Management And Accounting Web

Social Capital Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Agnihotri, R., S. Mani, N. N. Chaker, P. J. Daugherty and P. Kothandaraman. 2022. Drivers and performance implications of frontline employees' social capital development and maintenance: The role of online social networks*. Decision Sciences 53(1): 181-215.

Belliveau, M. A., C. A. O'Reilly III and J. B. Wade. 1996. Social capital at the top: Effects of social similarity and status on CEO compensation. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1568-1593.

Brass, D. J. and D. Krackhardt. 1999. The social capital of 21st century leaders. In Hunt, J. G., G. E. Dodge and L. Wong (Eds.). Out-of-the-Box Leadership. JAI Press.

Burt, R. S. 1997. The contingent value of social capital. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(2): 339-365.

Chenhall, R. H., M. Hall and D. Smith. 2010. Social capital and management control systems: A study of a non-government organization. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(8): 737-756.

Cohen, D. and L. Prusak. 2001. In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work. Harvard Business School Press.

Fischer, H. M. and T. G. Pollock. 2004. Effects of social capital and power on surviving transformational change: The case of initial public offerings. The Academy of Management Journal 47(4): 463-481.

Florin, J., M. Lubatkin and W. Schulze. 2003. A social capital model of high-growth ventures. The Academy of Management Journal 46(3): 374-384.

Hartlieb, S., T. R. Loy and B. Eierle. 2020. Does community social capital affect asymmetric cost behaviour? Management Accounting Research (March): 100640.

Holmes, G., E. J. Lippman and T. O. Grimmer. 2021. White-collar crimes of teachers and accountants: The role of social capital in protecting certain professionals. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 13(3): 515-529.

Jha, A. and Y. Chen. 2015. Audit fees and social capital. The Accounting Review (March): 611-639.

Kalnins, A. and W. Chung. 2006. Social capital, geography, and survival: Gujarati immigrant entrepreneurs in the U.S. lodging industry. Management Science (February): 233-247.

Lester, R. H., A. Hillman, A. Zardkoohi and A. A. Cannella Jr. 2008. Former government officials as outside directors: The role of human and social capital. The Academy of Management Journal 51(5): 999-1013.

Maurer, I. and M. Ebers. 2006. Dynamics of social capital and their performance implications: Lessons from biotechnology start-ups. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(2): 262-292.

McFadyen, M. A. and A. A. Cannella Jr. 2004. Social capital and knowledge creation: Diminishing returns of the number and strength of exchange. The Academy of Management Journal 47(5): 735-746.

Oh, H., M. Chung and G. Labianca. 2004. Group social capital and group effectiveness: The role of informal socializing. The Academy of Management Journal 47(6): 860-875.

Pennings, J. M., K. Lee and A. van Witteloostuijn. 1998. Human capital, social capital, and firm dissolution. The Academy of Management Journal 41(4): 425-440.

Pil, F. K. and Carrie Leana. 2009. Applying organizational research to public school reform: The effects of teacher human and social capital on student performance. The Academy of Management Journal 52(6): 1101-1124.

Preston, D. S., D. Q. Chen, M. Swink and L. Meade. 2017. Generating supplier benefits through buyer-enabled knowledge enrichment: A social capital perspective. Decision Sciences 48(2): 248-287.

Reagans, R. and E. W. Zuckerman. 2001. Networks, diversity, and productivity: The social capital of corporate R&D teams. Organization Science (12): 502-517.

Robertson, J. and W. Funnell. 2012. The Dutch East-India Company and accounting for social capital at the dawn of modern capitalism 1602-1623. Accounting, Organizations and Society 37(5): 342-360.

Saxton, G. D. and C. Guo. 2020. Social media capital: Conceptualizing the nature, acquisition, and expenditure of social media-based organizational resources. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (36): 100443.

Seibert, S. E., M. L. Kraimer and R. C. Liden. 2001. A social capital theory of career success. The Academy of Management Journal 44(2): 219-237.

Shaw, J. D., M. K. Duffy, J. L. Johnson and D. E. Lockhart. 2005. Turnover, social capital losses, and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 48(4): 594-606.

Stam, W. and T. Elfring. 2008. Entrepreneurial orientation and new venture performance: The moderating role of intra- and extraindustry social capital. The Academy of Management Journal 51(1): 97-111.

Ströbele, A. and P. Wentges. 2018. The role of organizational social capital in the design of management control systems. Journal of Management Accounting Research 30(2): 187-205.

Tsai, W. 2000. Social capital, strategic relatedness, and the formation of intra-organizational linkages. Strategic Management Journal (21): 925-939.

Tsai, W. and S. Ghoshal. 1998. Social capital and value creation: The role of intrafirm networks. The Academy of Management Journal 41(4): 464-476.

Xiao, Z. and A. S. Tsui. 2007. When brokers may not work: The cultural contingency of social capital in Chinese high-tech firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(1): 1-31.