Management And Accounting Web

Decision Sciences 2021

Volume 51(2) - 52(6)

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Decision Sciences 1970-1975 + 2010-2023Journal Updates by Year

Adikari, S. and K. Dutta. 2021. Adaptive ad network selection for publisher-return optimization in mobile-app advertising. Decision Sciences 52(4): 986-1017.

Alblas, A. and M. Notten. 2021. Speed is significant in short-loop experimental learning: Iterating and debugging in high-tech product innovation. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1364-1402.

Bai, C., W. Gao and J. Sarkis. 2021. Operational risks and firm market performance: Evidence from China. Decision Sciences 52(4): 920-951.

Balezentis, T., S. Blancard, Z. Shen and D. Streimikiene. 2021. Analysis of environmental total factor productivity evolution in European agricultural sector. Decision Sciences 52(2): 483-511.

Bogaert, M., M. Ballings, R. Bergmans and D. Van den Poel. 2021. Predicting self-declared movie watching behavior using Facebook data and information-fusion sensitivity analysis. Decision Sciences 52(3): 776-810.

Cai, Y., T. Choi and J. Zhang. 2021. Platform supported supply chain operations in the blockchain era: Supply contracting and moral hazards. Decision Sciences 52(4): 866-892.

Chae, B. and D. Olson. 2021. A topical exploration of the intellectual development of Decision Sciences 1975-2016. Decision Sciences 52(3): 543-566.

Chopra, S., M. Sodhi and F. Lucker. 2021. Achieving supply chain efficiency and resilience by using multi-level commons. Decision Sciences 52(4): 817-832.

Cil, E. B. 2021. Managing service systems via disguised queues: The role of retaliating customers. Decision Sciences 52(2): 427-454.

Cook, K. A., G. R. Huston, M. R. Kinney and J. S. Smith. 2021. Just how much does the tail wag the dog? Altering inventory to manage earnings. Decision Sciences 52(1): 216-261.

Decision Sciences. 2021. Special issue on data mining & decision analytics. Decision Sciences 52(3): 542.

Dong, Y., K. Xu, S. Song and Z. Chen. 2021. Quality reference in consumer product recalls. Decision Sciences 52(4): 893-919.

Duan, L. and J. A. Ventura. 2021. Technical note: A joint pricing, supplier selection, and inventory replenishment model using the logit demand function. Decision Sciences 52(2): 512-534.

DuHadway, S. and R. Narasimhan. 2021. Subverting process-based controls: Oscillation in automotive recalls and a simulation on opportunism within a network. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1326-1363.

Feuerriegel, S. and N. Prollochs. 2021. Investor reaction to financial disclosures across topics: An application of Latent Dirichlet allocation. Decision Sciences 52(3): 608-628.

Franke, H., K. Foerstl and H. S. Heese. 2021. The interaction effect of goal misalignment and metaknowledge distribution on team decision making in operations and supply chain management. Decision Sciences 52(2): 331-361.

Gernert, A., H. Sebastian Heese and D. A. Wuttke. 2021. Subcontracting new product development projects: The role of competition and commitment. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1039-1070.

Golmohammadi, A. and E. Hassini. 2021. Investment strategies in supplier development under capacity and demand uncertainty. Decision Sciences 52(1): 109-141.

Gomez-Mejia, L. R., G. Martin, V. H. Villena and R. M. Wiseman. 2021. The behavioral agency model: Revised concepts and implications for operations and supply chain research. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1026-1038.

Heese, H. S., E. Kemahlioglu-Ziya and O. Perdikaki. 2021. Outsourcing under competition and scale economies: When to choose a competitor as a supplier. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1209-1241.

Hynninen, Y., E. Vilkkumaa and A. Salo. 2021. Operationalization of utilitarian and egalitarian objectives for optimal allocation of health care resources. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1169-1208.

Jain, T., J. Hazra T. E. Cheng. 2021. IT outsourcing and vendor cost improvement strategies under asymmetric information. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1109-1136.

Jalili, M. and M. S. Pangburn. 2021. Understanding the value of delayed discounts in retail rewards programs. Decision Sciences 52(4): 952-985.

Kim, J., Y. W. Park and A. J. Williams. 2021. A mathematical programming approach for imputation of unknown journal ratings in a combined journal quality list. Decision Sciences 52(2): 455-482.

Kirshner, S. N. and B. B. Moritz. 2021. Measuring demand chasing behavior. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1264-1281.

Koufteros, X. A., S. Babbar, R. S. Behara and M. Baghersad. 2021. OM research: Leading authors and institutions. Decision Sciences 52(1): 8-77.

Li, X., X. Liu and L. Motiwalla. 2021. Valuing personal data with privacy consideration. Decision Sciences 52(2): 393-426.

Li, Y., D. Zhang and Z. Fu. 2021. CE-DIFF: An approach to identifying and coping with irregular ratings in collaborative decision making. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1432-1451.

Liengaard, B. D., P. N. Sharma, G. T. M. Hult, M. B. Jensen, M. Sarstedt, J. F. Hair and C. M. Ringle. 2021. Prediction: Coveted, yet forsaken? Introducing a cross-validated predictive ability test in partial least squares path modeling. Decision Sciences 52(2): 362-292.

Ma, X., J. Kuem, J. Hou, L. Khansa and Z. Zhu. 2021. Are all contributions equal? Investigating the role of community participation in crowdwork. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1282-1325.

Mukhopadhyay, S., S. Samaddar, A. O. Solis and A. Roy. 2021. Disease detection analytics: A simple linear convex programming algorithm for breast cancer and diabetes incidence decisions. Decision Sciences 52(3): 661-698.

Niemi, T., O. Gallay and A. Hameri. 2021. Technical note: Mean lead-time as a real-time key performance indicator. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1242-1256.

Ramirez-Nafarrate, A., O. M. Araz and J. W. Fowler. 2021. Decision assessment algorithms for location and capacity optimization under resource shortages. Decision Sciences 52(1): 142-181.

Seongtae, K. and S. M. Wagner. 2021. Examining the stock price effect of corruption risk in the supply chain. Decision Sciences 52(4): 833-865.

Shao, L. 2021. Capacity investment in a new production location. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1452-1483.

Sharma, P. N., G. Shmueli, M. Sarstedt, N. Danks and S. Ray. 2021. Prediction-oriented model selection in partial least squares path modeling. Decision Sciences 52(3): 567-607.

Tang, F., Z. Ma, Y. Dai and T. Choi. 2021. Upstream or downstream: Who should provide trade-in services in dyadic supply chains? Decision Sciences 52(5): 1071-1108.

Topaloglu, O. and M. Dass. 2021. The impact of online review content and linguistic style matching on new product sales: The moderating role of review helpfulness. Decision Sciences 52(3): 749-775.

Wani, D., Y. Dong, M. K. Malhotra and K. Xu. 2021. Emerging market penetration and emissions performance. Decision Sciences 52(1): 283-324.

Wei, S., J. Yin and X. Chen. 2021. Paradox of supply chain integration and firm performance: The moderating roles of distributive and procedural justice. Decision Sciences 52(1): 78-108.

Wong, R. S. 2021. An alternative explanation for attribute framing and spillover effects in multidimensional supplier evaluation and supplier termination: Focusing on asymmetries in attention. Decision Sciences 52(1): 262-282.

Wu, M., S. X. Zhu and R. H. Teunter. 2021. Advance selling and advertising: A newsvendor framework. Decision Sciences 52(1): 182-215.

Xu, M. and S. Bhattacharyya. 2021. Taste transitivity for collaborative filtering: A stochastic network dynamics approach. Decision Sciences 52(3): 629-660.

Yoo, S. H., T. Y. Choi and D. Kim. 2021. Multitier incentive strategies for quality improvement: Case of three-tier supply chain. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1137-1168.

Zaman, N., D. M. Goldberg, A. S. Abrahams and R. A. Essig. 2021. Facebook hospital reviews: Automated service quality detection and relationships with patient satisfaction. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1403-1431.

Zhang, Q., D. Koutmos, K. Chen and J. Zhu. 2021. Using operational and stock analytics to measure airline performance: A network DEA approach. Decision Sciences 52(3): 720-748.

Zhao, S. 2021. Thumb up or down? A text-mining approach of understanding consumers through reviews. Decision Sciences 52(3): 699-719.