Management And Accounting Web

Inventory Accounting Bibliography A-K

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abbott, J. B. 1915. Deadstock. Journal of Accountancy (October): 315-320. (..."inactive merchandise, if carried from year to year in an inventory, "eats its head off," and therefore that it is better to keep this inactive item at the very lowest figure.").

Abdel-Khalik, A. R. 1985. The effect of LIFO-switching and firm ownership on executives' pay. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 427-447.

Abruzzi, A. 1965. The production process: Operating characteristics . Management Science (April): B98-B118.

Adams, M. T. and C. S. Troutman. 2012. Avoiding missteps in the LIFO conformity rule. Journal of Accountancy (August): 60-64.

Aggarwal, S. C. and D. G. Dhavale. 1975. A simulation analysis of a multiproduct multiechelon inventory-distribution system. The Academy of Management Journal 18(1): 41-54.

Aggarwal, S. C. 1985. MRP, JIT, OPT, FMS? Harvard Business Review (September-October): 8-10.

Agin, N. 1966. A min-max inventory model. Management Science (March): 517-529.

Agin, N. 1966. Optimum seeking with branch and bound. Management Science (December): B176-B185.

Agrawal, S. P. 1986. Inflation, maintenance of capital and IRR models of capital budgeting. Decision Sciences (Winter): 1-15.

Ahadiat, N. 1986. Solving inventory problems by simulation. Journal of Systems Management (September): 29-35.

Aharony, J. and S. Bar-Yosef. 1987. Tests of the impact of LIFO adoption on stockholders: A stochastic dominance approach. Contemporary Accounting Research 3(2): 430-444.

Ahern, J. T. and P. L. Romano. 1979. Managing inventories and profits through GMROI. Management Accounting (August): 22-26.

Alcide, P. E. 1986. ABCs of inventory management. Practical Accountant (August): 36.

Allen, M. K. 1987. The Development of an Artificial Intelligence System for Inventory Management. Council of Logistics Management.

Allen, S. G. 1961. A redistribution model with set-up charge. Management Science (October): 99-108.

Allen, S. G. 1962. Computation for the redistribution model with set-up charge. Management Science (July): 482-489.

Alwan, L. C., M. Xu, D. Yao and X. Yue. 2016. The dynamic newsvendor model with correlated demand. Decision Sciences 47(1): 11-30.

Amar, A. D. 1984. Japanese production management - Just-in-time and total quality control: Review and critique. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business (Summer): 55-59.

Amlung, M. J. Jr. 1978. Dollar - value LIFO. Management Accounting (October): 36-40.

An, R., W. Li, D. Wang, Y. Wang and L. Yu. 2023. Do key matters affect operating activities? Evidence from inventory management. Abacus 59(1): 300-339. (China's recent audit report reform).

Anctil, R. M., P. J. Saly, M. E. Borneman. 2009. Newport Home: Multichannel merchandising and inventory management. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(4): 1-5.

Anderson, E. T., G. J. Fitzsimons and D. Simester. 2006. Measuring and mitigating the costs of stockouts. Management Science (November): 1751-1763.

Angell, C. R. 1948. Control of state-wide liquor inventories. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 751-759.

Angelus, A. 2011. A multiechelon inventory problem with secondary market sales. Management Science (December): 2145-2162.

Armstrong, D. J. 1985. Sharpening inventory management. Harvard Business Review (December): 42-43, 46-48, 50-51, 54, 58.

Arnoff, G. 2010. No-inventory standard costing for JIT manufacturers: Maximizing backflush costing. Cost Management (January/February): 34-37.

Arrow, K. J., T. Harris and J. Marschak. 1951. Optimal inventory policy. Econometrica. (XIX): 250-272.

Atchison, W. B. Jr. 1945. Taking the physical inventory. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 278-293.

Axsater, S. 2010. Inventory Control, 2nd edition. Springer.

Azoury, K. S. 1985. Bayes solution to dynamic inventory models under unknown demand distribution. Management Science (September): 1150-1160.

Babillus, J. 1950. Once over every quarter - A cycle inventory. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November): 274-279.

Backes, R. W. 1980. Cycle counting - A better method for achieving accurate inventory records. Management Accounting (January): 42-46.

Bahnson, P. R. and P. B. W. Miller. 2004. It's time to get rid of LIFO conformity. Strategic Finance (June): 43-47.

Baiman, S., S. Netessine and R. Saouma. 2010. Informativeness, incentive compensation, and the choice of inventory buffer. The Accounting Review (November): 1839-1860.

Baitler, J. 2003. The power of effective procurement and strategic suppliers. Strategic Finance (August): 36-40.

Baker, T., V. Jayaraman and N. Ashley. 2013. A data-driven inventory control policy for cash logistics operations: An exploratory case study application at a financial institution. Decision Sciences 44(1): 205-226.

Balakrishnan, R., T. J. Linsmeier and M. Venkatachalam. 1996. Financial benefits from JIT adoption: Effects of customer concentration and cost structure. The Accounting Review (April): 183-205.

Baldenius, T. and S. Reichelstein. 2005. Incentives for efficient inventory management: The role of historical cost. Management Science (July): 1032-1045.

Balintfy, J. L. 1964. On a basic class of multi-item inventory problems. Management Science (January): 287-297.

Banks, J. and R. G. Heikes. 1983. Technical aid for EOQ determination. American Journal of Small Business (Spring): 27-30.

Bao, B. and D. Bao. 1989. LIFO adoption: A technology diffusion analysis. Accounting, Organizations and Society 14(4): 303-319.

Barbor, J. F. 1978. Is LIFO a valid accounting practice? Management Accounting (May): 30-34.

Barksdale, H. C. and J. E. Hilliard. 1975. A spectral analysis of the interaction between inventories and sales of merchant wholesalers. Decision Sciences 6(2): 307-323.

Barlev, B., D. Fried and J. Livnat. 1986. Economic and financial reporting effects of inventory tax allowances. Contemporary Accounting Research 2(2): 288-310.

Baron, D. 1996. Verification procedures used in two inventory counts in New Spain, 1596-1597. The Accounting Historians Journal 23(1): 1-24.

Barr, D. H. 1949. Production planning and inventory control for market maintenance and penetration. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 163-172.

Bar-Yosef, S. and P. K. Sen. 1992. On optimal choice of inventory accounting method. The Accounting Review (April): 320-336. (Part of a forum on LIFO choice of inventory valuation).

Bastable, C. W. Jr. 1955. A revised concept of inventories. The Accounting Review (January): 130-133.

Battista, G. L. and G. R. Crowingshield. 1965. Inventories at realizable values? N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 31-43.

Baxendale, S. J., L. H. Boyd and M. Gupta. 2006. The absorption costing/inventory management conundrum: A theory of constraints approach. Cost Management (November/December): 30-39.

Beach, W. F. 1953. How to make I-day easier. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 245-254.

Beaudry, D. P. Jr. 1941. The supply inventory and its control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 1): 1381-1398.

Bechtel, V. R. 1954. Wide-awake inventory control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November): 345-351.

Beckmann, M. 1961. An inventory model for arbitrary interval and quantity distributions of demand. Management Science (October): 35-57.

Beckman, M. and R. Muth. 1956. An inventory policy for a case of lagged delivery. Management Science (January): 145-155.

Bedford, H. N. 1954. To control inventory - Prevent, regulate, eliminate. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 737-750.

Beesack, P. R. 1967. A finite horizon dynamic inventory model with a stockout constraint. Management Science (May): 618-630.

Bell, J. W. 1960. Brewery inventory control with electronic data processing. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 45-52 .

Bellman, R., I. Glicksberg and O. Gross. 1955. On the optimal inventory equation. Management Science (October): 83-104.

Bendel, C. W. 1951. Control of inventory consigned to suppliers. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1446-1456.

Benjaafar, S. and M. ElHafsi. 2006. Production and inventory control of a single product assemble-to-order system with multiple customer classes. Management Science (December): 1896-1912.

Benjaafar, S., W. L. Cooper and J. Kim. 2005. On the benefits of pooling in production-inventory systems. Management Science (April): 548-565.

Benner-Dale, C. J. 1980. The hammer of "Thor". Management Accounting (November): 48-51.

Beranek, W. 1967. Financial implications of lot-size inventory models. Management Science (April): B401-B408.

Berling, P. and K. Rosling. 2005. The effects of financial risks on inventory policy. Management Science (December): 1804-1815.

Berman, E. B. 1959. A regional production and transportation model. Management Science (April): 319-326.

Bernstein, F., G. Chen and A. Federgruen. 2006. Coordinating supply chains with simple pricing schemes: The role of vendor-managed inventories. Management Science (October): 1483-1492.

Biddle, G. C. 1980. Accounting methods and management decisions: The case of inventory costing and inventory policy. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Economic Consequences of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Effects on Corporate Incentives and Decisions): 235-280. (This paper is about cost flow assumptions).

Biddle, G. C. 1980. [Discussion of accounting methods and management decisions: The case of inventory costing and inventory policy]: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Economic Consequences of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Effects on Corporate Incentives and Decisions): 292-295. (This paper is about cost flow assumptions).

Biddle, G. C. 1988. Discussion of "Inventory accounting and earnings/price ratios: A puzzle". Contemporary Accounting Research 5(1): 389-396.

Biddle, G. C. and R. K. Martin. 1985. Inflation, taxes, and optimal inventory policies. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 57-83.

Biddle, G. C. and R. K. Martin. 1986. Stochastic inventory model incorporating intra-year purchases and accounting tax incentives. Management Science (June): 714-730.

Biddle, G. C. and W. E. Ricks. 1988. Analyst forecast errors and stock price behavior near the earnings announcement dates of LIFO adopters. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 169-194.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1967. Inventory valuation: The use of market prices. The Accounting Review (October): 731-737.

Bigham, P. 1986. Economic order quantities for systems with Step-function ordering costs. Production and Inventory Management (4th Quarter): 119-127.

Bill, R. W., J. H. Harrison and H. R. Maly. 1967. An EDP system for stores inventory control. Management Accounting (August): 35-42. (A case study).

Bivin, D. G. 1986. Inventories and interest rates: A critique of the buffer stock model. American Economic Review (March): 168-176.

Blakely, E. J. and P. H. Knutson. 1963. L.I.F.O. or L.O.F.I. - Which? The Accounting Review (January): 75-86.

Bliss, H. E. 1951. Inventory management "know how". N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1474-1484.

Bliss, M. D. and A. Markelevich. 2011. Why new technologies are reinventing inventory management. Strategic Finance (November): 48-53.

Bloom, R. and W. J. Cenker. 2009. The death of LIFO? Journal of Accountancy (January): 44-48.

Bomberger, E. E. 1961. Optimal inventory depletion policies. Management Science (April): 294-303.

Bomberger, E. E. 1966. A dynamic programming approach to a lot size scheduling problem. Management Science (July): 778-784.

Bonini, C. P. 1958. Decision rules for buffer inventories. Management Science (July): 457-471.

Bonsack, R. A. 1985. Inventory performance ratios - Fact or fiction? Journal of Accountancy and EDP (Fall): 61-65.

Bonthron, W. D. 1928. Inventory planning, taking and valuation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1).

Book, J. W. 1985. Is BOMP worth the trouble? Management Accounting (March): 54-58. (Bill of material processor software program).

Borch, K. 1965. Models for hierarchial decisions involving inventories. The Academy of Management Journal 8(3): 179-189.

Borthick, A. F. and M. B. Curtis. 2008. Due diligence on fast-fashion inventory through data querying. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 77-93.

Bowen, R. M. and G. M. Pfeiffer. 1989. The year-end LIFO purchase decision: The case of Farmer Brothers Company. The Accounting Review (January): 152-171.

Boylan, E. S. 1967. Multiple (s, S) policies and the n-period inventory problem. Management Science (November): 196-204.

Brady, E. and J. C. Babbitt. 1972. Inventory control systems. Management Accounting (December): 42-44.

Bragg, S. M. 2004. Inventory Best Practices. John Wiley & Sons.

Bragg, S. M. 2005. Inventory Accounting: A comprehensive Guide. Wiley.

Bragg, S. M. 2011. Inventory Best Practices, 2nd edition. Wiley.

Brearton, E. T. and C. O. Landon. 1963. Reducing inventory investment in a multiplant company. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 3-12.

Bricault, G. A. and C. D. Marshall. 1946. Inventories and the internal auditor. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 377-390.

Briggs, W. B. 1957. Calculating economic manufacturing quantities for better inventory control. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 57-64.

Brindle, V. 1986. Inventory management in an MRP II environment. Production and Inventory Management Review (August): 32, 36, 38.

Brinsdon, A. J. 1983. Building the financial interface to manufacturing inventory systems. Production and Inventory Management (4th Quarter): 33-44.

Broad, S. J. 1950. Valuation of inventories. The Accounting Review (July): 227-235.

Bronner, S. Z. 1961. Organizational aspects of inventory management. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 41-50.

Brown, G. W., J. Y. Lu and R. J. Wolfson. 1964. Dynamic modelling of inventories subject to obsolescence. Management Science (September): 51-63.

Brown, R. M. 1980. Short-range market reaction to changes to LIFO accounting using preliminary earnings announcement dates. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 38-63.

Brown, R. O. 1968. Inventory at net realizable values? Management Accounting (January): 43-44.

Brown, V. H. 1980. Discussion of accounting methods and management decisions: The case of inventory costing and inventory policy. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Economic Consequences of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Effects on Corporate Incentives and Decisions): 281-285.

Bruggen, A., I. Grabner and K. L. Sedatole. 2021. The folly of forecasting: The effects of a disaggregated demand forecasting system on forecast error, forecast positive bias, and inventory levels. The Accounting Review (March): 127-152.

Brummet, R. L. 1955. Direct costing: Should it be a controversial issue? The Accounting Review (July): 439-443.

Brummet, R. L. 1971. Discussion of LIFO and the diffusion of innovation. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 225-227.

Bruns, W. J. Jr. 1965. Inventory valuation and management decisions. The Accounting Review (April): 345-357.

Buchan, J. and E. Koenigsberg. 1963. Scientific Inventory Control. Prentice Hall.

Buffa, E. S. 1963. Models for Production and Operations Management. John Wiley & Sons. (Chapters 15, 16 and 17 cover inventory models).

Buffa, F. P. 1975. The application of a dynamic forecasting model with inventory control properties. Decision Sciences 6(2): 298-306.

Buse, C. H. 1957. A multi-deck punched card system to control materials inventory. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 71-78.

Cakic, O. E. 2020. Managing medical item inventories under order loss. Decision Sciences 51(5): 1131-1158.

Callahan, C. M., E. A. Gabriel and R. E. Smith. 2009. The effects of inter-firm cost correlation, IT investment, and product cost accuracy on production decisions and firm profitability. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 51-78.

Callioni, G., X. de Montgros, R. Slagmulder, L. N. Van Wassenhove and L. Wright. 2005. Inventory-driven costs. Harvard Business Review (March): 135-141. ("Inventory affects costs in more ways than you may realize. Understanding and managing inventory-driven costs can have a significant impact on margins." The cost of inventory include component devaluation, price protection, product return, obsolescence, and holding cost).

Carlson, C. E. 1947. Production control for maintenance of balanced stocks. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 383-390.

Carroll, R. P. and F. E. Schneider. 1960. Developing order points and quantities for inventory control. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 67-73.

Carson, A. B. 1944. Determination of merchandise turnover. The Accounting Review (July): 306-309.

Carson, E. G. 1952. The "base stock" and "Lifo" inventory methods. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November): 349-357.

Carter, A. G. 1973. Computing inventory R.O.I. Management Accounting (July): 43-45.

Cartmell, N. M. 1938. Practical application of inventory control methods. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 1047-1066.

Caspole, J. M. 1972. Costing from a data bank. Management Accounting (July): 47-50.

Castenholz, W. B. 1927. Bridging the gap. The Accounting Review (September): 237-245.

Cerf, A. R. 1957. Price level changes, inventory valuations, and tax considerations. The Accounting Review (October): 554-565.

Ceryan, O. 2019. Asymmetric pricing and replenishment controls for substitutable products. Decision Sciences 50(5): 1093-1119.

Chang, H., J. Chen, S. W. Hsu and R. Mashruwala. 2018. The impact of the bullwhip effect on sales and earnings prediction using order backlog. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(2): 1140-1165.

Chasteen, L. G. 1971. An empirical study of differences in economic circumstances as a justification for alternative inventory pricing methods. The Accounting Review (July): 504-508.

Chasteen, L. G. 1973. Economic circumstances and inventory method selection. Abacus 9(1): 22-27.

Cheatham, C. 1989. Reporting the effects of excess inventories. Journal of Accountancy (November): 131-140.

Chen, F. 2005. Salesforce incentives, market information, and production/inventory planning. Management Science (January): 60-75.

Chen, F. and S. A. Zenios. 2005. Introduction to the special issue on incentives and coordination in operations management. Management Science (January): 1.

Chen, H., M. Z. Frank and O. Q. Wu. 2005. What actually happened to the inventories of American companies between 1981 and 2000? Management Science (July): 1015-1031.

Chen, Z. and G. L. Vairaktarakis. 2005. Integrated scheduling of production and distribution operations. Management Science (April): 614-628.

Cheng, L., D. E. Cantor, M. Dresner and C. M. Grimm. 2012. The impact of contract manufacturing on inventory performance: An examination of U.S. manufacturing industries. Decision Sciences 43(5): 889-928.

Cheong, T., M. Goh and S. H. Song. 2015. Effect of inventory information discrepancy in a drop-shipping supply chain. Decision Sciences 46(1): 193-213.

Choi, M., E. Rabinovich and T. J. Richards. 2019. Supply chain contracts and inventory shrinkage: An empirical analysis in the grocery retailing industry. Decision Sciences 50(4): 694-725.

Chrisman, J. J. 1985. Basic production techniques for small manufacturers: Inventory control methods and MRP. Production & Inventory Management (3rd Quarter): 48-63.

Christ, M. H., S. A. Emett, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2021. Prepare for takeoff: Improving asset measurement and audit quality with drone-enabled inventory audit procedures. Review of Accounting Studies 26(4): 1323-1343.

Chu, L. Y. and H. Zhang. 2011. Optimal preorder strategy with endogenous information control. Management Science (June): 1055-1077.

Chung, C. 1987. Quality control sampling plans under zero inventories: An alternative method. Production and Inventory Management (2nd Quarter): 37-41.

Chung, J. O. Y., J. R. Cohen and G. S. Monroe. 2008. The effect of moods on auditors' inventory valuation decisions. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 27(2): 137-159.

Churchman, C. W., R. L. Ackoff and E. L. Arnoff. 1957. Introduction to Operations Research. New York: John Wiley.

Clark, A. J. and H. Scarf. 1960. Optimal policies for a multi-echelon inventory problem. Management Science (July): 475-490.

Clark, C. L. 1947. Fixed charges in inventories. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 1006-1017.

Clark, F. E. 1928. An analysis of the causes and results of hand-to-mouth buying. Harvard Business Review (July): 394-400.

Clark, J. F. and H. J. Noble. 1931. Inventory control as used by Tayor Instrument Companies of Rochester, N. Y. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 15): 91-112.

Clark, R. L. and F. Ryerson. 2010. Accounting for bill-and-hold transactions. The CPA Journal (December): 30-33.

Clark, W. V. A. Jr. and W. E. Ritchie. 1953. Economic lot-size and inventory control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 772-782.

Clottey, T., W. C. Benton Jr. and R. Srivastava. 2012. Forecasting product returns for remanufacturing operations. Decision Sciences 43(4): 589-614.

Cohen, M. A. and R. Halperin. 1980. Optimal inventory order policy for a firm using the LIFO inventory costing method. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 375-389.

Cohen, M. A., P. R. Kleindorfer and H. L. Lee. 1988. Service constrained (s,S) inventory systems with priority demand classes and lost sales. Management Science (April): 482-499.

Coleman, J. R. Jr., S. Smidt and R. York. 1964. Optimum plant design for seasonal production. Management Science (July): 778-785.

Committee on Concepts and Standards - Inventory Measurement. 1964. A discussion of various approaches to inventory measurement: Supplementary statement No. 2. The Accounting Review (July): 700-714.

Committee on Concepts and Standards Underlying Corporate Financial Statements. 1954. Inventory pricing and changes in price levels: Supplementary Statement No. 6. The Accounting Review (April): 188-193.

Cook, K. A., G. R. Huston, M. R. Kinney and J. S. Smith. 2021. Just how much does the tail wag the dog? Altering inventory to manage earnings. Decision Sciences 52(1): 216-261.

Cook, K. A., G. R. Huston, M. R. Kinney and J. S. Smith. 2022. Market reaction to abnormal inventory growth: Evidence for managerial decision-making. Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(1): 31-50.

Coombs, R. L. 1967. Statistical evaluation of work-in-process inventories. Management Accounting (November): 57-60.

Cooper, J. J. 1958. Paper company meets inventory challenge with better product cost. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 47-53.

Copeland, R. M. and J. K. Shank. 1971. LIFO and the diffusion of innovation. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 196-224.

Corbett, T. 1998. Throughput Accounting. North River Press.

Corcoran, A. W. and W. E. Leininger. 1973. In-process inventories and multiproduct production systems. The Accounting Review (April): 373-374.

Cotter, A. 1940. Why last-in?. The Accounting Review (September): 419-421.

Cotton, W. D. J. and P. Ricci. 1993. Using activity-based costing to satisfy the uniform inventory capitalization rules. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 60-68.

Cowen, K. H. 1948. Federal income tax aspects of inventory accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 409-419.

Crankshaw, C. D. and R. J. Corlett. 1970. Stock inventory control with data bases and analyses. Management Accounting (May): 26-28.

Cron, W. R. and R. B. Hayes. 1989. The dollar value LIFO pooling decision: The conventional wisdom is too general. Accounting Horizons (December): 57-70.

Croson, R. and K. Donohue. 2006. Behavioral causes of the bullwhip effect and the observed value of inventory information. Management Science (March): 323-336. (The bullwhip effect - The tendency of orders to increase in variability as one moves up a supply chain).

Crossno, C. 1974. Programmed requirements planning. Management Accounting (March): 23-27.

Current, K. 1966. Hedging as an aid in inventory cost control. Management Accounting (October): 47-51.

Cushing, B. E. and M. J. LeClere. 1992. Evidence on the determinants of inventory accounting policy choice. The Accounting Review (April): 355-366. (Part of a forum on LIFO choice of inventory valuation).

Custer, C. R. C. 1933. Accounting features of inventory control in a truck factory. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 1319-1344.

Daniel, S. J., and W. D. Reitsperger. 1991. Management control systems for JIT: Empirical comparison of Japan and the U.S. Journal of International Studies (Fourth Quarter): 603-617.

Davidson, H. J. and R. J. Monteverde. 1959. LIFO and statistical sampling: A case study. Management Science (April): 279-292.

David, H. K. 1969. Control of in-process inventory. Management Accounting (December): 27-31.

Davidson, S. 1965. LIFO cost or market and compulsory tax reporting requirements. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 156-158.

Davidson, W. V. 1923. A punched card system of inventory control. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (August 15): 3-18 .

Davidson, S. and R. L. Weil. 1974. On holding gains and losses and the evaluation of management. The Accounting Review (July): 524-527.

Davis, A. R. 1937. Inventory valuation and business profits: The case for a "stabilized" basis. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 377-399.

Davis, A. R. 1937. Standard profits and economic costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 1220-1228.

Davis, A. R. 1942. Some problems of last-in-first-out accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 384-403.

Davis, G. M. 1985. Improving work-in-process inventory accuracy in the process industry. Production and Inventory Management (2nd Quarter): 91-104.

Davis, H. Z. 1981. The effects of LIFO inventory costing on resource allocation: A comment. The Accounting Review (October): 975-976.

Davis, H. Z. and N. Kahn. 1982. Some additional evidence on the LIFO-FIFO choice using replacement cost data. Journal of Accounting Research (Part II, Autumn): 738-744.

Davis, H. Z., N. Kahn and E. Rozen. 1984. LIFO inventory liquidations: An empirical study. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 480-496.

Davis, J. H. 1971. Inventory costs and the property tax. Management Accounting (July): 18-19.

Davis, Z. D. 1982. History of LIFO. The Accounting Historians Journal 9(1): 1-23.

Decision Sciences. 2016. Editorial: Novel advances in applications of the newsvendor model. Decision Sciences 47(1): 8-10.

DeCroix, G. A. and P. H. Zipkin. 2005. Inventory management for an assembly system with product or component returns. Management Science (August): 1250-1265.

D'Epenoux, F. 1963. A probabilistic production and inventory problem. Management Science (October): 98-108.

Derman, C. and G. J. Lieberman. 1967. A Markovian decision model for a joint replacement and stocking problem. Management Science (May): 609-617.

Derman, C. and M. Klein. 1958. Inventory depletion management. Management Science (July): 450-456.

Derman, C. and M. Klein. 1959. Discussion: A note on the optimal depletion of inventory. Management Science (January): 210-213.

Derstine, R. P. and R. J. Huefner. 1974. LIFO-FIFO, accounting ratios and market risk. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 216-234.

Devine, C. T. 1945. Postwar inventory problems and profit stabilization. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 816-822.

DeWelt, R. 1976. Using standard costs with LIFO and FIFO. Management Accounting (May): 25-30, 37.

Dhaliwal, D. S., M. Frankel and R. Trezevant. 1994. The taxable and book income motivations for a LIFO layer liquidation. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 278-289.

Dick, W. O. and J. B. Frost. 1964. A customer-supplier inventory plan. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 3-7.

Diegel, A. 1966. A linear approach to the dynamic inventory problem. Management Science (March): 530-540.

Dittmer, G. R. 1979. Inventory pricing can save costs. Management Accounting (May): 27-32.

Dohrer, B. 2020. How auditors can test inventory without a site visit. Journal of Accountancy (April): 36-38, 40-41.

Dolliver, E. P. 1936. Coordinating production and inventory control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 15): 90-101.

Dolliver, E. P. 1939. Finished goods inventory control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 767-779.

Donaldson, W. R. 1933. Cost or market, whichever is lower. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 15): 189-200.

Dopler, G. J. 1963. How we control slow-moving and obsolete inventory. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 19-22.

Dopuch, N. and J. Ronen. 1973. The effects of alternative inventory valuation methods - An experimental study. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 191-211. (Note: This paper is about cost flow assumptions, not inventory valuation methods).

Dopuch, N. and M. Pincus. 1988. Evidence on the choice of inventory accounting methods: LIFO versus FIFO. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 28-59.

Douglas, D. V. 1981. LIFO: Big benefits for a small company. Management Accounting (April): 40-42.

Doyle, A. H. 1932. Distortion in ordinary turnover rates. The Accounting Review (June): 139-141.

Drebin, A. R. 1965. Price level adjustments and inventory flow assumptions. The Accounting Review (January): 154-162.

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Duan, L. and J. A. Ventura. 2021. Technical note: A joint pricing, supplier selection, and inventory replenishment model using the logit demand function. Decision Sciences 52(2): 512-534.

Ducharme, R. E. and D. A. Lewis. 1987. Academic/practitioner gap in production and inventory management. Production and Inventory Management (1st Quarter): 88-95.

Duro, R. A. 1970. Don't forget your purchase order commitments! Management Accounting (June): 47-48.

Dyckman, T. R. 1964. The effects of alternative accounting techniques on certain management decisions. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 91-107.

Dzielinski, B. P. and R. E. Gomory. 1965. Optimal programming of lot sizes, inventory and labor allocations. Management Science (July): 874-890.

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Eastman, W. L., S. Even and I. M. Isaacs. 1964. Bounds for the optimal scheduling of n jobs on m processors. Management Science (November): 268-279.

Eden, D. F. 1972. Computerized inventory control in a small company. Management Accounting (August): 39-42, 46.

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Eisemann, K. 1964. The generalized stepping stone method for the machine loading model. Management Science (September): 154-176.

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Ellram, L. M. 1995. Activity-based costing and total cost of ownership: A critical linkage. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 22-30.

Elsman, T. R. 1946. Work in process inventory control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 1): 14-19.

Endsley, L. I. and B. R. Cesnik. 1984. Application of practical capacity concept: A method of reducing fixed costs in inventory. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance (Summer): 383-392.

Engelmann, K. 1953. The "LIFO-or-market" plan. The Accounting Review (January): 54-57.

Esrock, Y. P. 1985. Impact of reduced set up time. Production and Inventory Management (4th Quarter): 94-100.

Evans, J. H. III, and F. E. Evans. 1986. A small manufacturer's success story. Management Accounting (August): 47-49.

Evans, R. V. 1968. Sales and restocking policies in a single item inventory system. Management Science (March): 463-472.

Fabian, T. 1967. Blast furnace production planning - A linear programming example. Management Science (October): B1-B27.

Fallon, D. F. 1968. Reliability cycle sampling for control of inventories. Management Accounting (October): 41-43.

Fancher, C. L. 1949. Calling physical inventory into a voice recorder. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 32.

Feeney, G. J. 1955. A basis for strategic decisions on inventory control operations. Management Science (October): 69-82.

Feeney, G. J. and C. C. Sherbrooke. 1966. The (s - 1, s) inventory policy under compound Poisson demand. Management Science (January): 391-411.

Feeney, G. J. and C. C. Sherbrooke. 1966. Correction to "(s - 1, s) inventory policy under compound Poisson demand". Management Science (July): 908.

Fellingham, J. 1988. Discussion of The LIFO/FIFO choice: An asymmetric information approach. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 59-62.

Felton, S. K. 1978. Controlling company-owned inventories in public warehouses. Management Accounting (March): 45-50.

Fenske, R. W. 1968. Non-stocking criterion. Management Science (August): B705-B714.

Fenton, J. R. 1937. Multiple store inventory control as applied by a liquor store system. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 1): 645-655.

Field, E. G. 1947. LIFO basis of valuation as applied to cotton mill inventories. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 399-411.

Field, E. G. 1956. Effects of "Lifo" inventory valuations upon profits. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 63-70.

Field, J. E. 1960. Inventory valuation and the short-run cost function. The Accounting Review (January): 104-110.

Fife, D. W. 1965. Scheduling with random arrivals and linear loss functions. Management Science (January): 429-437.

Finch, B. 1986. Japanese management techniques in small manufacturing companies: A strategy for implementation. Production and Inventory Management (3rd Quarter): 30-38.

Fink, R. L., J. W. Gillett and G. Grezeskiewicz. 2007. Will RFID change inventory assumptions? Strategic Finance (October): 34-39. (Using radio frequency identification technology to track goods throughout the supply chain).

Firmin, P. A. 1963. Dollar-value LIFO: Legitimate or not? The Accounting Review (April): 270-277.

Fiske, W. P. 1938. Inventory control under fluctuating production. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 1265-1276.

Fiske, W. P. 1938. Inventory reserve plans. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 1277-1297.

Fitch, S. G. H. 1927. Planning for the physical inventory. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 15): 461-470.

Fleischhacker, A. J. and P. Fok. 2015. An entropy-based methodology for valuation of demand uncertainty reduction. Decision Sciences 46(6): 1165-1198.

Foley, N. H. 1942. Plant values and their effect on costs and inventory valuations. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 15): 57-64.

Foster, G. J. 1969. Mining inventories in a current price accounting system. Abacus 5(2): 99-118.

Fox, R. C. 1947. A simplified inventory procedure. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 1): 164-167.

Fox, R. E. 1982. MRP, kanban, or OPT: What's best? Inventories and Production Magazine (July-August).

Foy, A. 1926. Inventory accounts and the general accountant. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 1): 409-416.

Fujimura, D. 2007. Lyman Mills and its encounter with public accountants' inventory costing circa 1920. The Accounting Historians Journal 34(2): 169-200.

Fukuda, Y. 1964. Optimal policies for the inventory problem with negotiable leadtime. Management Science (July): 690-708.

Krage, F. W. 1935. Head office inventory control. N.A.C.A Bulletin (May 15): 1010-1021.

Frankel, M. and R. Trezevant. 1994. The year-end LIFO inventory purchasing decision: An empirical test. The Accounting Review (April): 382-398.

Frankel, R. H. 1986. How to institute and automate an internal inventory billing system. Corporate Accounting (Fall): 45-51.

Freeman, H. C. 1925. Control of stocks of merchandise. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (August 15): 3-12 .

Freeman, R. J. 1957. Ss inventory policy with variable delivery time. Management Science (July): 431-434.

Frohn, M. B. 1949. Production and inventory control in a steel rolling mill. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 1039-1050.

Funk, R. W. 1950. Illustrations to aid in explaining the two methods of pricing inventory activity. The Accounting Review (October): 441-442.

Gaffney, D. J. and M. H. Smith. 1998. The shrinking influence of Thor Power Tool Co. Management Accounting (October): 32, 34-36. (Related to the Supreme Court ruling involving excess inventory write-downs).

Gaither, N. and D. R. Fraser. 1984. Inventory carrying costs: Theory and practice. Production and Inventory Management (3rd Quarter): 68-78.

Galdi, F. C. and E. S. Johnson. 2021. Accounting for inventory costs and real earnings management behavior. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (53): 100530.

Gallia, J. J. and D. C. Anderson. 1972. Finished goods movement. Management Accounting (September): 11-14.

Gambling, T. E. 1968. LIFO vs FIFO under conditions of "certainty". The Accounting Review (April): 387-389.

Gapp, W., P. S. Mankekar and L. G. Mitten. 1965. Sequencing operations to minimize in-process inventory costs. Management Science (January): 476-484.

Gaur, V. and D. Honhon. 2006. Assortment planning and inventory decisions under a locational choice model. Management Science (October): 1528-1543.

Gaur, V., M. L. Fisher and A. Raman. 2005. An econometric analysis of inventory turnover performance in retail services. Management Science (February): 181-194.

Gavett, J. W. 1965. Three heuristic rules for sequencing jobs to a single production facility. Management Science (June): B166-B176.

Geisler, M. A. 1963. A study of inventory theory. Management Science (April): 490-497.

Geisler, M. A. 1964. A test of a statistical method for computing selected inventory model characteristics by simulation. Management Science (July): 709-715.

Geisler, M. A. 1964. The sizes of simulation samples required to compute certain inventory characteristics with stated precision and confidence. Management Science (January): 261-286.

Geman, H. and V. Nguyen. 2005. Soybean inventory and forward curve dynamics. Management Science (July): 1076-1091.

Geng, Q. and S. Mallik. 2019. Managing television commercial inventory under competition: An equilibrium analysis. Decision Sciences 50(1): 170-201.

Gere, W. S. Jr. 1966. Heuristics in job shop scheduling. Management Science (November): 167-190.

Gernes, R. H. 1954. A year end inventory processed on punched cards. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 281-286.

Giacomino, D. E. and L. D. Doney. 1986. SAI movement in manufacturing. CPA Journal (October): 64, 66, 68, 70, 72-73.

Giard, H. J. 1952. Will your "Lifo" plan "stick"? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November): 358-363.

Gleason, C. H. 1953. Inventory control through budgeted turnover. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 535-542.

Gleason, C. H. 1955. Sales statistics and inventory control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1689-1698.

Gluss, B. 1960. Costs of incorrect data in optimal inventory computations. Management Science (July): 491-497.

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Goliger, J. 1951. The inventory challenge. The Accounting Review (October): 524-525.

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Gosewisch, F. C. 1957. Controlling inventories by value groups. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 1580-1586.

Gosewisch, F. C. 1958. Using stratification to measure inventory effectiveness. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 17-24.

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Graham, E. W. 1937. Current practices in inventory valuation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 1): 752-767.

Gramich, J. D. 1993. LIFO inventory management and the ACE component of the alternative minimum tax. Accounting Horizons (December): 50-57.

Grawoig, D. E. 1967. Discussion of inventories and sales: A cross section study. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 157-159.

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Green, W. J. 2013. Key considerations in the audit of inventory: A practice-oriented learning case utilizing "diamonds". Issues in Accounting Education (November): 51-64.

Greenberg, R. K. and N. A. Wilner. 2011. Teaching inventory accounting: A simple learning strategy to achieve student understanding. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 835-844.

Greer, H. C. 1966. Anyone for widgets? The Journal of Accountancy (April): 41-49. (Summary).

Griffith, R. E. and R. A. Stewart. 1961. A nonlinear programming technique for the optimization of continuous processing systems. Management Science (July): 379-392.

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Groot, A. M. and A. M. Groot Jr. 1964. Economic order quantity - European practice. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 27-32.

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Grout, J. R. and M. E. Seastrand. 1987. Multiple operation lot sizing in a just-in­time environment. Production and Inventory Management (1st Quarter): 23-26.

Guenther, D. A. and R. C. Sansing. 2012. Unintended consequences of LIFO repeal: The case of the oil industry. The Accounting Review (September): 1589-1602.

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Halperin, R. M. 1980. Discussion of accounting methods and management decisions: The case of inventory costing and inventory policy. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Economic Consequences of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Effects on Corporate Incentives and Decisions): 286-291.

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Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Adding a product to the line. Harvard Business Review (January): 232-235.

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