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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Education Issues Main Page
Raby, W. L. 1964. A decision-making approach to the first tax course. The Accounting Review (January): 167-172.
Raff, M. C. 1971. Exposing first-semester accounting students to accounting periodicals. The Accounting Review (July): 594-595.
Randall, R. F. 1972. What cost education? Management Accounting (October): 67-69.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Management accounting degree established in Canada. Management Accounting (June): 12.
Raper, C. L. 1929. Shall accounting instructors indulge in outside practice? The Accounting Review (June): 129-130.
Raptis, J. 1952. College instruction - A student's viewpoint. The Accounting Review (October): 431-435.
Raschke, R. L. and K. F. Charron. 2021. Review of data analytic teaching cases, have we covered enough? Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 18(2): 247-255.
Rath, G. J., B. V. Dean and M. A. Griffin. 1968. Management science in university operation. Management Science (February): B373-B390.
Ratnatunga, J. 2012. Ivory towers and legal powers: Attitudes and behaviour of town and gown to the accounting research-practice gap. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-20.
Raval, V. 1988. A conceptual model of a curriculum for accountants. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 132-152.
Raval, V. 1989. A curriculum-wide approach to integration of computer in accounting education. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 132-144.
Raval, V. 1991. Perspectives on students' teaching evaluations of AIS courses. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 62-72.
Raval, V. and T. A. Shimerda. 2002. Integrating AIS course content using concept maps. The Review of Business Information Systems. 6(3): 85-95.
Ray, D. D. 1957. Faculty responsibility with respect to correcting certain defects in the accountant's education. The Accounting Review (October): 580-586.
Rayburn, F. R. and E. H. Bonfield. 1978. Schools of accountancy: Attitudes and attitude structure. The Accounting Review (July): 752-765.
Rayder, N. F. 1968. College student ratings of instruction. Journal of Experimental Education (Winter): 76-81.
Rebele, J. E. and E. K. St. Pierre. 2015. Stagnation in accounting education research. Journal of Accounting Education 33(2): 128-137.
Reckers, P. M. J. 2006. Perspectives on the proposal for a generally accepted accounting curriculum: A wake-up call for academics. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 31-43. (Note).
Reckitt, E. 1905. The public accountant and the universities. Journal of Accountancy (December): 118-121.
Reding, K. F. 2013. 10 best practices for business student internships. Strategic Finance (October): 42-48.
Reding K. F. and C. Newman. 2017. Improving critical thinking through data analysis. Strategic Finance (June): 48-54.
Reeve, J. M. 1983. The five-year accounting program as a quality signal. The Accounting Review (July): 639-646.
Reichert, C. J. 2019. Tax matters: Mayo Clinic held to be an educational organization despite engaging in noneducational activities: A district court invalidates a regulation requiring educational activities to be an educational organization's primary function and its other activities to be merely incidental to those activities. Journal of Accountancy (November): 62-63.
Reider, B. and G. Saunders. 1988. Management accounting education: A defense of criticisms. Accounting Horizons (December): 58-62.
Reigle, D. 2009. Trends in the Supply of Accounting Graduates and the Demand for Public Accounting Recruits. AICPA.
Reininga, W. 1965. An approach to elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 211-214.
Reinstein, A., J. R. Hasselback, M. E. Riley and D. H. Sinason. 2011. Pitfalls of using citation indices for making academic accounting promotion, tenure, teaching load, and merit pay decisions. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 99-131.
Reinstein, A., N. T. Churyk and S. L. Tate. 2018. Analyzing pedagogical approaches used in second auditing courses. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (42): 110-124.
Renschler, M. E., T. J. Riley and A. C. Stuart. 2023. From equal to equitable: Developing an inclusive winter internship program. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 163-183.
Renshew, E. F. and V. Renshaw. 1971. Some money games. Decision Sciences 2(2): 239-248.
Revzan, D. A. 1949. What is a balanced curriculum in accounting? The Accounting Review (October): 409-413.
Rezaee, Z. 2002. Forensic accounting practices, education, and certifications. Journal of Forensic Accounting (3): 207-224.
Rezaee, Z. and J. Wang. 2022. Integration of big data into forensic accounting education and practice: A survey of academics in China and the United States. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(1): 133-150.
Rezaee, Z., D. Lo, M. Ha and A. Suen. 2016. Forensic accounting education and practice: Insights from China. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(1): 106-119.
Rezaee, Z., J. Wang and L. M. Brian. 2018. Toward the integration of big data into forensic accounting education. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(1): 87-99.
Richardson, A. P. 1914. Editorial: Modern methods of instruction. Journal of Accountancy (July): 52-53.
Richardson, A. P. 1919. Vocational education. Journal of Accountancy (May): 367.
Richardson, A. P. 1921. Schools and schools. Journal of Accountancy (March): 187-190. ( "The results of the November, 1920, examinations of the American Institute of Accountants afford an impressive commentary on the present tendency of accountancy education. Out of a total of 820 candidates for the certified public accountant certificates of states co-operating with the institute only 110 passed." (p. 187). "The greatest single reason for the large percentage of failures is, we believe, the alleged accounting schools which are springing up with a mushroom growth. These offer correspondence courses and put forward every inducement except solid instruction to attract potential students." p. 188).
Richardson, A. P. 1921. Schools of accountancy. Journal of Accountancy (June): 429-430.
Richardson, A. P. 1922. Beta Alpha Psi. Journal of Accountancy (September): 205.
Richardson, V. J. and M. W. Watson. 2021. Act or be acted upon: Revolutionizing accounting curriculums with data analytics. Accounting Horizons (June): 129-144.
Richardson, W. 2005. Curriculum requirements for entry-level management accounting in Australian industry and commerce. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 55-66.
Riley, J. and K. Ward. 2017. Active learning, cooperative active learning, and passive learning methods in an accounting information systems course. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 1-16.
Riley, R. A. Jr., G. Smith and G. R. Young. 2012. Does incorporating professionals in higher education settings make a difference? An overview of related research. The CPA Journal (July): 68-70.
Riley, R. C. 1958. Comparison of results of AIA achievement test and ACE psychological examination. The Accounting Review (January): 128-130.
Riskin, R. 2018. Help clients balance retirement and education planning. Journal of Accountancy (February): 22-26.
Rissing, B. A. 2017. Book review: N. K. Warikoo: The Diversity Bargain and Other Dilemmas of Race, Admissions, and Meritocracy at Elite Universities. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(4): NP51-NP53.
Rivera, J. M. and K. W. Kubin, editors. 1987. Proceeding of the V International Accounting Congress on Accounting Education. American Accounting Association.
Robbins, G. W. 1949. A pattern for professional business education. The Accounting Review (October): 392-402.
Roberts, J. 1991. The possibilities of accountability. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(4): 355-368.
Robertson, J. C. and C. H. Smith. 1973. Auditing and professionalism at the graduate level. The Accounting Review (July): 599-602.
Robinson, D. D. 1968. Discussion of university cost structure and behavior: An empirical study. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 160-165.
Robinson, L. A. and T. P. Hall. 1964. Systems education and the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (January): 62-69.
Robinson, M. H. 1907. Accountancy education. Journal of Accountancy (December): 126-128.
Robinson, Sir Ken: Do Schools Kill Creativity? TEDTalks YouTube Video (Note and Link).
Rodgers, E. W. 1971. Systems education in the business school. Management Accounting (December): 35-38.
Rogers, V. and A. Smith. 2001. Ethics, moral development, and accountants-in-training. Teaching Business Ethics 5(1): 1-20.
Roller, J. and T. H. Williams. 1967. Professional schools of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 349-355.
Rose, J. M., A. M. Rose and C. S. Norman. 2005. A service-learning course in accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 145-172.
Rosen, L. S., W. C. Howell and L. T. Johnson. 1982. An evaluation of the compressed-course format for instruction in accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 403-413.
Rosenfeld, E. and R. G. Ledley 1961. An accounting course for majors and non-majors. The Accounting Review (January): 125-128.
Rossell, J. H. 1958. Calculation vs. an understanding of net operating loss. The Accounting Review (January): 120-123.
Rouis, S., M. Limayem, and E. Salchi-Sangari. 2011. Impact of Facebook usage on students' academic performance: Role of self-regulation and trust. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 9(3): 961-994.
Rourke, F. E. and G. E. Brooks. 1964. The "managerial revolution" in higher education. Administrative Science Quarterly 9(2): 154-181.
Rourke, F. E. and G. E. Brooks. 1967. Computers and university administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(4): 575-600.
Rowan, B. 1982. Organizational structure and the institutional environment: The case of public schools. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(2): 259-279.
Rowley, T. H. 1988. Course outline seminar in accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 167-170.
Roy, R. H. 1968. [The common body of knowledge for CPAs: Some problems in analysis]: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 142.
Rubenstein, A. H. 1968. Some comments on training for the future of the management sciences. Management Science (July): 727-730.
Rueschhoff, N. G. 1972. The undergraduate international accounting course. The Accounting Review (October): 833-836.
Ruff, M., J. C. Thibodeau and J. C. Bedard. 2009. A profession's response to a looming shortage: Closing the gap in the supply of accounting faculty. Journal of Accountancy (March): 36-41. (JOA Link).
Ruja, H. 1954. Outcomes of lecture and discussion procedures in three college courses. The Journal of Experimental Education (22).
Rushing, R. 1951. A B C's of accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (July): 417-418.
Russell, K. A. and C. S. Smith. 2003. Accounting education's role in corporate malfeasance: It's time for a new curriculum! Strategic Finance (December): 46-51. (The accounting curriculum needs more emphasis on presentation skills, economics, technology, ethics, marketing, and management).
Russell, K. A., C. S. Kulesza, W. S. Albrecht and R. J. Sack. 2000. Accounting education: Charting the course through a perilous future. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 4-11.
Russell, K. A., G. H. Siegel and C. S. Kulesza. 1999. Counting more, counting less: Transformations in the management accounting profession. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 28-34.
Russell, K. A. and S. Berlin. 1999. A position statement for the new millennium. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 35-42.
Russell, R. C. 1947. Some observations on an intensive university coaching course for the CPA examination. The Accounting Review (July): 309-312.
Ruswinckel, J. W. 1952. A Report on the use of visual aids in the teaching of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 370-375.
Ruswinckel, J. W. 1967. CCTV instruction: 1967. The Accounting Review (January): 134-141.
Ryack, K. N., M. C. Mastilak, C. D. Hodgdon and J. S. Allen. 2015. Concepts-based education in a rules-based world: A challenge for accounting educators. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 251-274.
Ryan, J. 2015. Jump-start students' careers: Outstanding students can spark successful careers with the exciting new IMA Accounting Honor Society (IAHS) and IMA Leadership Experience programs. Strategic Finance (August): 65-69. (IMA has 13,044 student members around the world. Globally there are 132 student chapters. Twenty-five Universities have been recognized by the IMA higher education endorsement program and 489 students have been inducted into the IAHS since 2015.
Ryan, J. 2016. Exceptional students: Experience leadership. Strategic Finance (August): 62-63.
Ryan, J. 2017. Students on board: These accomplished students were chosen to participate in the IMA student leadership experience and learn for the IMA Global board of Directors. Strategic Finance (August): 64-68.
Ryan, J. 2018. Leadership IMA style. Strategic Finance (August): 77-81. (IMA student leadership experience and 2018 student and educator award winners).
Ryan, J. J., J. A. Anderson, and A. B. Birchler. 1980. Student evaluations: The faculty responds. Research in Higher Education 12(4): 317-333.
Rynes, S. L., J. M. Bartunek and R. L. Daft. 2001. Across the great divide: Knowledge creation and transfer between practitioners and academics. The Academy of Management Journal 44(2): 340-355.
Sadler, A. G. 1958. The accounting teacher turns to electronic data processing. The Accounting Review (July): 497-501.
Saito, Y. and C. S. McIntosh. 2010. The economic value of auditing and its effectiveness in public school operations. Contemporary Accounting Research 27(2): 639-667.
Saje, N. 2005. Teaching for tips. Liberal Education 91(1): 48-50.
Salancik, G. R. and J. Pfeffer. 1974. The bases and use of power in organizational decision making: The case of a university. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(4): 453-473.
Sale, J. T. 1972. Using computerized budget simulation models as a teaching device. The Accounting Review (October): 836-839.
Saliers, E. A. 1933. An accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (June): 159-160.
Salmonson, R. F. 1957. Qualifications for college accounting teachers: A rebuttal. The Accounting Review (October): 622-624.
Sampath, V. S. 2021. Caught in a cognitive trap? An examination of student heuristics and debiasing when analyzing an accounting restatement case study. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 6(1): 360-388.
Samson, W. D., C. L. Allen, R. K. Fleischman and I. B. Robinson-Backmon. 2006. Using a white-collar profession in accounting courses: Approaches to addressing diversity. The Accounting Historians Journal 33(1): 25-52.
Samuel, S. 2015. CCA: A new pathway for accounting majors. Penn State has introduced a program that prepares students for a career in management accounting. Strategic Finance (August): 32-39. (New Corporate Control and Analysis (CCA) Certificate Program for accounting careers in industry, consulting, and advisory services. Many accounting students don't know that most accounting graduates who start their careers in public accounting move to industry within three to five years and that the overwhelming majority of accountants work outside the public accounting profession).
Samuels, J. A., J. M. Huston and W. R. Pasewark. 2023. Automated learning strategy to reinforce business writing mechanics for accounting students. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 21-34.
Sanders, T. H. 1924. The training of accountants in England. Journal of Accountancy (August): 112-124.
Sangster, A., E. Franklin, D. Alwis, J. Abdul-Rahim and G. Stoner. 2014. Using Pacioli's pedagogy and medieval text in today's introductory accounting course. Journal of Accounting Education 32(1): 16-35.
Sapienza, S. R. 1959. Admission to graduate business school. The Accounting Review (January): 30-35.
Sauder, M. 2008. Interlopers and field change: The entry of U.S. News into the field of legal education. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(2): 209-234. (Ranking law schools).
Savin-Baden, M. 2010. A Practical Guide to Using Second Life in Higher Education. Open University Press.
Saxe, E. 1947. Education for public accountancy. The Accounting Review (January): 28-36.
Saxe, E. 1948. Some notes on the teaching of a course in estate and trust accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 93-96.
Scarlett. M. 2004. The Great Rip-Off In American Education: Undergraduates Undeserved. Amhest, New York: Prometheus Books.
Scarpati, S. 2008. How academics and practitioners can work together. CPA Journal 78(4): 28-29.
Scarpati, S. 2010. Developments in accounting education. The CPA Journal (July): 10-11.
Scarpati, S. 2011. Guidance for accounting professors. The CPA Journal (June): 14-15.
Scarpati, S. 2017. New York CPA mentors: There is more to education than 150 credits. The CPA Journal (September): 18-19.
Schaefer, J. 2007. Be a star CPE instructor. Journal of Accountancy (November): 64-67.
Schaefer, T. F. and J. S. Stevens. 2016. Using rubrics to assess accounting learning goal achievement. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 17-28.
Schattke, R. and L. McAllister. 1962. Large versus small classes in elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 557-561.
Schein, E. H. 1967. Attitude change during management education. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(4): 601-628.
Schiff, J. B. and C. May. 1993. Finance training and development for the competitive edge. Management Accounting (April): 43-46.
Schiffel, L., K. A. Smith and D. L. Schroeder. 2011. IMA 2010 salary survey: How's that recovery workin' for you? Strategic Finance (June): 26-46. (Summary).
Schlauch, W. S. 1931. Content of a mathematics course for collegiate schools of business. The Accounting Review (March): 42-46.
Schmidt, L. A. 1928. The problem method in the beginning course. The Accounting Review (June): 184-188.
Schmidt, L. A. 1935. Teaching and testing the bookkeeping phase of elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 8-11.
Schmidt, L. A. 1937. Testing the tests. The Accounting Review (September): 317-320.
Schmidt, L. A. 1949. A secondary use for the uniform achievement tests. The Accounting Review (January): 88-89.
Schmidt, L. A. 1950. Construction of objective examinations. The Accounting Review (January): 20-26.
Schmittlein, D. C. and D. G. Morrison. 1981. On individual-level inference in job duration research: A reexamination of the Wisconsin school superintendents study. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 84-89.
Schnader, A. L., K. D. Westermann, D. H. Downey and J. C. Thibodeau. 2016. Training teacher-scholars: A mentorship program. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 171-190.
Schneider, A. J. 1967. Flow-graph notation in accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 342-348.
Schonberger, R. J. 1972. The resources management movement (The coming death of production management education). The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 382-385.
Schramm, C. J. 1975. Thompson's assessment of organizations: Universities and the AAUP salary grades. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(1): 87-96.
Schrieber, A. N. 1958. The theory and application of the management game approach to teaching business policy. The Journal of the Academy of Management 1(2): 51-57.
Schroeder, J. G. 1972. Systems and electronic data processing courses in the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (April): 387-389.
Schubert, E. C. 1961. Cross training for developing personnel. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 92-93.
Schultz, J. J., editor. 1989. Reorienting Accounting Education: Reports on the Environment, Professoriate, and Curriculum of Accounting. Accounting Education Series (10). American Accounting Association.
Schwartz, S. T., E. E. Spires and R. A. Young. 2015. A teaching note on the tax benefits of retirement savings. Journal of Accounting Education 33(2): 164-181.
Scott, R. A. 1972. Integrating quantitative analysis into marketing courses. Decision Sciences 3(4): 125-128.
Scott, R. A. 1972. The study of partnership accounting through role playing. The Accounting Review (July): 610-612.
Scott, W. G. 1963. Executive development as an instrument of higher control. The Academy of Management Journal 6(3): 191-203.
Scovill, H. T. 1922. Accounting as a profession. Its scope in secondary schools. Journal of Accountancy (April): 259-268.
Scovill, H. T. 1934. The accounting instructor and local government accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 44-52.
Scovill, H. T. 1946. Education for public accounting on the collegiate level. The Accounting Review (July): 261-267.
Scovill, H. T. 1951. Analysis of a questionnaire sent to 1000 alumni of the University of Illinois, College of Commerce. The Accounting Review (April): 259-260.
Scurrah, M. J., M. Shani and C. Zipfel. 1971. Influence of internal and external change agents in a simulated educational organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 113-120.
Seabury, P. 1965. Management perspective: From an academic bestiary. The Academy of Management Journal 8(1): 48-49.
Sebring, R. H. 1977. The five-million dollar misunderstanding: A perspective on state government-university interorganizational conflicts. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(3): 505-523.
Seda, M. and B. K. Peterson Kramer. 2008. The emergence of forensic accounting programs in higher education. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 15-23.
Seda, M. and B. K. Peterson Kramer. 2014. An examination of the availability and composition of forensic accounting education in the United States and other countries. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(1): 1-46.
Seda, M. and B. K. Peterson Kramer. 2015. A comparison of U.S. forensic accounting programs with the National Institute of Justice funded model curriculum. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 7(2): 144-177.
Seelye, A. L. 1963. The role of business schools in a changing environment. The Accounting Review (April): 302-309.
Segal, M. A. 2012. Considerations in the classification of workers: Schramm decision addresses adjunct professors. The CPA Journal (February): 52-53.
Seidler, L. J. 1967. International accounting - The ultimate theory course. The Accounting Review (October): 775-781.
Seiler, R. E. and W. A. Label. 1974. Impact of curricular changes upon professional staff training efforts. The Accounting Review (October): 854-859.
Selden, P. 1984. Changing Practices in Faculty Evaluation. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass.
Sellers, R. D., T. J. Fogarty and L. M. Parker. 2016. How important is the educational capital of chief financial officers? An examination of educational credentials in the context of other attributes. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (13): 1-19.
Sells, E. W. 1907. Accountancy education should be held to a uniform standard. Journal of Accountancy (January): 189-191.
Selto, F. H. 1987. Editorial: Education research section. The Accounting Review (April): 401.
Shackelford, D. A. 2021. Observations from a professor serving as dean. The Accounting Review (September): 403-410. (Similarities between outstanding scholars and successful deans: Be prepared, colleagues matter, communicate well, maintain a thick skin, tackle important problems, persist, keep learning, and focus on the mission).
Shackell, M., E. Cole and K. Zahller. 2023. Innovation in teaching management accounting competences. Strategic Finance (August): 84-91.
Shani, A. B. and P. Docherty. 2003. Learning by Design: Building Sustainable Organizations (Management, Organizations, and Business Series). Blackwell Publishing.
Shankar, P. G. and J. L. Seow. 2010. The association between accounting students’ lone wolf tendencies and their perceptions, preferences and performance outcomes in team projects. Journal of Accounting Education 28(2): 75-84.
Shapiro, B. P. and M. Naughton. 2013. Toward an integrated vision of undergraduate liberal and accounting education in the public interest: The holistic development of persons and institutions. Accounting and the Public Interest (13): 14-38.
Sharman, P. A. 2003. The case for management accounting. Strategic Finance (October): 43-47. ("Academics and practitioners should be willing to step away from a system of constructs defined by financial reporting and move to establish a new set that is specific for management accountants where it's recognized that regulatory compliance is necessary but insufficient. .... It's now clear that depending on regulatory, external reporting; financial reporting; and external audits and auditors is insufficient. It's time to bring accountability to where it belongs - to managers supported by a cadre of professional management accountants." Sharman, P. A. 2003. Strategic Finance (October): 43-47).
Sharman, P. 2007. Rebalancing the accounting profession. Cost Management (January/February): 6-9.
Shaulis, L. L. 1930. Instruction in accounting for liberal education. The Accounting Review (September): 222-225.
Shawver, T. J. and T. A. Shawver. 2020. Teaching data analytics in a collaborative team environment. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(2): 57-62.
Sheehan, N. T. and J. A. Schmidt. 2015. Preparing accounting students for ethical decision making: Developing individual codes of conduct based on personal values. Journal of Accounting Education 33(3): 183-197.
Sheffey, M. B. 1976. The amount of a charitable contribution of property: A decision-tree approach. The Accounting Review (July): 642-643.
Sheldahl, T. K. 1982. Beta Alpha Psi, from Alpha to Omega: Pursuing a Vision of Professional Education for Accountants 1919-1945. Garland.
Sheldahl, T. K. 1985. America's earliest recorded text in accounting: Sargeant's 1789 book. The Accounting Historians Journal 12(2): 1-42.
Sheldahl, T. K. 1986. Beta Alpha Psi, from Omega to Zeta Omega: The Making of a Comprehensive Accounting Fraternity, 1946-1984. Garland.
Shenkir, W. G. 1970. Media and accounting education. The Accounting Review (April): 347-350.
Shenkir, W. G. 1971. An exercise for use in discussing audit evidence. The Accounting Review (October): 799-801.
Shepherd, W. G. 1965. Operations research in education. Management Science (February): C13-C19.
Shipley, K. and R. Engle. 1982. We need more Ph.D.s in accounting. Management Accounting (November): 36-40.
Shirley, R. E. 1978. Measuring performance of a university accounting department. Management Accounting (December): 51-53.
Shivaswamy, M. K. and G. F. Hanks. 1986. Accounting education: How students view a career in management accounting. Management Accounting (November): 32-33.
Showalter, D. S. 2018. Reflections on the transition from practice to academia ... the nuts and bolts. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 43-60.
Showalter, D. S. and J. Bodtke. 2017. How to effectively integrate professionally oriented faculty to achieve the department's mission. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 39-46.
Showalter, D. S. and K. Krawczyk. 2022. Incorporating data analytics into a graduate accounting program. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 19(1): 225-235.
Shuster, L. J. 1970. Mobility among business faculty. The Academy of Management Journal 13(3): 325-335.
Shute, G. E. 1979. Accounting Students and Abstract Reasoning. American Accounting Association.
Sidebotham, R. 1965. Comments on the teacher development report. The Accounting Review (October): 876-879.
Siegel, G. 1996. The Practice Analysis of Management Accounting. Montvale, N.J.: The Institute of Management Accountants.
Siegel, G. and C. S. Kulesza. 1995. Encouraging change in accounting education. Management Accounting (May): 19-23.
Siegel, G. and C. S. Kulesza. 1996. The coming changes in management accounting education. Management Accounting (January): 43-47.
Siegel, G. and J. E. Sorenson. 1999. Counting More, Counting Less: Transformations in the Management Accounting Profession. Montvale, N.J.: The Institute of Management Accountants.
Siegel, G., J. E. Sorensen, T. Klammer and S. B. Richtermeyer. 2010. The ongoing preparation gap in accounting education: A call to action. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 41-52.
Siegel, G., J. E. Sorensen, T. Klammer and S. B. Richtermeyer. 2010. The ongoing preparation gap in management accounting education: A guide for change. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 29-39.
Simms, K. and C. T. West Jr. 2019. Understanding accounting professionals' reasons for joining academia. The CPA Journal (September): 52-57.
Simon, C. C. 2011. R.O.I.: Is graduate school worth the investment? The New York Times Education Life (July 24): 18-19. (Summary).
Simon, J. 2007. Concept mapping in a financial accounting theory course. Accounting Education: An International Journal (September).
Simon, W. 1996. The dumbing down of higher education. Wall Street Journal (March 19): A18.
Singer, F. A. 1956. Mixed meanings: An added responsibility for accounting teachers. The Accounting Review (October): 663-666.
Singer, F. A. 1962. Rationale for a course in quantitative methods. The Accounting Review (July): 554-556.
Singer, F. A. 1965. Progress in programmed instruction. The Accounting Review (October): 847-853.
Singer, F. A. 1966. A note on "Teaching approaches to elementary accounting". The Accounting Review (January): 133-134.
Singer, F. A. 1970. A system approach to teaching the accounting process. The Accounting Review (April): 351-364.
Singer, R. A. and T. Wiesner. 2013. The future of undergraduate accounting programs and curricular. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 22-31.
Singh, A., G. Mangalaraj and A. Taneja. 2014. Addressing business needs: A creative module for teaching data macros in an accounting information systems course. Journal of Accounting Education 32(1): 61-75.
Singh, A., V. Bhadauria and A. Gurung. 2021. A problem-solving-based teaching approach to database design. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 18(2): 149-155.
Siriwardane, H. P., K. Y. Low and D. Blietz. 2015. Making entry-level accountants better communicators: A Singapore-based study of communication tasks, skills, and attributes. Journal of Accounting Education 33(4): 332-347.
Sisaye, S. 2012. An ecological approach for the integration of sustainability into the accounting education and professional practice. Advances in Management Accounting (20): 47-73.
Skinner, B. F. 1954. The science of learning and the art of teaching. Harvard Education Review (24 or 25): 86-97.
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Tambrino, P. A. 1968. College placement accounting in high schools. The Accounting Review (April): 383-384.
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Tatikonda, L. U. 1993. JIT can save accounting education. Management Accounting (December): 53-55. (Uses a fishbone diagram to identify the causes of quality problems in accounting education).
Tatikonda, L. U. 2004. Naked truths about accounting curricula. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 62-73.
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The Academy of Management Journal. 1971. Errata: Negro students in schools of business: Comment. The Academy of Management Journal 14(1): 154.
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Tolbert, P. S. 2018. Book review: W. N. Espeland and M. Sauder: Engines of Anxiety: Academic Rankings, Reputation, and Accountability. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(1): NP5-NP7. (How the development of law school rankings by U.S. News and World Report affected law schools).
Trapnell, J. E., N. Mero , J. R. Williams and G. W. Krull, Jr. 2009. The accounting doctoral shortage: Time for a new model. Issues in Accounting Education(November): 427-432. (Note).
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Van der Stede, W. A. 2018. Multitasking academics. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 85-94.
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Van Voorhis, R. H. 1954. N.A.C.A. forums provide practical assistance in teaching cost accounting at the University of Alabama. The Accounting Review (April): 311-313.
Van Voorhis, R. H. 1955. Coordinating sections of courses in elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 535-538.
Van Voorhis, R. H. 1956. Should the accounting teacher practice accounting? The Accounting Review (October): 608-616.
Van Voorhis, R. H. 1958. Changed names of professional organizations and reference thereto in theses and dissertations. The Accounting Review (October): 675.
Van Voorhis, R. H. 1958. The internal auditing course in the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (January): 111-117.
Van Wyhe, G. 1994. The Struggle for Status: A History of Accounting Education. Garland Publishing.
Van Wyhe, G. 2007. A history of U.S. higher education in accounting, Part I: Situating accounting in the academy. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 165-181.
Vanasse, R. W. 1968. Consolidated position statements: A tabular approach. The Accounting Review (January): 147-150.
Vance, C. A. and W. L. Stephens. 2010. How does the new generation of accounting majors measure up? Observations from the ivory tower. The CPA Journal (November): 6, 8-13.
Vance, C. A., E. Carlson, H. M. Lively and N. J. Mastracchio Jr. 2013. Embracing technology in education: Considering options and outcomes. The CPA Journal (January): 13-14.
Vance, L. L. 1956. Education for public accounting: With special reference to the report of the Commission on Standards of Education and Experience for Certified Public Accountants. The Accounting Review (October): 573-580.
Vance, S. 1968. Editorial comments: Campus crisis. The Academy of Management Journal 11(3): 248-250.
Vance, S. 1968. Editorial comments: Corporate giving and academic excellence. The Academy of Management Journal 11(1): 6-8.
Vance, S. 1969. Editorial comments: Student power: Fact or fizzle. The Academy of Management Journal 12(1): 6-8.
Vance, S. C. and C. F. Gray. 1967. Use of a performance evaluation model for research in business gaming. The Academy of Management Journal 10(1): 27-37.
Vangermeersh, R. 1987. Renewing our heritage: Ten reasons why management accountants should study the classic accounting articles. Management Accounting (July): 47-49. (Summary).
VanZante, N. 2013. Using the basic accounting equation to help students understand differences between the cash basis and accrual basis. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 34-39.
VanZante, N. R. 2007. Helping students see the "big picture" of variance analysis. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 39-47 .
Vasarhelyi, M. A. and L. Graham. 1997. Cybersmart: Education and the internet. Management Accounting (August Supplement): 32-36.
Vatter, W. J. 1950. Accounting education for controllership. The Accounting Review (July): 236-250.
Vatter, W. J. 1962. Education for the management accountant. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 19-28.
Vendrzyk, V. P. 2017. Summaries of the teaching domain statements of the 2015 and 2016 Cook Prize winners. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 1-15.
Vendrzyk, V. P. and N. A. Bagranoff. 2018. Summaries of the teaching domain statements of the 2017 Cook Prize Winners. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 1-8.
Verschoor, C. C. 2015. The student debt crisis. Strategic Finance (September): 17-18.
Vesper, K. H. 1971. Venture initiation courses in U.S. business schools. The Academy of Management Journal 14(4): 525-528.
Vesper, K. H. and J. Schlendorf. 1973. Views on college courses in venture initiation. The Academy of Management Journal 16(3): 519-522.
Vien, C. L. 2015. Hiring at public accounting firms hits all-time high: As the profession continues its remarkable growth, students flock to accounting programs, while firms prepare for more hiring. Journal of Accountancy (October): 24-27.
Villalon, J. and R. A. Calvo. 2011. Concept maps as cognitive visualizations of writing assignments. Educational Technology & Society. 14(3): 16-27.
Villere, M. F. and G. K. Stearns. 1976. The readability of organizational behavior textbooks. The Academy of Management Journal 19(1): 132-137.
Vincent, V. H. 1954. The graduate curriculum in accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 84-88.
Violette, G. and C. L. Cain. 2017. Why are African American students still not majoring in accounting? The CPA Journal (December): 46-49.
Violette, G. and D. Chene. 2008. Campus recruiting: What local and regional accounting firms look for in new hires. The CPA Journal (December): 66-68.
Violette, G. R. and D. G. Chene. 2012. Factors influencing students' choice of the accounting major: Lessons for recruiting and beyond. The CPA Journal (September): 14-15.
Virgil, R. L., W. R. Nord and S. H. Schoen. 1973. A classroom experience in the behavioral implications of accounting performance evaluation measurements. The Accounting Review (April): 410-418.
Vruwink, D. R. and J. R. Otto. 1987. Evaluation of teaching techniques for introductory accounting courses. The Accounting Review (April): 402-408.
Waddock, S. 2002. Leading Corporate Citizens: Vision, Value Added. McGraw-Hill.
Waddock, S. 2005. Hollow men and women at the helm ... Hollow accounting ethics? Issues in Accounting Education (May): 145-150. (Summary).
Wade, D., B. Long and B. L. McGuire. 2006. Maintaining professional interaction and relevant practical experience. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 43-51. (Related to the faculty internship program at the University of Southern Indiana).
Wade, H. H. 1935. Methods of teaching a survey course in accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 11-13.
Wagner, A. F. and J. A. White. 1956. An experiment in education. The Accounting Review (January): 77-81.
Wagner, T. and T. Dintersmith. 2015. Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing our kids for the Innovation Era. Scibner. (Showcases high schools and programs that foster innovation rather than rote memorization).
Waldmann, E. 2010. Enhancing the teaching of management accounting through the use of innovative assignment design. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 81-86. (A computer program that generates individual management accounting assignments with solutions).
Walker, K. B. 2017. What's going on in business schools? Part II. The CPA Journal (September): 26-30.
Walker, K. B., G. M. Fleischman and T. Stephenson. 2010. The incidence of documented standards for research in departments of accounting at US institutions. Journal of Accounting Education 28(2): 43-57.
Wallace, W. L. 1967. Faculty and fraternities: Organizational influences on student achievement. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(4): 643-670.
Walsh, J. 2012. Book review: The Roots, Rituals, and Rhetorics of Change: North American Business Schools after the Second World War by M. Augier, J. G. March. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(3): 522-527.
Walsh, L. M. 1960. Accounting education in review. The Accounting Review (April): 183-189.
Walstra, R. J. and E. A. Chukwuma. 2023. Inclusion of disability within the spectrum of diversity and the implications for accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 149-162.
Walters, L. M. 2007. A draft of an information systems security and control course. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 123-148.
Walton, S. 1907. Higher education for public accountants. Journal of Accountancy (December): 128-132.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: Advantages of double-entry, Rules for journalizing, Debit and credit, Relation of the proprietor to the business, Every double-entry a journal entry, Journal nature of cash book, Journalizing all entries, Double-entry books, Problem/solution. Journal of Accountancy (April): 309-321.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: Case/reply, Some common misconceptions, Imprest system, Partners' drawings, Interest on partners' capital, Problems/solutions. Journal of Accountancy (July): 64-79.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: C.P.A. examinations. Journal of Accountancy (June): 459-473.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: Compound interest, Treatment of errors in old books out of balance. Journal of Accountancy (November): 380-392.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: Deferred debits and credits, Differences in nature of deferred items, Treatment in the books, Inventories, Purchases, Principal and income/comments on the answer, Adjusting the monthly statements. Journal of Accountancy (May): 384-395.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: The origin of credit, The first account book; the day book, Single entry and ledger systems, The cashbook, Single entry in actual use, Determining profit or loss, Statement of condition; proprietor's account, Uncertainty of single entry; comparative balance sheets. Journal of Accountancy (March): 223-233.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: True education, Advantages of an accounting education, Accounting problems, Analysis and imagination, Problem/solution. Journal of Accountancy (January): 71-79.
Walton, S. 1914. Students' department: When confusion arises, Giving correct names, Matter of unrealized profits. Journal of Accountancy (February): 157-163.
Walton, S. 1916. Accounting education. Journal of Accountancy (April): 292-294.
Walton, S. 1917. Cultivating the analytical faculty. Journal of Accountancy (August): 146-148.
Walton, S., J. O. Williamson, W. W. McClellan, G. T. Watts. 1914. Student's department: Averages again. The last word on capital as a liability. Journal of Accountancy (December): 471-479.
Wambsganss, J. R. and D. Kennett. 1995. Defining the customer: When universities adopt TQM, future employers - not students - should be seen as customers. Management Accounting (May): 39-41.
Wang, J., G. Lee and D. L. Crumbley. 2016. Current availability of forensic accounting education and state of forensic accounting services in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(3): 515-534.
Wang, T., V. Chiu, Y. Wang and T. Chiu. 2022. Teaching business transaction cycles using a hands-on activities approach. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 19(2): 171-186.
Wang, Y., T. Chiu, T. Wang and R. S. Debreceny. 2020. A classroom exercise on building auditors' interview skills. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(2): 93-101.
Wankel, C. and J. Kingsley. 2009. Higher Education in virtual Worlds: Teaching and Learning in Second Life. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Wasley, R. S. 1963. A revitalized accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (January): 151-153.
Wasserman, M. J. 1932. Accounting instruction in France. The Accounting Review (December): 268-272.
Watson, R. H. 1960. A course in contemporary literature for accountants. The Accounting Review (October): 732.
Watty, K., J. McKay and L. Ngo. 2016. Innovators or inhibitors? Accounting faculty resistance to new educational technologies in higher education. Journal of Accounting Education (36): 1-15.
Weaver, C. H. 1960. Instructor ratings by college students. Journal of Educational Psychology: 21-45.
Weber, R. P. and W. C. Stevenson. 1981. Evaluations of accounting journal and department quality. The Accounting Review (July): 596-612.
Webster, J. and P. Hackley. 1997. Teaching effectiveness in technology-mediated distance learning. The Academy of Management Journal 40(6): 1282-1309.
Webster, N. E. 1938. Higher education for public accountants. The Accounting Review (June): 117-124.
Webster, N. E. 1946. College education as a requirement for certified public accountants-The New York experience. The Accounting Review (October): 445-450.
Weick, K. E. 1976. Educational organizations as loosely coupled systems. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(1): 1-19.
Weidenmier, M. L. and T. L. Herron. 2004. Selecting an audit software package for classroom use. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 95-110.
Weimer, A. M. and H. C. Miller. 1956. The attraction and selection of accounting teachers. The Accounting Review (July): 407-410.
Weirich, T. R., N. Tschakert and S. Kozlowski. 2017. Teaching data analytics using ACL. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(2): 83-89.
Weis, W. L. 1990. What's going on in business schools? Management Accounting (May): 49-52.
Weiser, H. J. 1966. Accounting education - Present and future. The Accounting Review (July): 518-524.
Weiss, C. J. 1962. An adjunct to the accounting curriculum: The business radio series. The Accounting Review (April): 344-345.
Weiss, J. M. 2011. Implementing IFRS curriculum into accounting programs. The CPA Journal (April): 62-63.
Weiss, W. F. 1914. Students' department: Principle and income. Journal of Accountancy (May): 395-398.
Welke, W. R. 1966. Accounting systems in the curriculum. The Accounting Review (April): 253-256.
Welke, W. R. 1967. The accounting systems course. The Accounting Review (January): 127-132.
Wells, P. K. 2018. How well do our introductory accounting text books reflect current accounting practice? Journal of Accounting Education (42): 40-48.
Welsch, G. A. 1964. Some challenges for accounting education. The Accounting Review (October): 1008-1013.
Werntz, W. W. 1961. Accounting education and the Ford and Carnegie reports. The Accounting Review (April): 186-190.
Wetnight, R. B. 1958. Liberal arts or liberal education for accountants? N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 69-70.
Wheeler, P. 2001. The Myers-Briggs type indicator and applications to accounting education and research. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 125-150. (Wheeler examines Jungian personality-type theory and the psychometric instrument referred to as the Myers-Briggs type indicator. According to Jungian theory their are eight primary personality traits that divide into two dichotomous pairs of mental functions and two dichotomous pairs of attitudes: Extraversion and Introversion denote the EI attitude; Sensing and Intuition denote the SN perceiving mental function; Thinking and Feeling denote the TF judging mental function; and Judging and Perceiving denote the JP attitude toward the mental functions. For each person, one trait from each of the four dichotomies is predominant and the four predominant traits interact to define the personality type. According Jungian theory their are sixteen combinations or personality types).
White, G. 2014. A win-win for companies and students. Strategic Finance (August): 58-60. (IMA Student Leadership Conference).
White, J. C. 1930. Teaching of accounting in schools of engineering. The Accounting Review (September): 208-212.
White, L. R. 2009. Challenging the value creation paradigm in today's accounting profession. Cost Management (January/February): 18-32.
Whitehead, A. N. 1929. The Aims of Education and Other Essays. New York, NY: Free Press.
Whitney, W. H. 1949. Introducing accounting majors to auditing. The Accounting Review (January): 90-94.
Wieck, M. R., D. K. Barney and A. K. Srinivasan. 2023. Master of science in strategic finance. Strategic Finance (August): 76-83.
Wiig, E. H. and C. C. Wilson. 2000. Map It Out: Visual Tools for Thinking, Organizing, and Communicating. Thinking Publishing.
Wilder, W. M. and M. H. Stocks. 2004. Are accounting graduates favorably recruited for entry-level management positions? Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 21-28.
Wildman, J. R. 1926. Early instruction in accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 105-107.
Wilkin, C. L. 2014. Enhancing the AIS curriculum: Integration of a research-led, problem-based learning task. Journal of Accounting Education 32(2): 185-199.
Wilkinson, J. W. 1971. Academic notes: Designing a computer-based information system: An "intermediate" systems course. The Accounting Review (October): 797-799.
Williams, D. Z. 1966. A seminar on the teaching of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 542-549. (Williams provides a list of readings for a seminar on teaching).
Williams, D. Z. and S. Matzke. 2012. The Accounting Doctoral Scholars program: A status report. Journal of Accountancy (October): 46-48.
Williams, J. R., H. Herring, M. Tiller and J. Scheiner. 1988. A Framework for the Development of Accounting Education Research. Accounting Education Series (9). American Accounting Association.
Williams, K. 1988. A novel approach to accounting: The case of the purloined pagoda. Management Accounting (December): 19-23. (Discussion of various novels including Goldratt's The Goal and Grumbley's The Ultimate Ripoff and Accosting the Golden Spire).
Williamson, R. W. 1982. Presenting information economics to students. The Accounting Review (April): 414-419. (Class exercise to illustrate the computation of expected values, cost of prediction error or conditional loss, expected value of perfect information, and the expected value of sample information).
Willis, E. 1977. Computation of gain on disposition of section 1250 property. The Accounting Review (July): 727-728.
Willis, E. 1977. The amount of a charitable contribution of property. The Accounting Review (April): 498-502.
Willits, S. D. 2010. Will more liberal arts courses fix the accounting curriculum? Journal of Accounting Education 28(1): 13-25.
Wilson, D. A. 1979. On the pedagogy of financial accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 396-401.
Windal, F. W. 1968. Slaying the quantitative Goliath. The Accounting Review (October): 779-781.
Windal, F. W. 1981. Publishing for a varied public: An empirical study. The Accounting Review (July): 653-658.
Wine, W. D. and X. Shen. 2020. Book review: Jason Owen-Smith: Research Universities and the Public Good: Discovery for an Uncertain Future. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(3): NP30-NP32.
Winslow, R. S. 1958. Relationships and responsibilities of teaching staffs to executive development programs. The Accounting Review (October): 568-572.
Winsor, J. L. 1977. A’s , B’s, but not C’s: A comment. Contemporary Education (48): 82-84.
Winter, S. G. 1927. Accounting instruction at Iowa. The Accounting Review (June): 178-181.
Winter, S. G. 1933. Accountancy for the general business student. The Accounting Review (June): 105-109.
Winter, S. G. 1935. The C. P. A.-review course. The Accounting Review (March): 23-26.
Winter, S. G. 1941. What is proper training for accountants? The Accounting Review (June): 183-188.
Winter, S. G. 1956. Comments on "Attracting and maintaining a supply of effective accounting teachers". The Accounting Review (April): 223-226.
Winter, S. G. 1957. A Report by the Task Committee on Faculty Personnel: Comments on the preparation and qualifications of accounting teachers. The Accounting Review (April): 243-245.
Wixon, R. 1954. Announcement: Committee on Standards of Accounting Instruction. The Accounting Review (July): 456.
Wojdak, J. F. and D. L. Crumbley. 1969. Introducing important tax provisions into advanced accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 173-175.
Wolf, A. E. 1971. Education revisited. Management Accounting (January): 14-15.
Wolf, G. 1972. Some research and teaching with an on-line oligopoly game using an artificial player. Decision Sciences 3(3): 101-114.
Wong, J., S. Pippin, J. Weber and J. Bergner. 2016. The inclusion of sustainability in the accounting curriculum. The CPA Journal (June): 64-67.
Wood, B. D., A. E. Traxler and W. W. Nissley. 1948. College accounting testing program. The Accounting Review (January): 63-83.
Woodburne, L. S. 1957. The evaluation of faculty services. The Accounting Review (April): 235-238.
Woods, R. S. 1960. Content of the accounting systems course. The Accounting Review (October): 720-726.
Woolsey, S. M. 1957. Teaching accounting by television. The Accounting Review (January): 119-123.
Woolsey, S. M. 1959. Improving the quality of advanced accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (April): 303-305.
Worcester, D. A. Jr. 1957. Standards of faculty tenure and promotion: A pure theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(2): 216-234.
Worthington, A. G., and Wong, P. T. P. 1979. Effects of earned and assigned grades on student evaluations of an instructor. Journal of Educational Psychology (71): 764-775.
Wright, A. 1988. The comparative performance of MBAs vs. undergraduate accounting majors in public accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 123-136.
Wright, R. 2008. How to get the most from university relationships. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 75-80.
Wright, W. F. 2007. Academic instruction as a determinant of judgment performance. Behavioral Research In Accounting (19): 247-259.
Wu, A. J. 2008. Integrating the AICPA core competencies into classroom teaching. The CPA Journal (August): 64-67.
Wu, W. W., H. Lin and J. Jurinski. 2021. Adding blockchain to business curricula. The next generation of accountants needs to keep up with the intricacies of new technologies, including blockchain. Is a mandatory fifth year of undergrad not far behind? Strategic Finance (August): 46-51.
Wyatt, A. 1989. Interface between teaching/research and teaching/practice. Accounting Horizons (March): 125-128.
Wyatt, A. R. 1959. Professional education in accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 200-206.
Wygal, D. E. 2015. Reflections on pathways to teaching, learning and curriculum community relationship building. Journal of Accounting Education 33(4): 257-293.
Wygal, D. E. and B. P. Hartman. 2003. Partnering for change: Infusing enterprise resource planning in the accounting curriculum. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 63-67.
Wygal, D. E. and D. E. Stout. 2015. Shining a light on effective teaching best practices: Survey findings from award-winning accounting educators. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 173-205.
Wygal, D. E., D. E. Stout and B. M. Cunningham. 2017. Shining additional light on effective teaching best practices in accounting: Self-reflective insights from Cook Prize winners. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 17-31.
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Yan, Z., D. Appelbaum, A. Kogan and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2023. Teaching predictive audit data analytic techniques: Time-series forecasting with transactional and exogenous data. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(1): 169-194.
Yankee, G. G. 1958. The faculty residency program. The Accounting Review (April): 206-208.
Yankee, G. G. and R. J. De Reyna, II. 1959. Accounting achievement in conventional and television classes at the University of Miami. The Accounting Review (October): 651-655.
Yockey, D. W. 1988. So you want to be a forensic accountant. Management Accounting (November): 19, 22-23, 25.
Yoder, D. 1962. The faculty role in university governance. The Journal of the Academy of Management 5(3): 222-229.
Young, G. R. 2008. Forensic accounting and FAU: An executive graduate program. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 593-599.
Young, K. G. 1963. A solution approach to application of funds problems. The Accounting Review (October): 830-833.
Yunker, J. A. and J. W. Marlin. 1984. Performance evaluation of college and university faculty: An economic perspective. Educational Administration Quarterly (Winter): 9-37.
Zahller, K. A. 2023. Developing an advanced management accounting course. Strategic Finance (August): 92-98.
Zald, M. N. 1968. The common body of knowledge for CPAs: Some problems in analysis. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 130-140.
Zannetos, Z. S. 1963. Mathematics as a tool of accounting instruction and research. The Accounting Review (April): 326-335.
Zannetos, Z. S. 1967. Programmed instruction and computer technology. The Accounting Review (July): 566-571.
Zarb, B. J. and P. Jagolinzer. 2008. What are students taught in international accounting courses? The CPA Journal (September): 60-65.
Zeff, S. A. 1961. "Price-level" should be taught... in the introductory course. The Accounting Review (October): 642-645.
Zeff, S. A. 1968. Accounting journals in business school libraries. The Accounting Review (January): 150-153.
Zeff, S. A. 1980. Editorial: "intermediate" and "advanced" accounting: The role of "economic consequences". The Accounting Review (October): 658-663.
Zeff, S. A. 2008. Pioneering Excellence: A History of Accounting Education at the University of Denver by Peter A. Firmin. The Accounting Review (September): 1385.
Zeff, S. A. 2011. Accounting Education and the Profession in New Zealand: Profiles of the Pioneering Academics and the Early University Accounting Departments 1900-1970 by Donald G. Trow, Stephen A. Zeff. The Accounting Review (May): 1122.
Zeff, S. A. 2018. A critical view of the evolution of the accounting professoriate.
Zeff, S. A. 2018. Instilling historical perspective and a critical faculty in the first undergraduate course in financial accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 95-100.
Zeisel, G. and R. Estes. 1979. Accounting and public service. The Accounting Review (April): 402-408.
Zender, J. 2016. Education at the root of accounting excellence. Strategic Finance (August): 34-40. (Humboldt State University partnership with IMA).
Zhang, C. and D. N. Stone. 2023. Integrating Alteryx Designer and Tableau Desktop into the AIS course: An analytics mindset model. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 35-61.
Zhang, C. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2022. How to teach a 14-week robotic process automation (RPA) course for accounting students. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 21-39.
Zhang, C., J. Dai and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2018. The impact of disruptive technologies on accounting and auditing education: How should the profession adapt? The CPA Journal (September): 20-26.
Ziegler, F. G. and J. M. Ivanoff. 1964. A study of a maturity factor between freshman and sophomore accounting students. The Accounting Review (January): 155-160.
Ziegler, J. H. 1972. Current trends in the teaching of auditing. The Accounting Review (January): 167-170.
Zieha, E. L. 1974. Computer-generated accounting assignments. The Accounting Review (July): 600-602.
Zikmund, W. G., R. F. Catalanello and S. M. Wegener. 1977. The accounting student's job-rating criteria: An experiment. The Accounting Review (July): 729-735.
Zimering, M. 1952. Teaching and solving installment sales problems. The Accounting Review (July): 376-382.
Zimmerman, A. B., T. J. Fogarty and G. A. Jonas. 2017. Is accounting an applied discipline? An institutional theory assessment of the value of faculty accounting-related work experience in the academic labor market. Journal of Accounting Education (41): 33-47.
Zimmerman, V. K. 1959. Adding flexibility to the accounting curriculum: An accelerated program. The Accounting Review (October): 658-660.
Zlatkovich, C. T. 1949. Teaching the application of funds statement. The Accounting Review (April): 206-208.
Zlatkovich, C. T. 1958. Training for an accounting career: An educator's view. The Accounting Review (April): 193-197.
Zoffer, H. J. 1978. Accounting education and educated accountants. Management Accounting (March): 19-23, 26.
Zucca, L. J. and D. W. McFall Jr. 2008. Recruiting (and retaining) the next generation accountant: One university's experience. Journal of Accountancy (April): 60-67.
Zukowska, W. H. 1961. Essential subject matter for a one-year basic accounting course offered to non-accounting majors. The Accounting Review (July): 481-487.