Volume 1(1) 1970 - Volume 6(4)
1975 and Volumes 41(1) 2010 - 54(6) 2023
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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Abbasi, B. and S. Z. Hosseinifard. 2014. On the issuing policies for perishable items such as red blood cells and platelets in blood service. Decision Sciences 45(5): 995-1020.
Abbasi, B., M. Fadaki, Z. Hosseinifard, H. Jahani and D. J. Thomas. 2022. Allocation policies to fulfill heterogeneous service requirements under resource pooling. Decision Sciences 53(2): 277-319.
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Abranovic, W., F. F. Newpeck and D. G. Frederick. 1974. APL as a computer language for teaching statistics. Decision Sciences 5(4): 669-676.
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Adams, C. R. 1975. How management users view information systems. Decision Sciences 6(2): 337-345.
Adikari, S. and K. Dutta. 2021. Adaptive ad network selection for publisher-return optimization in mobile-app advertising. Decision Sciences 52(4): 986-1017.
Aggarwal, S. C. and E. Stafford. 1975. A heuristic algorithm for the flowshop problem with a common job sequence on all machines. Decision Sciences 6(2): 237-251.
Agnihotri, R., S. Mani, N. N. Chaker, P. J. Daugherty and P. Kothandaraman. 2022. Drivers and performance implications of frontline employees' social capital development and maintenance: The role of online social networks*. Decision Sciences 53(1): 181-215.
Akcay, Y. and F. Karaesmen. 2023. Customers know best: Pricing policies for products with heterogeneous quality. Decision Sciences 54(1): 113-124.
Akçura, M. T., Z. D. Ozdemir and M. S. Rahman. 2015. Online intermediary as a channel for selling quality-differentiated services. Decision Sciences 46(1): 37-62.
Alblas, A. and M. Notten. 2021. Speed is significant in short-loop experimental learning: Iterating and debugging in high-tech product innovation. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1364-1402.
Allred, C. R., S. E. Fawcett, C. Wallin and G. M. Magnan. 2011. A dynamic collaboration capability as a source of competitive advantage. Decision Sciences 42(1): 129-161.
Alwan, L. C., M. Xu, D. Yao and X. Yue. 2016. The dynamic newsvendor model with correlated demand. Decision Sciences 47(1): 11-30.
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Apte, A., J. Khawam, E. Regnier and J. Simon. 2016. Complexity and self-sustainment in disaster response supply chains. Decision Sciences 47(6): 998-1015.
Apte, A., S. K. Heath, A. Pico and Y. H. R. Tan. 2015. Evacuating people with mobility-challenges in a short-notice disaster. Decision Sciences 46(4): 731-754.
Araz, O. M., T. Choi, D. L. Olson and F. S. Salman. 2020. Data analytics for operational risk management. Decision Sciences 51(6): 1316-1319.
Araz, O. M., T. Choi, D. L. Olson and F. S. Salman. 2020. Role of analytics for operational risk management in the era of big data. Decision Sciences 51(6): 132-1346.
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Ayanso, A. and B. Mokaya. 2013. Efficiency evaluation in search advertising. Decision Sciences 44(5): 877-913.
Aydinliyim, T. and G. L. Vairaktarakis. 2013. A cooperative savings game approach to a time sensitive capacity allocation and scheduling problem. Decision Sciences 44(2): 357-376.
Aydinliyim, T. and M. S. Pangburn. 2012. Reducing packaging waste and cost via consumer price discounts. Decision Sciences 43(6): 1063-1089.
Aydinliyim, T. and N. N. Murthy. 2016. Managing engineering design for competitive sourcing in closed-loop supply chains. Decision Sciences 47(2): 257-297.
Azadegan, A., M. M. Parast, L. Lucianetti, R. Nishant and J. Blackhurst. 2020. Supply chain disruptions and business continuity: An empirical assessment. Decision Sciences 51(1): 38-73.
Bachrach, D. G., E. Bendoly, D. B. Ammeter, R. Blackburn, K. G. Brown, G. Burke, T. Callahan, K. Y. Chen, V. H. Day, A. E. Ellstrand, O. H. Erekson, J. A. Gomez, T. Greenlee, R. Handfield, M. L. Loudder, M. Malhotra, K. R. Petroni, A. Sevilla, S. Shafer, M. Shih and D. Voss. 2017. On academic rankings, unacceptable methods, and the social obligations of business schools. Decision Sciences 48(3): 561-585.
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Bai, G., S. H. Hsu and R. Krishnan. 2014. Accounting performance and capacity investment decisions: Evidence from California hospitals. Decision Sciences 45(2): 309-339.
Baker, T., V. Jayaraman and N. Ashley. 2013. A data-driven inventory control policy for cash logistics operations: An exploratory case study application at a financial institution. Decision Sciences 44(1): 205-226.
Balakrishnan, P. V., S. Kumar and P. Han. 2011. Dual objective segmentation to improve targetability: An evolutionary algorithm approach*. Decision Sciences 42(4): 831-857.
Balezentis, T., S. Blancard, Z. Shen and D. Streimikiene. 2021. Analysis of environmental total factor productivity evolution in European agricultural sector. Decision Sciences 52(2): 483-511.
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Benedek, G., A. Lubloy and G. Vastag. 2014. The importance of social embeddedness: Churn models at mobile providers. Decision Sciences 45(1): 175-201.
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Browning, T. R. and A. A. Yassine. 2016. Managing a portfolio of product development projects under resource constraints. Decision Sciences 47(2): 333-372.
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Burns, A. J., T. L. Roberts, G. Posey, R. J. Bennett and J. F. Courtney. 2018. Intentions to comply versus intentions to protect: A VIE theory approach to understanding the influence of insiders awareness of organizational SETA efforts. Decision Sciences 49(6): 1187-1228. (SETA refers to security education, training, and awareness. VIE refers to the components of expectancy theory, i.e., valence, instrumentality, and expectancy).
Burr, R. M. and B. R. Copeland. 1970. It's permutations - not combinations. Decision Sciences 1(1-2): 230-233.
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Cai, G., Y. Chen, C. Wu and L. Hsiao. 2013. Probabilistic selling, channel structure, and supplier competition. Decision Sciences 44(2): 267-296.
Cai, Y. and D. Zhu. 2020. Who can we trust: A new approach for fraudulent rater detection in reputation systems. Decision Sciences 51(1): 148-180.
Cai, Y., T. Choi and J. Zhang. 2021. Platform supported supply chain operations in the blockchain era: Supply contracting and moral hazards. Decision Sciences 52(4): 866-892.
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Campbell, G. M. 2012. On-call overtime for service workforce scheduling when demand is uncertain. Decision Sciences 43(5): 817-850.
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Cantor, D. E., P. C. Morrow and J. Blackhurst. 2015. An examination of how supervisors influence their subordinates to engage in environmental behaviors. Decision Sciences 46(4): 697-729.
Cao, X. and X. Fang. 2019. Component procurement for an assembly supply chain with random capacities and random demand. Decision Sciences 50(6): 1259-1280.
Carrillo, J. E., C. Druehl and J. Hsuan. 2015. Invited review: Introduction to innovation within and across borders: A review and future directions. Decision Sciences 46(2): 225-265.
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Chandrasekaran, A. and K. Linderman. 2015. Managing knowledge creation in high-tech R&D projects: A multimethod study. Decision Sciences 46(2): 267-300.
Chaurasia, S., R. K. Pati, S. S. Padhi, J. M. Jensen and N. Gavirneni. 2022. Achieving the United Nations sustainable development goals-2030 through the nutraceutical industry: A review of managerial research and the role of operations management. Decision Sciences 53(4): 630-645.
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