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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Case Studies Main Page | IMA
Educational Case Journal | Field Studies Main Page
Gaffoor, J. and D. Arisandi. 2021. 2022 Student Case Competition: Maximizing customer value at the cage. An indoor sports facility seeks advice on maintaining its competitive advantage and ensuring customer engagement. Strategic Finance (August): 58-62.
Gao, C. and R. McDonald. 2022. Shaping Nascent Industries: Innovation strategy and regulatory uncertainty in personal genomics. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): 915-967.
Gaumnitz, B. R. 1994. Instructional case: Corporate takeover. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 366-384.
Garud, R., S. Jain and A. Kumaraswamy. 2002. Institutional entrepreneurship in the sponsorship of common technological standards: The case of Sun Microsystems and Java. The Academy of Management Journal 45(1): 196-214.
Garvin, D. A. 2006. All the wrong moves. Harvard Business Review (January): 18, 20-24, 26, 28-29.
Gary, L., B. Elliot, L. E. Taylor, R. K. Andrews and S. Goliaszewski. 2008. When Steve becomes Stephanie. Harvard Business Review (December): 35-42.
Gaumnitz, C. B. 1997. Instructional case: Foreign Subsidiary: Conversion to U.S. GAAP, translation to U.S. dollars and consolidation. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 141-160.
Geary, K. M. and D. L. Street. 2007. Besser Pharma: International accounting for pensions. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 563-578.
Geerts, G. L. and B. A. Waddington. 2000. The Belgian Chocolate Company: A dynamic data modeling and database design case for the accounting information systems class. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 53-74.
Geerts, G. L. and C. E. White Jr. 2004. SportsStuff.com: A case study on XML technologies, e-business processes, and accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 61-73.
Geerts, G. L. and K. Tam. 2008. KaDo: An advanced enterprise modeling, database design, database implementation, and information retrieval case for the accounting information systems class. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 141-150. (Teaching case).
Geisler, E. and N. Wickramasinghe. 2009. Principles of Knowledge Management: Theory, Practice and Cases. M. E. Sharp.
Geissler, C. 2005. The Cane mutiny: Managing a graying workforce. Harvard Business Review (October): 31-42. (Case study).
Gelfond, R. 2013. How I did it. The CEO of IMAX on how it became a Hollywood powerhouse. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 36-39.
Gelinas, U. J. Jr. and J. L. Gogan. 2006. Accountants and emerging technologies: A case study at the United States Department of the Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 93-116.
Gelinas, U. J. Jr., D. L. Schwarzkopf and J. C. Thibodeau. 2008. Introducing students to the integrated audit with "Auditing Alchemy, Inc.". Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 151-170.
Gelinas, U. J. Jr., E. S. Levy and J. C. Thibodeau. 2001. Norwood Office Supplies, Inc.: A teaching case to integrate computer-assisted auditing techniques into the auditing course. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 603-636.
Gentile, M. C., D. Danks and M. Harrell. 2022. Case study: Does facial recognition tech enhance security? Harvard Business Review (November/December): 144-149.
George J. and A. George. 2011. An integrative approach to planning and control using a stakeholder-based knowledge management system. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-20. (Case study).
Georgieva, D. and J. Parkinson. 2018. A case study: Engineering Architecture & Construction Inc. Cost Management (May/June): 17-28. (Problem collecting accounts receivables).
Gerald, G. J. and S. V. Grabski. 2002. International Lumberyards, Inc.: An information system consulting case. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 117-140.
Gerson, B. 2004. Taking the cake. Harvard Business Review (March): 29-39. (Case study).
Gerson, B., J. Parker, E. Volokh, J. Halloran and M. G. Cherkasky. 2006. The reign of zero tolerance. Harvard Business Review (November): 39-52. (Case).
Ghorpade, J. 1973. Organizational ownership patterns and efficiency: A case study of private and cooperative sugar factories in south India. The Academy of Management Journal 16(1): 138-148.
Ghosn, C. 2002. Saving the business without losing the company. Harvard Business Review (January): 37-45. (Turnaround at Nissan).
Gifford, R. and H. Howe. 2012. Rosie's East End Restaurant: An experiential introduction to auditing. Journal of Accounting Education 30(2): 207-219.
Gino, F., J. Andrus and P. Schramm. 2018. Case study: Can you fix a toxic culture without firing people? Harvard Business Review (November/December): 143-147.
Girvan, C. and T. Savage. 2010. Identifying an appropriate pedagogy for virtual worlds: A Communal Constructivism case study. Computers & Education (February).
Gissel, J. L. 2014. Fraud examination case: Crafty cash theft? Issues in Accounting Education (May): 14-36.
Gissel, J. L. 2016. A case of fixed asset accounting: Initial and subsequent measurement. Journal of Accounting Education (37): 61-66.
Gobeil, J. and F. Phillips. 2001. Relating case presentation style and level of student knowledge to fact acquisition and application in accounting case analyses. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 205-222.
Goedl, P. A. 2013. IFRS framework-based case study: Barrick Gold Corporation - Goodwill for gold. Journal of Accounting Education 31(4): 383-399.
Goldberg, L. G., M. S. Kaufman, L. Blashford and S. Uehlein. 2022. Case study: Would vegan offerings dilute our brand? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 140-145.
Goldman, D., V. R. Makridis and W. Wu. 2016. WhyteGlov Services: IRC Section 1060 asset acquisition. Journal of Accounting Education (37): 24-37.
Goler, L., J. Gale and A. Grant. 2016. Let's not kill performance evaluations yet: Facebook's experience shows why they can still be valuable. Harvard Business Review (November): 90-94.
Gomaa, A. A., M. I. Gomaa and A. Stampone. 2019. A transaction on the blockchain: An AIS perspective, intro case to explain transactions on the ERP and the role of the internal and external auditor. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 16(1): 47-64.
Gong, J. J. and S. M. Young. 2016. Financial and nonfinancial performance measures for managing revenue streams of intellectual property products: The case of motion pictures. Advances in Management Accounting (27): 1-37.
Gong, J. J., M. Young and A. Zhou. 2023. Real earnings management and the strategic release of new products: Evidence from the motion picture industry. Review of Accounting Studies 28(3): 1209-1249.
Goodchild, P. and R. Peterson. 2018. Carl Menconi case writing competition: To break ships or not to break ships. Strategic Finance (July): 46-54.
Goodman, R. A. and L. P. Goodman. 1976. Some management issues in temporary systems: A study of professional development and manpower - The theater case. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(3): 494-501.
Gopalakrishnan, M., J. Samuels and D. Swenson. 2007. Target costing at a consumer products company. Strategic Finance (December): 36-41.
Gordon, T. P. and M. S. Niles. 2005. Lucent loses its luster: Accounting for investments turned bad. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 183-193.
Gore, R. A. 2013. Buyer and seller at odds: The economic consequences of holding appreciated assets in a C corporation. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 44-50.
Gore, R. A. and P. J. Herz. 2010. Snowy Ridge Ski Resort: Fair value measurement and the impairment of long-term assets. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 59-70.
Gorton, D. E. 1991. The SEC decision not to support SFAS 19: A case study of the effect of lobbying on standard setting. Accounting Horizons (March): 29-41.
Gosman, M. L. and T. Kelly. 2002. Big customers and their suppliers: A case examining changes in business relationships and their financial effects. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 41-56.
Gourville, J. T., R. A. Lutz, C. M. Christensen, J. Wittes and N. Galakatos. 2005. Holding fast. Harvard Business Review (June): 35-46. (Case study).
Govindarajan, V. and J. K. Shank 1989. Strategic cost analysis: The Crown Cork and Seal Case. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 5-15. (Modified version of Chapter 3 - Concepts in value chain analysis: The famous Crown Cork and Seal company case, Shank, J. K. and V. Govindarajan. 1989. Strategic Cost Analysis: The Evolution from Managerial to Strategic Accounting. McGraw Hill Professional Publishing).
Graaf, J. and G. Johed. 2020. "Reverse brokering" and the consumption of accounting: A broker desk ethnography of an investment case. Accounting, Organizations and Society (85): 101154.
Grace, E. V. and A. Davis. 2019. Who's in control of the Ark? A study of internal controls in operating and auditing a small preschool. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 23-39.
Gragg, C. I. 1954. Because wisdom can't be told, in The Case Method at the Harvard Business School, edited by M. P. McNair: 6-14. McGraw-Hill.
Grant, R. M. and K. E. Neupert. 2003. Cases in Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Blackwell Publishing.
Gray, C., D. R. Walker and K. P. Terrell. 2016. A case study on the effects of program accounting. The CPA Journal (November): 42-47.
Gray, D. L. and A. L. Daly. 2019. Home Technology Innovations, Inc.: Transitioning to the new leasing standard. Journal of Accounting Education (49): 100636.
Gray, J. and L. Lee. 2023. Reuse and recycle: Infusing practice-driven cases with new life through new technologies. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(1): 269-288.
Greathead, S., A. Geisler and D. Spigner. 2019. Case study: Did we expand too quickly? Harvard Business Review (November/December): 156-160.
Green, B. P. and T. G. Calderon. 1994. Using real-world cases to illustrate the power of analytical procedures. Journal of Accounting Education 12(3): 245-268.
Green, B. P. and T. G. Calderon. 2001. Consideration of financial and non financial data in fraud risk assessment: The Beanie Bag Case. Journal of Forensic Accounting (2): 95-116.
Green, W. J. 2013. Key considerations in the audit of inventory: A practice-oriented learning case utilizing "diamonds". Issues in Accounting Education (November): 51-64.
Greenstein, M. M. and J. A. Hall. 1996. Using student-generated cases to teach accounting information systems. Journal of Accounting Education 14(4): 493-514.
Greenwood, W. T. 1967. Business policy-case method forum: A rejoinder. The Academy of Management Journal 10(2): 199-204.
Gress, E. J. 1972. Application of replacement cost accounting: A case study. Abacus 8(1): 3-12.
Grimm, S. D. and D. Hoag. 2011. Gemini Communications: A case applying revenue recognition standards. Journal of Accounting Education 29(2-3): 174-190.
Gronlund, A and S. Jonsson. 1990. Managing for cost improvement in automated production. Measures for Manufacturing Excellence. Edited by R. S. Kaplan. Harvard Business School Press. Chapter 6: 163-191.
Grossman, A. M., S. D. Grossman and D. L. Crumbley. 2023. A saga of clean coal electric power: The multibillion dollar Southern Company fraud. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 15(1): 54-63.
Grossman, A. M., S. D. Grossman and D. L. Crumbley. 2023. Kraft Heinz and the $15.4 billion impairment charge: Subsequent lawsuits. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 15(3): 399-412.
Grossman, M. 2011. HSN's CEO on fixing the Shopping Network's culture. Harvard Business Review (December): 43-46.
Grove, H. and L. Victoravich. 2014. Longtop Financial Technologies Ltd. phony cash from IPO onward? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(3): 171-188.
Groysberg, B. and K. C. Baden. 2019. Case study: When two leaders on the senior team hate each other. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 145-149.
Groysberg, B., M. Bhogal and K. Mathews. 2020. Case Study: Should you fight to keep a star? Harvard Business Review (May/June): 152-157.
Grusky, O. 1962. Authoritarianism and effective indoctrination: A case study. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(1): 79-95.
Guerin, R. J. 1965. EDP - A case history of a small company. Management Accounting (December): 14-17.
Gujarathi, M. and M. Kohlbeck. 2023. A penny here, a penny there: A case of managing non-GAAP earnings at PPG Industries. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 187-198.
Gujarathi, M. and T. Noga. 2012. Regal Hair Salon: Tax and financial reporting of gift cards. Journal of Accounting Education 30(1): 131-142.
Gujarathi, M. R. 1991. Bridging the gap in GAAP: A case study of accounting for frequent flyer plans. Accounting Horizons (September): 57-68.
Gujarathi, M. R. 2007. GlaxoSmithKline Plc.: International transfer pricing and taxation. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 749-759.
Gujarathi, M. R. 2008. Sachiko Corporation: A case in international financial statement analysis. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 77-101.
Gujarathi, M. R. 2012. Max-Value Stores, Inc.: Financial reporting of gift cards. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 783-798.
Gujarathi, M. R. 2012. Super Electronics, Inc.: Financial reporting of sales incentives and vendor allowances using FASB codification. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 461-474.
Gujarathi, M. R. 2015. Diamond Foods, Inc.: Anatomy and motivations of earnings manipulation. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 47-69.
Gujarathi, M. R. 2017. Diamond Foods, Inc.: A comprehensive case in financial auditing. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 95-112.
Gujarathi, M. R. 2019. Diamond Foods, Inc.: A comprehensive case in financial analysis and valuation. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 13-33.
Gujarathi, M. R. and A. Yezegel. 2014. Spectacular Airlines, Inc.: Implications of the transition to IFRS in the context of cross-border acquisitions. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 78-93.
Gujarathi, M. R. and D. R. Comerford. 2017. Acquisition of Hutchison Essar (India) by Vodafone (U.K.): A case in international taxation of indirect transfer of shares. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 83-93.
Gujarathi, M. R. and M. Kohlbeck. 2007. Reliance Corporation: Inventory write-downs and reversals. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 503-514.
Gujarathi, M. R. and R. J. McQuade. 2003. Sun Airlines, Inc.: Financial reporting of point and loyalty programs. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 359-368.
Gujarathi, M. R. and R. J. McQuade. 2009. Amazing D eals Auto Mart: Financial reporting and analysis of receivables and securitization. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 77-91.
Gujarathi, M. R. and V. Govindarajan. 2007. Falcon, Inc.: Performance evaluation of foreign subsidiaries. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 233-245.
Gunawan, J. and S. Pusaka. 2016. Introducing the urban metabolism approach for a sustainable city: A case of Jarkarta, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter).
Guo, K. H. and B. L. Eschenbrenner. 2018. CVS Pharmacy: An instructional case of internal controls for regulatory compliance and IT risks. Journal of Accounting Education (42): 17-26.
Guo, Y., S. Lu, J. Ronen and J. Ye. 2019. Equity financial assets: A tool for earnings management: A case study of a Chinese corporation. Abacus 55(1): 180-204.
Gupta, P. and T. Leech. 2023. SVB and Credit Suisse: The case for strong first-line risk governance. Strategic Finance (July): 38-45.
Guterman, J., P. Cappelli, B. Novelli and T. J. Erickson. 2010. When the longtime star fades. Harvard Business Review (September): 117-121. (Case study).
Guvemli, B. and M. Aslan. 2023. Revisting Usak Terakki-i Ziraat Turkish Joint Company (1925-1931): A case study of Turkey's early financial reporting culture. The Accounting Historians Journal 50(2): 45-64.
Habran, Y., S. Matsugi and J. Mouritsen. 2021. Mediating relations between financial and operational concerns when structural interdependencies are significant: The development of pseudo micro-profit centres at Kitanihon. Management Accounting Research (November): 100766.
Hadley, S. 2004. Making the supply chain management business case. Strategic Finance (April): 28-34.
Hagg, I. and G. Hedlund. 1979. "Case studies" in accounting research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 4(1-2): 135-143.
Haka, S. F., B. A. Lamberton and H. M. Sollenberger. 1994. International subsidiary performance evaluation: The case of the Ameripill Company. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 168-190.
Hall, R. I. 1976. A system pathology of an organization: The rise and fall of the old Saturday Evening Post. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(2): 185-211.
Hall, S. P. 1950. Seven aids to better control reports - A case study. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 877-886.
Hamel, G. 2011. First, let's fire all the managers: Morning Star, a leading food processor, demonstrates how to create an organization that combines managerial discipline and market-centric flexibility - without bosses, titles, or promotions. Harvard Business Review (December): 48-60.
Hamermesh, R. G., V. Sankaran and C. Clark. 2019. Case study: When one division makes all the money but the other gets all the attention. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 152-156.
Hancox, D. R. 2014. How a $53 million fraud went undetected for 22 years. The CPA Journal (May): 65-68.
Hanes, D. R., B. M. Porco and J. C. Thibodeau. 2014. Simply Soups Inc.: A teaching case designed to integrate the electronic cash confirmation process into the auditing curriculum. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 44-63.
Hansen, A. 2010. Nonfinancial performance measures, externalities and target setting: A comparative case study of resolutions through planning. Management Accounting Research (March): 17-39.
Hansen, M. T. and M. R. Haas. 2001. Competing for attention in knowledge markets: Electronic document dissemination in a management consulting company. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(1): 1-28.
Harding, F. 2004. Cross selling or cross purposes? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 45-56. (Case study).
Hardy, C. A. and G. Laslett. 2015. Continuous auditing and monitoring in practice: Lessons from Metcash's Business Assurance Group. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 183-194.
Haroon, O. and M. Basharullah. 2020. 2021 Student Case Competition: Star Textiles: Cutting out the intermediaries. Strategic Finance (August): 54-59.
Harper, G. G. 1961. Accounting for fixed assets - A case study. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 47-52.
Harris, D. 2019. Case studies in (alleged) embezzlement and fraudulent accounting practices by company controllers. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 11(1): 226-231.
Harris, J. K. 1975. A teaching note on the use of assumptions in case study. Decision Sciences 6(1): 184-185.
Harris, L. C. and W. L Stephens. 1978. The learning curve: A case study. Management Accounting (February): 47-52.
Harrison, J. M., C. A. Holloway and J. M. Patell. 1990. Measuring delivery performance: A case study from the semiconductor industry. Measures for Manufacturing Excellence. Edited by R. S. Kaplan. Harvard Business School Press. Chapter 11: 309-351.
Harter, C. I. and H. C. Sparks. 1997. Alaska dividend airline coupon program. Journal of Accounting Education 15(1): 159-168.
Harvard Business Review. 1922. Case studies in business. Harvard Business Review (October): 111-119.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: Allernet Lace Company. Harvard Business Review (January): 243-248.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: Distribution policies of tire manufacturers. Harvard Business Review (October): 114-119.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The Anderson Steel Company. Harvard Business Review (January): 235-240.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The Hammett Manufacturing Company. Harvard Business Review (April): 378-380.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The installation of a shop committee. Harvard Business Review (October): 119-123.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The Lansdowne Company. Harvard Business Review (April): 375-378.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The mail-order policies of a department store. Harvard Business Review (July): 495-499.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The Palmer Manufacturing Company. Harvard Business Review (January): 240-243.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The Pike Company . Harvard Business Review (January): 248-251.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: The utilization of an acquired competitive brand. Harvard Business Review (July): 499-502.
Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case Studies in Business: Tinkham Littell, Inc. Harvard Business Review (April): 368-374.
Harvard Business Review. 1924. Cancelations The Harrison Steel Corporation. Harvard Business Review (January): 238-240.
Harvard Business Review. 1924. Reciprocity - The Aimesbury Company. Harvard Business Review (July): 490-496.
Harvard Business Review. 1924. The American Sugar Refining Company: Enforcement of customers' contracts. Harvard Business Review (July): 496-502.
Harvard Business Review. 1924. The Randolph Shoe and Leather Company. Harvard Business Review (April): 367-370.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: A system of control for chain stores. Harvard Business Review (April): 361-376.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Adding a product of different quality and price to an established line. Harvard Business Review (April): 357-361.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Certain limitations in the application of scientific management. Harvard Business Review (October): 106-111.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Character of management as a basis for obtaining bank credit. Harvard Business Review (July): 481-485.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Current position as basis for credit. Harvard Business Review (July): 497-501.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Distribution policy of a hosiery manufacturer. Harvard Business Review (January): 240-247.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Policy of a shoe manufacturer with regard to special orders. Harvard Business Review (April): 348-356.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Position of the inspection department in an organization manufacturing electrical goods. Harvard Business Review (January): 238-240.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Preliminary analysis of the advertising possibilities of a product. Harvard Business Review (October): 111-121.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Reaching the consumer through direct personal selling. Harvard Business Review (October): 94-106.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Selection of channels of distribution for accessory equipment. Harvard Business Review (January): 229-233.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Spreading purchases among low bidders. Harvard Business Review (July): 501-505.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Status of the purchasing agent in a manufacturing organization. Harvard Business Review (January): 234-238.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: The coal industry. Harvard Business Review (January): 250-251.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: The discount policy of the Federal Reserve System. Harvard Business Review (January): 248-250.
Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: The use of exclusive retail agencies. Harvard Business Review (July): 485-497.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Accounting for appreciation of fixed assets. Harvard Business Review (April): 357-361.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Adding a product to the line. Harvard Business Review (January): 232-235.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Assumption and transfer of responsibility. Harvard Business Review (January): 230-232.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Budgeting labor requirements. Harvard Business Review (July): 480-488.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Custen Manufacturing Company-Methods of forecasting sales. Harvard Business Review (April): 353-357.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Distribution of securities of a public service corporation. Harvard Business Review (January): 223-230.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Financial budgeting in a department store. Harvard Business Review (July): 471-479.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Investment of surplus funds. Harvard Business Review (July): 488-494.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Planning the methods of distribution for a new product. Harvard Business Review (April): 341-346.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Rates on freight in congested areas. Harvard Business Review (April): 347-353.
Harvard Business Review. 1926. Case studies in business: Statistical control of inventories. Harvard Business Review (October): 95-101.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: A problem in cash discount. Harvard Business Review (October): 110-113.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Case studies in direct importing. Harvard Business Review (January): 226-235.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Conflicting interest in a company's purchase of its own securities. Harvard Business Review (July): 481-487.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Consumer advertising - Fabricating materials. Harvard Business Review (April): 350-357.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Department-store expansion. Harvard Business Review (October): 81-89.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Harlow Shoe Company. Harvard Business Review (October): 105-110.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Judging the value of commercial paper. Harvard Business Review (July): 468-481.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Keeping in place in the style cycle. Harvard Business Review (April): 345-350.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Leasing versus instalment sales in the marketing of manufacturers' equipment. Harvard Business Review (October): 89-95.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Shall we buy this new machine? Harvard Business Review (October): 101-105.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Some problems in joint cost. Harvard Business Review (January): 219-226.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: The international scope of merchandising principles. Harvard Business Review (July): 487-495.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: The manufacturer's agent as a channel of distribution. Harvard Business Review (October): 95-101.
Harvard Business Review. 1927. Legal developments significant in business: The Indianapolis Water Company case. Harvard Business Review (July): 496-501.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business. Centralized purchasing. Harvard Business Review (April): 343-351.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business: Consolidation of pile fabric manufacturers. Harvard Business Review (October): 96-107.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business: Distribution problems of a cotton mill. Harvard Business Review (January): 240-246.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business. Financing instalment sales. Harvard Business Review (July): 487-493.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business: Manufacturing versus purchasing. Harvard Business Review (January): 231-239.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business. Price revision in falling markets. Harvard Business Review (April): 359-366.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business. Rotation billing. Harvard Business Review (July): 477-487.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business: The establishment of a bond department in a commercial bank - 1928. Harvard Business Review (October): 87-96.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Case studies in business. The selection of a bank. Harvard Business Review (April): 351-359.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: Accounting for payments to the estate of a deceased partner. Harvard Business Review (July): 482-489.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: How far should retail departmentization be carried? Harvard Business Review (January): 229-239.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: Indexes of machine utilization. Harvard Business Review (April): 351-357.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business. Department store group buying. Securing a "best buy" for the Women's Silk Hosiery Department. Harvard Business Review (April): 375-382.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: Revenue determination in the case of instalment sales. Harvard Business Review (July): 473-482.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: The accounting disposition of an increase in assets caused by revaluation. Harvard Business Review (July): 467-473.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: The advertising and sales promotion of textile products. Harvard Business Review (October): 108-116.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: The production of dimension stock by Northern Hardwood Mill - Northern Lumber Company. Harvard Business Review (April): 366-375.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: The selection of security for financing automobile dealers' purchases. Harvard Business Review (April): 357-362.
Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: The Waldman Company. Harvard Business Review (April): 362-366. (Statistical methods (least squares) applied to car sales).
Harvard Business School. 1984. Hints for Case Teaching. Harvard Business School Publishing Division.
Haskell, F. L. 1946. Case study of a payroll system. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 15): 451-463.
Haskins, W. A. Jr. and F. F. Gilmore. 1940. A case study in budgetary control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 1011-1036.
Hass, S., P. Burnaby and M. Nitkin. 2017. AIG and General Re: Helping one another or reinsurance fraud. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(3): 991-928.
Hassler, R. H. 1950. The case method of teaching accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 170-172.
Hatch, T., R. Lawson, W. Stratton and R. Thornton. 2005. Scorecarding in North America Part II: Best practices and implementation at Gulf States Paper Corporation. Cost Management (September/October): 39-47.
Haverty, J. L. 2007. China Eastern Airlines: People's Republic of China accounting standards, international financial reporting standards, or U.S. generally accepted accounting principles? Issues in Accounting Education (November): 685-708.
Hawkins, D. and B. Allen. 1967. Computer assisted case analyses. The Accounting Review (October): 788-800.
Hayes, D. C. and J. K. Reynolds. 2005. Caroline's Candy Shop: An in-class role-play of the revenue cycle. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 131-154.
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Healey, J. 2009. The knowledge workers' strike. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 27-30. (Case study).
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Hemp, P., R. Araskog, K. Favaro, B. W. Arthur and J. Gellert. 2002. Growing for broke. Harvard Business Review (September): 27-37. (Case study).
Henderson, S. A. and T. S. Ryabova. 2023. The tales of a white-collar criminal: Can you ever ethically recover? Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 97-105. (Teaching case).
Henry, E. and Y. Yang. 2007. Making the right comparisons: Novartis AG. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 721-733.
Henry, E., S. W. Lin and Y. Yang. 2007. Weak signal: Evidence of IFRS and U.S. GAAP convergence from Nokia's 20-F reconciliations. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 709-720.
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Heron, N. M. and A. Markelevich. 2023. Segment reporting and segment profitability: A case study on General Electric. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 119-137.
Herron, E. T. 2018. Above the law: A short story about privilege and potato chip theory. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(3): 421-427.
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Hesford, J. W., M. J. Turner and C. R. Thomas. 2022. 2023 Student Case Competition: Kunapipi Gardens: Transfer pricing in the service industry: The CEO of a resort hotel wants a new income statement format to better capture and understand the company's performance. Strategic Finance (August): 48-55.
Hess, M. F. 2022. The Fyre Fraud: A case exploring the dark triad personality. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 125-140.
Hess, M. F. and L. M. Andiola. 2018. Fraud risk brainstorming at Tesla Motors. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 19-34.
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Higgs, J. L. and J. T. Reisch. 2002. Testing NCAA compliance at Southeastern State University: A case study. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 95-100.
Hildreth, W. B. 2003. Case Studies in Public Budgeting and Financial Management (Public Administration and Public Policy). CRC.
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Hindman, W. R. and F. F. Kettering Jr. 1973. Integrated MIS: A case study. Management Accounting (August): 20-27.
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Hoelscher, J. and A. Mortimer. 2018. Using Tableau to visualize data and drive decision-making. Journal of Accounting Education (44): 49-59.
Hoelscher, J. and T. Shonhiwa. 2023. J&S Publisher problems: A diagnostic analytics case exploring employee expense reimbursement. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(1): 213-221.
Hofstede, G., B. Neuijen, D. D. Ohayv and G. Sanders. 1990. Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(2): 286-316.
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Holder-Webb, L. and M. Kohlbeck. 2006. The hole in the doughnut: Accounting for acquired intangibles at Krispy Kreme. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 297-312.
Holl, S. M. 2016. Ethical dilemmas facing CPAs: Three case studies managing risk and resolving conflicts. The CPA Journal (March): 6-9.
Holmes, W. 1977. A 13th century audit case. The Accounting Historians Journal 4(2): 107-111.
Holmstrom, J. 1998. Implementing vendor-managed inventory the efficient way: A case study of partnership in the supply chain. Production and Inventory Management Journal (3rd Quarter): 1-5.
Holtzblatt, M. and N. Tschakert. 2014. Baker Hughes: Greasing the wheels in Kazakhstan (FCPA violations and implementation of a corporate ethics and anti-corruption compliance program). Journal of Accounting Education 32(1): 36-60.
Holtzblatt, M. A., J. Geekie and N. Tschakert. 2016. Should U.S. and global regulators take a bigger tax bite out of technology companies? A case on Apple's international tax minimization and reporting strategies. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 133-148.
Hooks, J. J. and R. E. Stewart. 2007. The geography and ideology of accounting: A case study of domination and accounting in a sugar refinery in Australasia, 1900-1920. The Accounting Historians Journal 34(2): 143-168.
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Hoque, Z. and T. Hopper. 1994. Rationality, accounting and politics: A case study of management control in a Bangladeshi jute mill. Management Accounting Research (March): 5-30.
Houston, R. W. and T. P. Howard. 2000. The UniCast Company: A case illustrating internal auditor involvement in consulting. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 635-655.
Howard, M. 2017. Carl Menconi Case Competition: Trouble with transfer pricing. An accounting manager encounters some corporate tax planning decisions that open up ethical questions. Strategic Finance (July): 48-53.
Howard, T. P. and D. E. Stout. 2006. Reasons accounting case/instructional resource papers are rejected for publication. Journal of Accounting Education 24(1): 1-15.
Howe, A. S. Jr. 1929. The Lake Cargo Coal case. Harvard Business Review (July): 452-461.
Howkins, G. H. Jr. 1959. Manpower planning - A case study. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 65-72.
Hsieh, N. 2023. Case study: Is it time to exit Russia? Harvard Business Review (May/June): 152-157.
Huang, M. 2006. Eliminate the middleman? Harvard Business Review (March): 33-37. (Fictional case).
Hughes, K. E. II. A descriptive index of IMA case studies (1985-2001). IMA. (See IMA Cases for a more up to date list).
Hughes, P. A. 2013. Sunshine Daycare Center: Growing a business to profitability. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 323-335.
Hughes, S. B. 2017. Student-authored IFRS teaching cases based on European Securities and Markets Authority reports: Experiences from case writing and subsequent classroom use. Journal of Accounting Education (41): 58-74.
Hughes, S. B. and R. A. Taylor. 2004. Heartland Furniture Company: Adapting to change. Strategic Finance (July): 46-51. (IMA case competition to develop a strategic plan to revive this 3 plant company).
Hughes, S. B., C. Beaudoin and R. R. Boedeker. 2013. Good intentions at Good Grains, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 15-25.
Humphreys, J., D. A. Thomas, G, Morris Jr. D. Koehn, A. Leung and G. C. Loury. 2002. The best intentions. Harvard Business Review (July): 31-38. (Case study).
Humphreys, J., Z. U. Ahmed, M. Pryor, K. O. Hanson, D. Peppers, M. Rogers and J. Borg. 2009. World-class bull. Harvard Business Review (May): 35-42. (Case study).
Hunt, P. 1951. The case method of instruction. Harvard Educational Review (Summer): 175-192.
Hunter, K., C. T. Alberti, S. R. Boss and J. C. Thibodeau. 2020. IntelliClean: A teaching case designed to integrate data cleaning and spreadsheet skills into the audit curriculum. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(2): 17-24.
Hussein, M. E. A. and K. Tam. 2004. Pilgrims Manufacturing, Inc.: Activity-based costing versus volume-based costing. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 539-553.
Huston, G. R. and J. M. Huston. 2013 Life's two certainties: An estate and gift tax consulting case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 11-37.
Huston, J. M. and J. A. Samuels. 2022. Writing accounting research memos: An instructional case to introduce the basics. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 79-90.
Hux, C., P. A. Smith and M. A. Cefaratti. 2022. Accounting for revenue recognition in the gig economy: An instructional case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 101-123.
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Igou, A. and M. Coe. 2016. Vistabeans Coffee Shop data analytics teaching case. Journal of Accounting Education (36): 75-86.
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Ignatius, A. 2011. How eBay developed a culture of experimentation. Harvard Business Review (March): 92-97.
Ignatius, A. 2011. Shaking things up at Coca-Cola. Harvard Business Review (October): 94-99.
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Institute of Management Accountants. 1993. Student case competition. Management Accounting (January): 52-54.
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Institute of Management Accounting. 1995. Case studies. Management Accounting (September): 79-85.
Institute of Management Accountants. 1996. Case studies. Management Accounting (February): 57-75. (Software).
Institute of Management Accountants. 1996. Case studies. Management Accounting (June): 51-53.
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Institute of Management Accountants. 1996. Case studies. Management Accounting (November): 54-57.
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Jelinek, K. 2018. Will and Caroline: Accounting, professional integrity and lobbying. Journal of Accounting Education (43): 76-88.
Jemaa, F. 2022. Recoupling work beyond COSO: A longitudinal case study of enterprise-wide management. Accounting, Organizations and Society (103): 101369.
Jenne, S. E. 1998. Homerun Baseball Products, Inc: Defective products. Journal of Accounting Education 16(1): 163-178.
Jenne, S. E. 1999. Famous Presidents Savings: Client acceptance and retention. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 657-674.
Jennings, J. P. and E. G. Henry. 1999. An instructional case in the ethics of accounting disclosures: Springfield Medical Center. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 55-73.
Jennings, J. P. and E. G. Henry. 2008. Safety Products, Inc.: A case in financial analysis of a failing company. Journal of Accounting Education 26(1): 34-53.
Jepperson, M. 2016. Designing a case study: Adding a real-world fraud risk assessment to your class. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(3): 546-561.
Jermakowicz, E. K., A. Reinstein and N. T. Churyk. 2014. IFRS framework-based case study: DaimlerChrysler - Adopting IFRS accounting policies. Journal of Accounting Education 32(3): 288-304.
Jian, M. and W. C. Koh. 2023. Accounting for Singapore Airlines Limited's mandatory convertible bonds. Journal of Accounting Education (65): 100869.
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Johnson, H. T. and D. A. Loewe. 1987. How Weyerhaeuser manages corporate overhead costs. Management Accounting (August): 20-26.
Johnson, R. E. 2005. Health and productivity programs: The business case. Strategic Finance (March): 46-53, 67.
Johnson-Snyder, A. and M. J. Kohlbeck. 2018. Valuing the business of JH Outfitters. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 57-75.
Johnstone, K. M. and S. R. Muzatko. 2002. Resolving difficult accounting issues: A case study in client-auditor interaction. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 27-39.
Johnstone, N., B. Mackintosh and F. Phillips. 2013. Second Round Electronics: A case for critical thinking. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 98-116.
Jones, A. III. and C. S. Norman. 2006. Decision making in a public accounting firm: An instructional case in risk evaluation, client continuance, and auditor independence within the context of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 431-447.
Jones, K. and R. Whitehead, Jr. 2011. The IRS and the 'responsible person' for paying employment taxes: A case study. The CPA Journal (November): 50-51.
Jørgensen, B. and M. Messner. 2010. Accounting and strategising: A case study from new product development. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(2): 184-204.
Jones, J. and S. Iacobelli. 2012. Superior Construction Inc.: An assessment of risks and controls as part of a post-acquisition engagement. Journal of Accounting Education 30(2): 173-193.
Jones, J. C. 2012. Zoom Snowboards Incorporated: Understanding the impact of management decisions on the audit plan. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1193-1213.
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Jones, R. C. 1955. Price Level Changes and Financial Statements, Case Studies of Four Companies. American Accounting Association.
Joseph, G. and A. A. Elias. 2024. Assessing the sustainability and resilience of urban transit: The case of Kochi Water Metro. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain. (12): 141-157.
Joseph, G. and R. Trubey. 2022. Cafe Solar - Sustainable coffee in Central America. Journal of Accounting Education (61): 100813.
Journal of Accountancy. 1906. Cases of interest to accountants. Journal of Accountancy (May): 62-66.
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Juras, P. E. and P. A. Dierks. (eds.) 1998. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 14. Institute of Management Accountants. (6 cases).
Juras, P. E. and P. A. Dierks. (eds.) 1998. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 14: Instructors Manual. Institute of Management Accountants. (6 cases).
Kaback, H. 1980. Behind the balance sheet: A case study in accounting analysis. The Accounting Review (January): 144-167.
Kaciuba, G. and G. H. Siegel. 2009. Activity-based management in a medical practice: A case study emphasizing the AICPA's core competencies. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 553-577.
Kalagnanam, S. S. and R. M. Lindsay. 1998. The use of organic models of control in JIT firms: Generalising Woodward's findings to modern manufacturing practices. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(1): 1-30. (Summary).
Kalesnikoff, D. and F. Phillips. 2013. Ramm Wholesale: Reviewing audit work (Retracted). Issues in Accounting Education (August): 38-46.
Kalesnikoff, D. and F. Phillips. 2014 Retraction: Ramm Wholesale: Reviewing audit work. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 34.
Kambil, A., B. Beebe, P. Goodson, J. F. Olson, D. J. Berger and C. H. King. 2005. Springboard to swan dive? Harvard Business Review (February): 59-68. (Case study).
Kania, E. M. 1964. A new look at monthly comparisons - A case study. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 45-54. (Example of variance analysis in a copper mill).
Karmon, D. and D. E. McGilsky. 1997. Strategic planning for program improvement: A case study of faculty involvement in the process. Journal of Accounting Education 15(1): 133-143.
Kasper, A. A. 1951. Budgetary control works at Squad D Company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 454-462.
Katz, D. M. 2011. "We can't get carried away by out success." Why "Knowing when to say no" is key to ESPN"S impressive growth. CFO (January/February): 42-44.
Keating, P. 1995. A framework for classifying and evaluating the theoretical contributions of case research in management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 66-86. (Summary).
Keim, M. T. and C. T. Grant. 2003. To tell or not to tell: An auditing case in ethical decision making and conflict resolution. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 397-407.
Keller, A. C. and M. R. Hammond. 2018. 2019 student case competition: Angie's Empanadas: Pricing decisions for a start-up. Strategic Finance (August): 82-86.
Keller, I. W. 1962. Profit planning in depth - A case study. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 23-29.
Kellett, B. M. and R. C. Sweeting. 1991. Accounting innovations and adaptations: A U.K. case. Management Accounting Research (March): 15-26.
Kelly, K., R. Dinovitzer, H. Gunz and S. P. Gunz. 2020. The interaction of perceived subjectivity and pay transparency on professional judgment in a profit pool setting: The case of large law firms. The Accounting Review (September): 227-246.
Kelly, P. and C. Rohland. 2017. The United States federal budget project. Journal of Accounting Education (41): 48-57.
Kendrick, J. W. and D. Creamer. 1965. Measuring Company Productivity: Handbook with Case Studies. Revised edition. The Conference Board.
Kenney, A. 2018. Patagonia: A case study in managing a mission. Journal of Accountancy (July): 44-45.
Kern, S. M. and G. J. Weber. 2016. Implementing a "real-world" fraud investigation class: The justice for fraud victims project. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 255-289.
Kerr, S. 2003. The best-laid incentive plans. Harvard Business Review (January): 27-37.
Kesner, I. F. 2003. Leadership development: Perk or priority? Harvard Business Review (May): 29-38. (Case study).
Kesner, I. F., P. Browning, F. Morgan, H. Saint Onge and C. H. King. 2002. The coach who got poached. Harvard Business Review (March): 31-40.
Kesner, I. F., R. Walters, D. Schulman, D. C. Jain, O. de la Renta, L. Alexander and T. T. Nagle. 2005. Class - or mass? Harvard Business Review (April): 35-45. (Case study).
Keyser, J. D. and E. L. Neuman. 2023. A different kind of cola war: Coca-Cola versus the IRS. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 139-154.
Keyser, J. D., J. L. Smith and N. M. Stephens. 2022. An audit quality inspection scandal: Ethical lapses in a misguided attempt to alleviate regulatory scrutiny. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 109-127.
Khan, A. and W. B. Hildreth. 2003. Case Studies in Public Budgeting and Financial Management (Public Administration and Public Policy). Marcel Dekker.
Khan, Z. U. and M. F. Sharifi. 1998. Case activity-based management for procurement: Case and teaching note. Journal of Accounting Education 16(3-4): 525-544.
Khanna, T., J. Song and K. Lee. 2011. The paradox of Samsung's rise. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 142-147.
Kiger, J. E. and A. M. Rose. 2004. Internal control evaluation of a restaurant: A teaching case. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 229-237.
Kimmel, P. D. and T. D. Warfiend. 2008. Accelerating corporate performance: Stock buybacks with zip. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 119-128.
King, G. H. and J. Saly. 2011. Sometimes accountants fail to budget. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(3): 1-5.
Kinory, E., S. S. Smith and K. S. Church. 2020. Exploring the playground: Blockchain prototype use cases with hyperledger composer. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(1): 77-88.
Kirby, J. 2002. The skeleton in the corporate closet. Harvard Business Review (June): 35-44. (Case study).
Kirby, J. 2004. Left on a mountainside. Harvard Business Review (January): 15-25. (Case study).
Kirby, J. 2007. Mad about plaid. Harvard Business Review (November): 39-44, 46, 40-49.
Kirby, J., D. Logan, M. McKenney, M. P. Rice and J. W. Bennet. 2002. The cost center that paid its way. Harvard Business Review (April): 31-40. (Case study. Converting a cost center into a profit center).
Kiron, D. and B. Spindel. 2019. Case study: Rebooting work for a digital era. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-12.
Kiron, D. and B. Spindel. 2019. Case study: Redefining performance management at DBS Bank. MIT Sloan Management Review (March): 1-12.
Kistler, L. H. and S. Strickland. 1997. Instructional case: MicroClone Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 427-434.
Klumpes, P. J. M. 1994. The politics of rule development: A case study of Australian pension fund accounting rule-making. Abacus 30(2): 140-159.
Knapp, M. 2003. E-Commerce: Real Issues and Cases. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Knapp, M. C. and C. A. Knapp. 2000. Perry Drug Stores, Inc.: Accounting and control issues for inventory in a retail environment. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 237-255.
Knapp, M. C. and C. A. Knapp. 2004. Hard times and harder choices: An instructional case focusing on ethical responsibilities of CPAs in public practice. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 529-538.
Knapp, M. C. and C. A. Knapp. 2007. Europe's Enron: Royal Ahold, N.V. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 641-660.
Knapp, M. C. and C. A. Knapp. 2013. Of hurricanes and harness racing: The accounting fraud at DHB industries, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 26-35.
Knechel, W. R. 1992. Using the case method in accounting instruction. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 205-217.
Koehler, R. W. 1969. Statistical variance control: Through performance reports and on-the-spot observation. Management Accounting (December): 42-46. (A case study related to the statistical analysis of variances and the limitations of using performance reports as control devices).
Kohlbeck, M. 2005. Reporting earnings at Summer Technology - A capstone case involving intermediate accounting topics. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 195-212.
Kohlbeck, M. J. and T. J. Smith. 2015. A gain by any other name: Accounting for a bargain purchase gain. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 233-248.
Kohlbeck, M. J., J. R. Cohen and L. L. Holder-Webb. 2009. Auditing intangible assets and evaluating fair market value: The case of reacquired franchise rights. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 45-61.
Kohler, E. L. 1940. Cases in accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 130-131.
Kohlmeyer, J. M. III. and J. A. Samuels. 2017. Rebecca's coffee and Tea House: A strategic mapping and balance scorecard case study. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 73-81.
Kokina, J., D. Pachamanova and A. Corbett. 2017. The role of data visualization and analytics in performance management: Guiding entrepreneurial growth decisions. Journal of Accounting Education (38): 50-62. (A case that addresses the growing need for accountants to develop compentency in predictive analytics).
Kovar, S. E. and K. Evans. 2001. The Bakery: A cross-functional case study for introductory managerial accounting. Journal of Accounting Education 19(4): 283-303.
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Muehlmann, B., V. Soybel and R. Turner. 2018. The accountant and the error of his ways. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(2): 287-293. (A case based on the movie, The Accountant).
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