccles, R. G., S. C. Newquist and R. Schatz. 2007. Reputation and its risks. Harvard Business Review (February): 104-114.

Eccles, R. G., V. Shandal, D. Young and B. Montgomery. 2022. Private equity should take the lead in sustainability: Here's how. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 82-91.

Echaurren, R. M. 1969. [Illustration]: Oeuficiency. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 377.

Eckel, L. G. 1976. Arbitrary and incorrigible allocations. The Accounting Review (October): 764-777.

Eckel, N. 1981. The income smoothing hypothesis revisited. Abacus 17(1): 28-40.

Eckel, N. and R. V. Hartley. 1984/85 Linear dependence in stochastic CVP analysis. Mid Atlantic Journal of Business (Winter): 45-53.

Eckel, N. and T. Ross. 1985. Schools versus departments of accounting: Is there really a difference? Journal of Accounting Education 3(1): 5-14.

Eckel, N. and W. A. Johnson. 1983. A model for screening and classifying potential accounting majors. Journal of Accounting Education 1(2): 57-65.

Eckelkamp, C. H. 1947. An approach to budgetary control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 15): 1253-1270.

Eckenrode, R. T. 1965. Weighting multiple criteria. Management Science (November): 180-192.

Ecker, F. 2014. Information precision and long-run performance of initial public offerings. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(3): 876-910.

Ecker, F. 2016. Review of recent research on improving earnings forecasts and evaluation accounting-based estimates of the expected rate of return on equity capital. Discussion of Easton and Monahan. Abacus 52(1): 59-69.

Ecker, F. and K. Schipper. 2014. Discussion of "Analysts' cash flow forecasts and the decline of the accruals anomaly" and "Analysts' cash flow forecasts and accrual mispricing". Contemporary Accounting Research 31(4): 1171-1190.

Ecker, F., J. Francis, I. Kim, P. M. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2006. A returns-based representation of earnings quality. The Accounting Review (July): 749-780.

Ecker, F., J. Francis, P. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2013. Estimation sample selection for discretionary accruals models. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 190-211.

Ecker, F., J. Francis, P. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2021. Non-random sampling and association tests on realized returns and risk proxies. Review of Accounting Studies 26(2): 772-814.

Ecker, F., J. Francis, P. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2023. Payoffs to aggressiveness. The Accounting Review (November): 153-183.

Eckerson, W. W. 2010. Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business, 2nd edition. Wiley.

Eckhardt, J. T., S. Shane and F. Delmar. 2006. Multistage selection and the financing of new ventures. Management Science (February): 220-232.

Eckholdt, J. L. 1960. Using the break-even chart in product-line decisions. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 43-50.

Eckstein, C., P. Kyviakidis and D. Tinkelman. 1998. Resolving audit issues in a high-tech environment: A case study. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 595-612.

Economides, N. and E. Katsamakas. 2006. Two-sided competition of proprietary vs. open source technology platforms and the implications for the software industry. Management Science (July): 1057-1071.

Economist. 1996. A star to sail by? (August 2): 53-55.

Economy, E. and K. Lieberthal. 2007. Scorched earth. Will environmental risks in China overwhelm its opportunities? Harvard Business Review (June): 88-96.

Ecton, W. W. and J. A. Knoblett. 1970. Attitudes of management accountants on the investment credit issue. Management Accounting (September): 36-37, 43.

Eddey, P. H. and S. L. Taylor. 1999. Directors' recommendations on takeover bids and the management of earnings: Evidence from Australian takeovers. Abacus 35(1): 29-45.

Edds, D.B. and S. Nielsen. 2000. Activity-based costing: Affecting the culture of government and education. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 12-15.

Eddy, A. R. and H. G. Swanson. 1996. A hierarchy of skills approach to teaching accounting present value. Journal of Accounting Education 14(1): 123-131.

Eddy, W. B., B. R. Boyles and C. F. Frost. 1968. A multivariate description of organization process. The Academy of Management Journal 11(1): 49-61.

Edelen, R. M. 2021. Discussion of "Obfuscation in mutual funds": The role of financial advisers. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101449.

Edelman, B. 2014. Mastering the intermediaries. Strategies for dealing with the likes of Google, Amazon, and Kayak. Harvard Business Review (June): 86-92.

Edelman, B. 2015. How to launch your digital platform: A playbook for strategists. Harvard Business Review (April): 90-97.

Edelman, D. 1995. A note: Natural generalization of Black-Scholes in the presence of skewness, using stable processes. Abacus 31(1): 113-119.

Edelman, B. and D. Geradin. 2016. Spontaneous deregulation: How to compete with platforms that ignore the rules. Harvard Business Review (April): 80-87.

Edelman, D. C. 2010. Branding in the digital age. Harvard Business Review (December): 62-69.

Edelman, D. C. and M. Abraham. 2022. Customer experience in the age of AI. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 116-125.

Edelman, D. C. and M. Singer. 2015. Competing on customer journeys. Harvard Business Review (November): 88-100.

Edelman, F. 1960. Accounting and operations research - Example of a problem in marketing channels. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 27-36.

Edelman, R. and T. Hiltabiddle. 2006. The nice guy. Harvard Business Review (February): 21-31. (Case).

Edelman, S. and D. Moritz. 2016. Public service announcements. The CPA Journal (April): 23-27.

Edelstein, J. D. and H. J. Ruppel, Jr. 1970. Convention frequency and oligarchic degeneration in British and American unions. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 47-56.

Edelstein, L. and S. Aird. 1988. Commitment: The key to successful accounting system implementation. Management Accounting (December): 50-51.

Eden, D. 2002. From the editors: Replication, meta-analysis, scientific progress, and AMJ's publication policy. The Academy of Management Journal 45(5): 841-846.

Eden, D. 2003. From the editors: Critical management studies and the Academy of Management Journal: Challenge and counterchallenge. The Academy of Management Journal 46(4): 390-394.

Eden, D. 2004. From the editors: Reflections on the "AMJ" associate editor role. The Academy of Management Journal 47(2): 167-173.

Eden, D. and S. Rynes. 2003. From the editors: Publishing across borders: Furthering the internationalization of "AMJ". The Academy of Management Journal 46(6): 679-683.

Eden, D. F. 1972. Computerized inventory control in a small company. Management Accounting (August): 39-42, 46.

Eden, L. and L. M. Smith. 2022. The ethics of transfer pricing: Insights from the fraud triangle. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(3): 360-383.

Eden, L., M. T. Dacin and W. P. Wan. 2001. Standards across borders: Crossborder diffusion of the arm's length standard in North America. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(1): 1-23.

Eden, Y. and B. Roaz. 2007. Approximately Right, Not Precisely Wrong: Cost Accounting, Pricing & Decision Making. North River Press.

Edenburg, L. G., R. A. Price and F. J. Roman. 2019. An exploratory study of factors affecting the longevity of manufacturing operations offshore. Accounting, Organizations and Society (75): 59-78.

Ederhof, M. 2010. Discretion in bonus plans. The Accounting Review (November): 1921-1949.

Ederhof, M. 2011. Incentive compensation and promotion-based incentives of mid-level managers: Evidence from a multinational corporation. The Accounting Review (January): 131-153.

Edersheim, E. H., and B. Vanderbosch. 1991. How to make accounting count: Causal-based accounting. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 5-17. (Summary).

Edersheim, E. H. and J. Wilson. 1992. Complexity at consumer goods companies: Naming and taming the beast. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 26-36.

Edes, O. K. 1938. A standard cost system for a stationery manufacturing concern. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 1005-1029.

Edey, H. C. 1963. Company accounts in Britain: The Jenkins report. The Accounting Review (April): 262-265.

Edgar, W. B. 1954. Cost reduction to help small business. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 842-849.

Edge, M. S. and S. B. Stuber. 2022. Are auditors rewarded for low audit quality? The case of auditor lenience in the insurance industry. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 101424.

Edge, M. S., B. F. Hepfer and J. R. Robinson. 2021. What matters for in-house tax planning: Tax function power and status. The Accounting Review (July): 203-232.

Edge, M. S., Y. H. Kim and D. Wang. 2020. Do global audit firm networks apply consistent audit methodologies across jurisdictions? Evidence from financial reporting comparability. The Accounting Review (November): 151-179.

Editors, Issues in Accounting Education. 1992. Opportunities for accounting education research. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 129-130.

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El-Gazzar, S. and V. Pastena. 1991. Factors affecting the scope and initial tightness of covenant restrictions in private lending agreements. Contemporary Accounting Research 8(1): 132-151.

El-Gazzar, S., R. A. Jacob and S. P. McGregor. 2015. The relative and incremental valuation effects of embedded value disclosure by life insurers: Evidence from cross-listed firms in the U. S. Accounting Horizons (June): 327-339.

El-Gazzar, S., S. Lilien and V. Pastena. 1986. Accounting for leases by lessees. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 217-237.

El-Gazzar, S. M. 1993. Stock market effects of the closeness to debt covenant restrictions resulting from capitalization of leases. The Accounting Review (April): 258-272. (Part of a forum on the effects of violating debt covenants).

El-Gazzar, S. M. 1998. Predisclosure information and institutional ownership: A cross-sectional examination of market revaluations during earnings announcement periods. The Accounting Review (January): 119-129.

El Ghoul, S., O. Guedhami , Y. Kim and H. J. Yoon. 2021. Policy uncertainty and accounting quality. The Accounting Review (July): 233-260.

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El-Ramly, Y. 2018. Customizing talent development. Journal of Accountancy (May): 26-30.

El-Ramly, Y. 2018. Women's initiatives: A step-by-step plan: A 3-year pilot program developed by the AICPA Women's Initiatives Executive Committee highlights successful firm strategies for empowering women. Journal of Accountancy (September): 36-40, 42.

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El-Ramly, Y. and A. Dennis. 2019. Succeeding at sponsorship. Journal of Accountancy (July): 26-31. (Leadership development programs).

El-Ramly, Y, and A. Dennis. 2016. Crafting a career that fits the life you want to lead. Journal of Accountancy (October): 34-38.

El-Ramly, Y. and A. Dennis. 2016. Rising to the top on a reduced schedule. Journal of Accountancy (December): 28-32.

El-Ramly, Y. and A. Dennis. 2020. A 10-step plan for starting a coaching program. Journal of Accountancy (August): 18-22.

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El-Wakeel, F. 2019. Technology workbook: Further demystification of agile project management. Strategic Finance (August): 76-77.

El-Wakeel, F. 2020. Technology workbook: Considerations in data analytics problem structuring. Strategic Finance (October): 60-61.

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El-Wakeel, F. 2021. One step ahead. Strategic Finance (May): 63.

El-Wakeel, F. 2022. Change management in disguise: When looking at scaling data analytics within your organization, remember that factoring in change management is essential. Strategic Finance (January): 62-63.

El-Wakeel, F. 2022. Storytelling in data strategy. Strategic Finance (September): 62-63.

El-Wakeel, F. and M. Nandy. 2023. AI from cradle to SDG achievement. Strategic Finance (May): 62-63.

El-Wakeel, F., L. Jiles and R. Lawson. 2020. Storytelling with data visualization: Leverage data visualization tools and techniques to tell the story behind the data and deliver greater strategic value. Strategic Finance (December): 34-39.

Elad, C. 2000. Integrated accounting a la francaise: The perspective of the Systeme Croise. Management Accounting Research (September): 307-326. (Elad describes the conflict between managerial accounting and financial accounting in France).

Elam, R. 1975. The effect of lease data on the predictive ability of financial ratios. The Accounting Review (January): 25-43.

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Elam, R. 1996. Is the 150-hour requirement really progress? Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 205-206.

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Elam, R., M. R. Wenger and K. L. Williams. 2012. XBRL tagging of financial statement data using XML spy: The small company case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 761-781.

Elam, R., M . R. Wenger, and K . Williams. 2011. Global ledger: The next step for XBRL: Leveraging the potential throughout the accounting cycle. The CPA Journal (September): 64-71.

Elango, B., T. Srinivas and G. T. M. Hult. 2013. Understanding drivers of risk-adjusted performance for service firms with international operations. Decision Sciences 44(4): 755-783.

Elbannan, M. and W. McKinley. 2006. A theory of the corporate decision to resist FASB standards: An organization theory perspective. Accounting, Organizations and Society 31(7): 601-622.

Elbannan, M. A. 2013. Do analysts follow emerging economy firms with higher intangible assets? Empirical evidence form Egypt. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(1): 50-59.

Elbashir, M. Z., P. A. Collier and M. J. Davern. 2008. Measuring the effects of business intelligence systems: The relationship between business process and organizational performance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 9(3): 135-153.

Elbashir, M. Z., P. A. Collier and S. G. Sutton. 2011. The role of organizational absorptive capacity in strategic use of business intelligence to support integrated management control systems. The Accounting Review (January): 155-184.

Elbashir, M. Z., P. A. Collier, S. G. Sutton, M. J. Davern and S. A. Leech. 2013. Enhancing the business value of business intelligence: The role of shared knowledge and assimilation. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 87-105.

Elberse, A. 2008. Should you invest in the long tail? Harvard Business Review (July-August): 88-96.

Elberse, A. 2022. Number one in Formula One: Leadership lessons from Toto Wolff and Mercedes, the team behind one of the greatest winning streaks in all of sports. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 70-78.

Elberse, A. and A. Ferguson. 2013. Ferguson's formula. Harvard Business Review (October): 116-126. (Management of Manchester United, the English football soccer club).

Elbing, A. O. Jr. 1970. The value issue of business: The responsibility of the businessman. The Academy of Management Journal 13(1): 79-89.

Eldenburg, L. 1994. The use of information in total cost management. The Accounting Review (January): 96-121. (Part of a forum on accounting for not-for-profit organizations).

Eldenburg, L. and N. Soderstrom. 1996. Accounting system management by hospitals operating in a changing regulatory environment. The Accounting Review (January): 23-42.

Eldenburg, L. and R. Krishnan. 2003. Public versus private governance: A study of incentives and operational performance. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 377-404.

Eldenburg, L. and S. Kallapur. 1997. Changes in hospital service mix and cost allocations in response to changes in Medicare reimbursement schemes. Journal of Accounting and Economics (May): 31-51.

Eldenburg, L. G., K. A. Gunny, K. W. Hee and N. Soderstrom. 2011. Earnings management using real activities: Evidence from nonprofit hospitals. The Accounting Review (September): 1605-1630.

Eldenburg, L., N. Soderstrom, V. Willis and A. Wu. 2010. Behavioral changes following the collaborative development of an accounting information system. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(2): 222-237.

Eldenburg, L. G. and S. K. Wolcott. 2004. Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring and Motivating Performance (Management Accounting). John Wiley & Sons.

Eldenburg, L. G. and S. K. Wolcott. 2010. Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring and Motivating Performance, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Eldenburg, L. G., F. B. Gaertner and T. H. Goodman. 2015. The influence of ownership and compensation practices on charitable activities. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(1): 169-192.

Elder, J. H. 2019. Disaster preparation basics. Journal of Accountancy (September): 16.

Elder, R. G. 1968. A financial concept of working capital and its effects on accounting. Management Accounting (August): 23-26.

Elder, R. J. 1997. A comment on "Audit quality in audits of federal programs by non-federal auditors". Accounting Horizons (March): 67-71.

Elder, R. J. and A. A. Yebba. 2017. The Roslyn School District fraud: Improving school district internal control and financial oversight. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 25-39.

Elder, R. J. and A. A. Yebba. 2020. The introduction of state regulation and auditor retendering in school districts: Local audit market structure, audit pricing, and internal controls reporting. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(2): 81-115.

Elder, R. J., A. D. Akresh, S. M. Glover, J. L. Higgs and J. Liljegren. 2013. Audit sampling research: A synthesis and implications for future research. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(Supplement 1): 99-129.

Elder, R. J., C. J. Janvrin and P. Caster. 2014. Peregrine - Twenty years of fraudulent cash balances. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 37-43.

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Eleftheriou, K., I. Komarev and P. Klumpes. 2023. Regulating the market for audit services: A game theoretic approach. Abacus 59(3): 697-734.

Elemes, A., B. Blaylock and C. Spence. 2021. Tax-motivated profit shifting in big 4 networks: Evidence from Europe. Accounting, Organizations and Society (95): 101267.

Eley, G. 2023. Liberalism in Crisis: What is Fascism and Where Does it Come from? in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).

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Elfrink, J. A. and G. S. Woodruff. 2008. Recruiting the best and the brightest: The role of accounting societies. The CPA Journal (February): 68-71.

Elgers, P. and D. Murray. 1992. The relative and complementary performance of analyst and security-price-based measures of expected earnings. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June-September): 303-316.

Elgers, P., C. Callahan and E. Strock. 1987. The effect of earnings yields upon the association between unexpected earnings and security returns: A re-examination. The Accounting Review (October): 763-773.

Elgers, P. T. 1980. Accounting-based risk predictions: A re-examination. The Accounting Review (July): 389-408.

Elgers, P. T. and D. Murray. 1982. The impact of the choice of market index on the empirical evaluation of accounting risk measures. The Accounting Review (April): 358-375.

Elgers, P. T. and M. H. Lo. 1994. Reductions in analysts' annual earnings forecast errors using information in prior earnings and security returns. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 290-303.

Elgers, P. T., M. H. Lo and R. J. Pfeiffer Jr. 2001. Delayed security price adjustments to financial analysts' forecasts of annual earnings. The Accounting Review (October): 613-632.

Elgers, P. T., R. J. Pfeiffer Jr. and S. L. Porter. 2003. Anticipatory income smoothing: A re-examination. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 405-422.

Elgers, P. T., S. L. Porter and L. E. Xu. 2008. The timing of industry and firm earnings information in security prices: A re-evaluation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March): 78-93.

Elhamma, A. 2015. ABC and performance: The case of large Moroccan firms. Cost Management (July/August): 5-11.

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Elias, A. A. 2022. Multi-stakeholder participation for achieving sustainable development goals: A systems thinking approach. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Environmental Sustainability and Agenda 2030. (10): 45-65.

Elias, A. A., M. Pepper, A. Gurumurthy and A. K. Shukla. 2024. Sustainable and resilient supply chains: Opportunities for research. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain. (12): 1-11.

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Elias, N. 2012. Discussion of The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on accounting quality: Evidence from Australia. Journal of International Accounting Research 11(1): 147-154.

Elias, N. and A. Wright. 2006. Using knowledge management systems to manage knowledge resource risks. Advances in Management Accounting (15): 195-227.

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Elikai, F. and S. Moriarity. 1982. Variance analysis with PERT/COST. The Accounting Review (January): 161-170.

Eliman, E. E. 2023. Leading with data analytics. Strategic Finance (July): 28-30.

Elitzur, R. R. 1991. A model of translation of foreign financial statements under inflation in the United States and Canada. Contemporary Accounting Research 7(2): 466-484.

Elizur, D. and L. Guttman. 1976. The structure of attitudes toward work and technological change within an organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 611-622.

Elkins, A. 1968. Comments on Professor Vance's editorial comments - Campus crisis. The Academy of Management Journal 11(4): 447-449.

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Ellahie, A. 2021. Earnings beta. Review of Accounting Studies 26(1): 81-123. (Easy-to-construct earnings beta is useful for researchers requiring a measure of systematic risk).

Ellahie, A., A. Tahoun and I. Tuna. 2017. Do common inherited beliefs and values influence CEO pay? Journal of Accounting and Economics (November): 346-367.

Ellahie, A. and X. Peng. 2021. Management forecasts of volatility. Review of Accounting Studies 26(2): 620-657.

Ellahie, A. and Z. Kaplan. 2021. Show me the money! Dividend policy in countries with weak institutions. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 613-655.

Ellahie, A., R. M. Hayes and M. A. Plumlee. 2022. Growth matters: Disclosure and risk premium. The Accounting Review (July): 259-286.

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Ellenberger, J. O. 1961. A look at depreciation accounting in nonprofit organizations. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 55-62.

Ellifsen, A., W. R. Knechel and P. Wallage. 2001. Application of the business risk audit model: A field study. Accounting Horizons (September): 193-207.

Elling, R. H. and S. Halebsky. 1961. Organizational differentiation and support: A conceptual framework. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(2): 185-209.

Ellingson, B. and A. Krasnyanskaya. 2016. You are recruiting every day. Journal of Accountancy (October): 108.

Elliot, J. 1964. Write to be read. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 10.

Elliot, V. H., M. Paananen and M. Staron. 2020. Artificial intelligence for decision-makers. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(1): 51-55.

Elliott, C. W. 1965. The lower of cost or market test for foreign inventories. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 12-17.

Elliott, C. W. 1966. Quasi-reorganization of an international corporation in the event of currency devaluation. Management Accounting (November): 60-63.

Elliott, E. L., J. Larrea and J. M. Rivera. 1968. Accounting aid to developing countries: Some additional considerations. The Accounting Review (October): 763-768.

Elliott, F. 1921. Cost accounting in the laundry industry. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (October): 3-21.

Elliott, G. 2001. The seven principles of effective cost management. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 40-44.

Elliott, G. S. 1975. Leasing of capital equipment. Management Accounting (December): 39-42.

Elliott, G. S. 1980. Analyzing the cost of capital. Management Accounting (December): 12-13, 16-18.

Elliott, J. 1985. Discussion of market association tests and FASB Statement No. 33 Disclosures: A reexamination. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Earnings and Security Valuation: Current Research Issues): 24-27.

Elliott, J., G. Richardson, T. Dyckman and R. Dukes. 1984. The impact of SFAS No. 2 on firm expenditures on research and development: Replications and extensions. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 85-102.

Elliott, J. A. 1982. "Subject to" audit opinions and abnormal security returns-outcomes and ambiguities. Journal of Accounting Research (Part II, Autumn): 617-638.

Elliott, J. A. and D. R. Philbrick. 1990. Accounting changes and earnings predictability. The Accounting Review (January): 157-174.

Elliott, J. A. and J. D. Hanna. 1996. Repeated accounting write-offs and the information content of earnings. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure Issues in Accounting, 1996): 135-155.

Elliott, J. A. and R. J. Swieringa. 1985. Aetna, the SEC and tax benefits of loss carryforwards. The Accounting Review (July): 531-546.

Elliott, J. A. and W. H. Shaw. 1988. Write-offs as accounting procedures to manage perceptions. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 91-119.

Elliott, J. A., A. Ghosh and D. Moon. 2010. Asymmetric valuation of sustained growth by bond- and equity-holders. Review of Accounting Studies 15(4): 833-878.

Elliott, J. A., A. Ghosh and E. Peltier. 2013. Pricing of risky initial audit engagements. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(4): 25-43.

Elliott, J. A., J. D. Hanna and W. H. Shaw. 1991. The evaluation by the financial markets of changes in bank loan loss reserve levels. The Accounting Review (October): 847-861.

Elliott, J. D. 1945. Customers' billing in an electric utility. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 1): 189-200.

Elliott, J. D. 1946. Accounts receivable in volume. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 1): 598-603.

Elliott, J. D. 1968. Communications and automation. Management Accounting (June): 18-22.

Elliott, J. L. 1965. Preparation of cash-flow forecasts and funds statements. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 55-61.

Elliott, J. W. and H. L. Uphoff. 1972. Predicting the near term profit and loss statement with an econometric model: A feasibility study. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 259-274.

Elliott, J. W. and P. Soelberg. 1971. Simulation exploration of the power of marginal regression analysis. Decision Sciences 2(3): 253-259.

Elliott, L. M. 1952. Current external influences on product costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1052-1066.

Elliott, M. 2019. Try new things, and learn as much as you can. Journal of Accountancy (November): 76.

Elliott, R. and H. K. Duan. 2022. The future of auditing: An interview with Robert Elliott. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 19(2): 23-27.

Elliott, R. K. 1991. Accounting education and research at the crossroad. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 1-8.

Elliott, R. K. 1991. Improvements in the early employment experience. Accounting Horizons (September): 115-119.

Elliott, R. K. 1992. The third wave breaks on the shores of accounting. Accounting Horizons 6 (June): 61-85. (Summary).

Elliott, R. K. 1994. Confronting the future: Choices for the attest function. Accounting Horizons (September): 106-14.

Elliott, R. K. 1995. The future of assurance services: Implications for academia. Accounting Horizons (December): 118-127.

Elliott, R. K. 1997. Assurance service opportunities: Implications for academia. Accounting Horizons (December): 61-74.

Elliott, R. K. 2001. A perspective on the proposed global professional credential. Accounting Horizons (December): 359-372.

Elliott, R. K. 2002. The evolution of the knowledge professional. Accounting Horizons (March): 69-80.

Elliott, R. K. and P. D. Jacobson. 1994. Costs and benefits of business information disclosure. Accounting Horizons (December): 80-96.

Elliott, S. 2015. Starting a women's initiative. Journal of Accountancy (December): 22.

Elliott, S. 2023. How CFOs can better manage strategy execution. Strategic Finance (February): 46-52.

Elliott, V. L. 1940. Functions and activities of the controller's department. The Accounting Review (June): 185-190.

Elliott, W. B. 2006. Are investors influenced by pro forma emphasis and reconciliations in earnings announcements? The Accounting Review (January): 113-133.

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