Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Abbott, L. J. and W. L. Buslepp. 2021. The impact of the PCAOB Triennial inspection process on inspection year and non-inspection year audits. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 40(2): 1-21.
Abbott, L. J., K. A. Gunny, and T. C. Zhang. 2013. When the PCAOB talks, who listens? Evidence from stakeholder reaction to GAAP-deficient PCAOB inspection reports of small auditors. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(2): 1-31.
Abbott, L. J., S. Parker, G. F. Peters and D. V. Rama. 2007. Corporate governance, audit quality, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Evidence from internal audit outstanding. The Accounting Review (July): 803-835.
Abbott, L. J., S. Parker, G. F. Peters and T. J. Presley. 2019. Control self-assessment and costs of compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404. Journal of Management Accounting Research 31(3): 5-24.
Abbott, L. J., V. L. Brown and J. L. Higgs. 2016. The effects of prior manager-auditor affiliation and PCAOB inspection reports on audit committee members' auditor recommendations. Behavioral Research In Accounting 28(1): 1-14.
Abbott, L. J., W. L. Buslepp, J. R. Moon Jr. and L. A. Swenson. 2023. The association between PCAOB inspection reports and seasoned equity offering discounting. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 42(2): 23-51.
Abbott, L. J., W. Buslepp and M. Notbohm. 2018. The audit market effects of disputing a GAAP-deficient PCAOB inspection report. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (41): 126-140.
Abdolmohammadi, M. J. and W. J. Read. 2010. Corporate governance ratings and financial restatements: Pre and Post Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2(1): 1-44.
Acito, A. A., C. E. Hogan and R. D. Mergenthaler. 2018. The effects of PCAOB inspections on auditor-client relationships. The Accounting Review (March): 1-35.
Addy, N. and T. Yoder. 2011. The decision to adopt a clawback provision. The CPA Journal (January): 58-63.
Afterman, A. B. 2015. Has the goal of Sarbanes-Oxley been achieved? The CPA Journal (December): 58-59.
Alexander, C. R., S. W. Bauguess, G. Bernile, Y. A. Lee and J. Marietta-Westberg. 2013. Economic effects of SOX Section 404 compliance: A corporate insider perspective. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 267-290.
Anantharaman, D. and N. Wans. 2019. Audit office experience with SOX 404(b) filers and SOX audit quality. The Accounting Review (July): 1-43.
Anderson, U. L., M. H. Christ, K. M. Johnston and L. E. Rittenberg. 2012. A post-SOX examination of factors associated with the size of internal audit functions. Accounting Horizons (June): 167-191.
Aobdia, D. 2018. The impact of the PCAOB individual engagement inspection process - Preliminary evidence. The Accounting Review (July): 53-80.
Aobdia, D. 2019. Do practitioner assessments agree with academic proxies for audit quality? Evidence from PCAOB and internal inspections. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 144-174.
Arnold, V., T. S. Benford, J. Canada, J. R. Kuhn Jr. and S. G. Sutton. 2007. The unintended consequences of Sarbanes-Oxley on technology innovation and supply chain integration. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (4): 103-121.
Arping, S. and Z. Sautner. 2013. Did SOX Section 404 make firms less opaque? Evidence from cross-listed firms. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 1133-1165.
Asare, K. N. 2017. Auditor tenure and financial reporting fraud: Have the relations changed post Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(2): 763-778.
Ashbaugh-Skaife, H., D. W. Collins, W. R. Kinney, Jr. and R. Lafond. 2009. The effect of SOX internal control deficiencies on firm risk and cost of equity. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 1-43.
Austin, S. G. 2012. Updated COSO framework will help: Audit committees comply with SOX. Journal of Accountancy (July): 27-28, 30.
Bailey, A. D. Jr. 2014. Perspectives on the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 2004-2005. Accounting Horizons (December): 889-899.
Bame-Aldred, C, J. T. Sweeney and D. Seifert. 2007. An examination of the effectiveness of Sarbanes-Oxley whistle-blower protection. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): 105-118.
Banham, R. 2005. Valuing IP post-Sarbanes-Oxley. Journal of Accountancy (November): 72-78.
Bao, D., S. Y. K. Fung and L. Su. 2018. Can shareholders be at rest after adopting clawback provisions? Evidence from stock price crash risk. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(3): 1578-1615.
Bargeron, L. L., K. M. Lehn and C. J. Zutter. 2010. Sarbanes-Oxley and corporate risk-taking. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 34-52.
Barlas, S. 2015. More time to pursue civil penalties, and pushback on clawback reporting proposal. Strategic Finance (November): 13.
Barlas, S. 2016. Congress pressures the FASB on R&D accounting, and Transparency of accountant discipline actions at PCAOB. Strategic Finance (December): 11.
Barlas, S. 2016. H.R. 4139 extends exemption, and Crowdfunding portals open. Strategic Finance (August): 9. (Related to SOX and SEC's crowd funding program).
Barlas, S. 2017. Congress considers SOX internal controls changes. Strategic Finance (October): 14.
Barlas, S. 2017. On the Hill: Section 404 changes under the radar. Strategic Finance (August): 11.
Barlas, S. 2017. PCAOB requires auditor reporting of CAMs. Strategic Finance (September): 14. (Critical audit matters).
Bedard, J. C. and L. Graham. 2011. Detection and severity classifications of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Internal Control Deficiencies. The Accounting Review (May): 825-855.
Bhaskar, L. S. 2020. How do risk-based inspections impact auditor behavior? Experimental evidence on the PCAOB's process. The Accounting Review (July): 103-126.
Blankley, A. I., D. S. Kerr and C. E. Wiggins. 2014. Quality control criticisms in PCAOB inspection reports. The CPA Journal (February): 32-40.
Blann, J. J., T. J. Kleppe and J. E. Shipman. 2023. Did the PCAOB's 2009 office expansion improve audit quality? Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 89-119.
Boland, C. M., B. Daugherty, D. Dickins and A. J. Johnson-Snyder. 2017. Not all PCAOB inspections are created equal. The CPA Journal (August): 52-56.
Boland, C. M., B. E. Daugherty and D. Dickins. 2019. Evidence of the relationship between PCAOB inspection outcomes and the use of structured audit technologies. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 38(2): 57-77.
Boone, J. P., I. K. Khurana and K. K. Raman. 2015. Did the 2007 PCAOB disciplinary order against Deloitte impose actual costs on the firm or improve its audit quality? The Accounting Review (March): 405-441.
Boone, J. P., I. K. Khurana and K. K. Raman. 2017. Spatial competition in local audit markets and the fallout on Deloitte from the 2007 PCAOB censure. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 36(2): 1-19.
Borgia, C. and P. H. Siegel. 2008. How the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is affecting profitability in the banking industry. The CPA Journal (August): 13-14.
Boritz, J. E., L. Hayes and L. M. Timoshenko. 2016. Determinants of readability of SOX 404 reports. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(2): 145-168.
Boritz, J. E., L. Hayes and L. M. Timoshenko. 2020. How understandable are SOX 404 auditors reports? International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (39): 100486.
Bova, F., M. Minutti-Meza, G. Richardson and D. Vyas. 2014. The Sarbances-Oxley Act and exit strategies of private firms. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(3): 818-850.
Bradford, M. and J. Brazel. 2007. Flirting with SOX 404. Strategic Finance (September): 48-53.
Bradford, M., E. Z. Taylor and J. F. Brazel. 2010. Beyond compliance: The value of SOX. Strategic Finance (May): 48-53.
Brisker, E. R., M. Son and H. Song. 2014. The PCAOB's second inspections of foreign auditors. The CPA Journal (September): 28-33.
Brochet, F. 2010. Information content of insider trades before and after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The Accounting Review (March): 419-446.
Burks, J. J. 2011. Are investors confused by restatements after Sarbanes-Oxley? The Accounting Review (March): 507-539.
Calderon, T. G. and H. Song. 2014. PCAOB international inspections. The CPA Journal (January): 30-39.
Calderon, T. G., E. J. Conrad and L. Wang. 2012. Material internal control weakness reporting since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The CPA Journal (August): 20-25.
Campbell, J. L., J. Hansen, C. A. Simon and J. L. Smith. 2015. Audit committee stock options and financial reporting quality after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 34(2): 91-120.
Carlson, R. L., J. M. Coulter and T. J. Vogel. 2009. HealthSouth Corp.: The first test of Sarbanes-Oxley. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 1(2): 1-27.
Carmichael, D. R. 2014. Reflections on the establishment of the PCAOB and its audit standard-setting role. Accounting Horizons (December): 901-915.
Carter, K. E. 2013. Capital structure, earnings management, and Sarbanes-Oxley: Evidence from Canadian and U.S. firms. Accounting Horizons (June): 301-318.
Cataldo, A. J. II, L. Fuller and T. Miller. 2014. An analysis of SEC and PCAOB enforcement actions against engagement quality reviewers: A comment and extension in support of the Nevada effect. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(2): 157-199.
CFO. 2012. Keeping track of Dodd-Frank. CFO (July/August): 44.
CFO. 2012. 10 years after: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act. CFO (July/August): 43.
Chambers, D., D. R. Hermanson and J. L. Payne. 2010. Did Sarbanes-Oxley lead to better financial reporting? A survey of recent research. The CPA Journal (September): 24-27.
Chan, L. H., K. C. W. Chen, T. Chen and Y. Yu. 2012. The effects of firm-initiated clawback provisions on earnings quality and auditor behavior. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October-December): 180-196.
Chandar, N. and M. H. Sanchez. 2013. SOX exemption and the true cost of internal controls in small companies: The case of Koss. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (10): 91-102.
Chang, J., A. P. Tang and V. Krivogorsky. 2011. The impacts of SOX and SEC investigation on the corporate governance of option backdating firms. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 27(2): 205-212.
Chen, A., H. Duong and A. Ngo. 2019. Types of nonaudit service fees and earnings response coefficients in the post-Sarbanes-Oxley era. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (44): 132-147.
Chen, L. H., J. Krishnan, J., H. Sami and H. Zhou. 2013. Auditor attestation under SOX Section 404 and earnings informativeness. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(1): 61-84.
Chen, Y., W. R. Knechel, V. B. Marisetty, C. Truong and M. Veeraraghavan. 2017. Board independence and internal control weakness: Evidence from SOX 404 disclosures. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 36(2): 45-62.
Christensen, B., L. Lei, S. Q. Shu and W. Thomas. 2023. Does audit regulation improve the underlying information used by managers? Evidence from PCAOB inspection access and management forecast accuracy. Accounting, Organizations and Society (106): 101403.
Christensen, B. E., N. G. Lundstrom and N. J. Newton. 2021. Does the disclosure of PCAOB inspection findings increase audit firms' litigation exposure? The Accounting Review (May): 191-219.
Christensen, B. E., N. J. Newton and M. S. Wilkins. 2022. The PCAOB inspection process: A client-level analysis of a large firm's experience. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 41(4): 33-56.
Church, B. K. and L. B. Shefchik. 2012. PCAOB inspections and large accounting firms. Accounting Horizons (March): 43-63.
Cianci, A. M., G. D. Fernando, E. M. Werner. 2011. The differential CEO dominance–compensation and corporate governance–compensation relations: Pre- and post-SOX. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 27(2): 213-222.
Clements, L. H. 2005. Whistleblowing: Who, what, when, where, why & how? Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(2): 429-440.
Coates, J. C. and S. Srinivasan. 2014. SOX after ten years: A multidisciplinary review. Accounting Horizons (September): 627-671.
Coe, M. J. 2005. Sarbanes-Oxley: Executive summary. Journal of Accountancy (March): 70.
Cohen, J. R. and W. R. Knechel. 2013. A call for academic inquiry: Challenges and opportunities from the PCAOB projects. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(Supplement 1): 1-5.
Cohen, J. R., C. Hayes, G. Krishnamoorthy, G. S. Monroe and A. M. Wright. 2013. The effectiveness of SOX regulation: An interview study of corporate directors. Behavioral Research In Accounting 25(1): 61-87.
Cohen, J. R., G. Krishnamoorthy, M. Peytcheva and A. M. Wright. 2022. An examination of the effects of PCAOB inspection selection method and disclosure of audit strengths on investor judgments. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 41(4): 107-133.
Colen, D. A., A. Dey and T. Z. Lys. 2008. Real and accrual-based earnings management in the pre- and post-Sarbanes-Oxley periods. The Accounting Review (May): 757-787.
Colon, R. 2018. Breaking the code of silence: A broader view of compensatory damages to whistleblowers under Sarbanes-Oxley. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(1): 116-127.
Coopage, R. and T. Shastri. 2013. Using PCAOB settled disciplinary orders to improve audit quality education. The CPA Journal (July): 46-51.
Crawford, W, B. K. Klamm and M. W. Watson. 2007. Surviving three SOX opinions. Strategic Finance (May): 46-53. (Helping small companies plan their SOX compliance).
Curtis, M. B. and E. Z. Taylor. 2014. Big oil versus big ideals. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(1): 248-263. (Whistle-blowing).
Daniel, L. 2010. 2010. Supreme Court ruling on the PCAOB. The CPA Journal (August): 14-19. (Public company accounting oversight board).
D'Aquila, J. 2013. COSO's internal control - Integrated framework. The CPA Journal (October): 22-29.
De Mello-e-Souza, C. A. and V. N. Awasthi. 2009. Probing financial statements in a post-Sarbanes-Oxley world. Strategic Finance (April): 37-45.
Dee, C. C., A. Lulseged and T. Zhang. 2015. Who did the audit? Audit quality and disclosures of other audit participants in PCAOB filings. The Accounting Review (September): 1939-1967.
DeFond, M. L. and C. S. Lennox. 2017. Do PCAOB inspections improve the quality of internal control audits? Journal of Accounting Research (June): 591-627.
DeFond, M. L., C. S. Lennox and J. Zhang. 2018. The primacy of fair presentation: Evidence from PCAOB standards, federal legislation, and the courts. Accounting Horizons (September): 91-100.
DeFond, M. L., M. Hung, E. Carr and J. Zhang. 2011. Was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act good news for corporate bondholders? Accounting Horizons (September): 465-485.
DeHaan, E., F. Hodge and T. Shevlin. 2013. Does voluntary adoption of a clawback provision improve financial reporting quality? Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 1027-1062.
DeHaan, E., J. Madsen and J. D. Piotroski. 2017. Do weather-induced moods affect the processing of earnings news? Journal of Accounting Research (June): 509-550.
Deng, M., N. Melumad and T. Shibano. 2012. Auditors' liability, investments, and capital markets: A potential unintended consequence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1179-1244.
Denis, D. K. 2012. Mandatory clawback provisions, information disclosure, and the regulation of securities markets. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October-December): 197-200.
Dennis, A. 2005. Second-CPA-firm update: Sarbanes-Oxley cloud has a silver lining - unzip it. Journal of Accountancy (September): 61-62, 64, 66, 68.
Desir, R., J. R. Casterella and J. Kokina. 2014. A reexamination of audit fees for initial audit engagements in the post-SOX period. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 33(2): 59-78.
Dey, A. 2010. The chilling effect of Sarbanes-Oxley: A discussion of Sarbanes-Oxley and corporate risk-taking. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 53-57.
DeZoort, F. T. and J. D. Stanley. 2006. Fair presentation in the Sarbanes-Oxley era: An assessment framework and opportunities for forensic accountants. Journal of Forensic Accounting 7(2): 279-294.
Dhaliwal, D. S., P. T. Lamoreaux, C. S. Lennox and L. M. Mauler. 2015. Management influence on auditor selection and subsequent impairments of auditor independence during the post-SOX period. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(2): 575-607.
Dodwell, W. J. 2008. Six years of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The CPA Journal (August): 38-43.
Dong, B., S. L. Tate and L. E. Xu. 2020. Unexpected consequences: The effects on non-accelerated filers of an accelerated filing deadline and SOX Section 404. Accounting Horizons (September): 87-112.
Doron, M. 2019. The PCAOB as third-party payer. The CPA Journal (February): 6-10.
Drake, K. D., N. C. Goldman and S. J. Lusch. 2016. Do income tax-related deficiencies in publicly disclosed PCAOB Part II reports influence audit client financial reporting of income tax accounts? The Accounting Review (September): 1411-1439.
Dutillieux, W., J. R. Francis and M. Willekens. 2016. The spillover of SOX on earnings quality in non-U.S. jurisdictions. Accounting Horizons (March): 23-39.
Dworkin, T. M. 2007. SOX and whistleblowing. Michigan Law Review 105(8):1757-1780.
Dzinkowski, R. 2004. Keeping pace with SOX 404: Internal control certification at Guidant Corporation. Strategic Finance (September): 46-50.
Dzinkowski, R. 2004. Surviving Sarbanes-Oxley and other accounting issues. Strategic Finance (February): 32-36.
Dzinkowski, R. 2006. Closing Pandora's box. Strategic Finance (July): 51-53. (Related to the cost of complying with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act).
Dzinkowski, R. 2020. The undoing of SOX 404(b). Strategic Finance (June): 47-51.
Earley, C. E., V. B. Hoffman and J. R. Joe. 2008. Reducing management's influence on auditors' judgments: An experimental investigation of SOX 404 assessments. The Accounting Review (November): 1461-1485.
Eaton, T. V. and W. T. Weber. 2008. Whistleblowing: A review of previous research and suggestions for best practices. Journal of Forensic Accounting 9(1): 21-36.
Ege, M., W. R. Knechel, P. T. Lamoreaux and E. Maksymov. 2020. A multi-method analysis of the PCAOB's relationship with the audit profession. Accounting, Organizations and Society (84): 101131.
Ege, M., Y. H. Kim and D. Wang. 2021. Do PCAOB inspections of foreign auditors affect global financial reporting comparability? Contemporary Accounting Research 38(4): 2659-2690.
Emett, S. A., R. Libby and M. W. Nelson. 2018. PCAOB guidance and audits of fair values for level 2 investments. Accounting, Organizations and Society (71): 57-72.
Engel, E., R. M. Hayes and X. Wang. 2007. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and firms’ going-private decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics (September): 116-145.
Erkens, M. H. R., Y. Gan and B. B. Yurtoglu. 2018. Not all clawbacks are the same: Consequences of strong versus weak clawback provisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 291-317.
Eutsler, J. 2020. Risky business: Assessing the generalizability of the PCAOB's risk-based inspection reports for annually inspected audit firms. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(2): 117-138.
Fan, Y., C. Li and K. Raghunandan. 2017. Is SOX 404(a) management internal control reporting an effective alternative to SOX 404(b) internal control audits? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 36(3): 71-89.
Fong, C., R. Fuchs, D. Grumer, M. Levy, C. Pagano and G. Purwin. 2013. Major changes for broker/dealer audits: Preparing for PCAOB inspections, more rigorous auditing standards, and additional reporting requirements. The CPA Journal (December): 30-35.
Franzel, J. 2016. Transforming the PCAOB's agenda. The CPA Journal (July): 42-46.
Franzel, J. 2017. The PCAOB's role in improving audit quality: Keynote address. The CPA Journal (August): 32-37.
Franzel, J. M. 2014. A decade after Sarbanes-Oxley: The need for ongoing vigilance, monitoring, and research. Accounting Horizons (December): 917-930.
Fung, S. Y. K., K. K. Raman and X. Zhu. 2017. Does the PCAOB international inspection program improve audit quality for non-US-listed foreign clients? Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 15-36.
Gao, F., J. S. Wu and J. Zimmerman. 2009. Unintended consequences of granting small firms exemptions from securities regulation: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 459-506.
Gao, Y. 2011. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the choice of bond market by foreign firms. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 933-968.
Garbinski, F. 2006. When SOX meets lean. Strategic Finance (December): 26-33.
Gayle, G., L. Chen and R. A. Miller. 2022. Was Sarbanes-Oxley costly? Evidence from optimal contracting on CEO compensation. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1189-1234.
Ge, W., A. Koester and S. McVay. 2017. Benefits and costs of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404(b) exemption: Evidence from small firms' internal control disclosures. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 358-384.
Gipper, B., L. Hail and C. Leuz. 2021. On the economics of mandatory audit partner rotation and tenure: Evidence from PCAOB data. The Accounting Review (March): 303-331.
Gong, G., B. Ke and Y. Yu. 2013. Home country investor protection, ownership structure and cross-listed firms' compliance with SOX-mandated internal control deficiency disclosures. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(4): 1490-1523.
Gradison, B. 2014. A former PCAOB board member looks to the past...and the future. Accounting Horizons (December): 931-935.
Green, S. 2004. Manager's Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Improving Internal Controls to Prevent Fraud. Wiley.
Gupta, P. P., T. R. Weirich and L. E. Turner. 2013. Sarbanes-Oxley and public reporting on internal control: Hasty reaction or delayed action? Accounting Horizons (June): 371-408.
Hansen, B., G. Pownall and X. Wang. 2009. The robustness of the Sarbanes Oxley effect on the U.S. capital market. Review of Accounting Studies 14(2-3): 401-439.
Harrington, C. 2005. The value proposition: There's more to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance than meets the eye. Journal of Accountancy (September): 77-81.
Harris, T. S. 2009. Discussion of "The robustness of the Sarbanes Oxley effect on the U.S. capital market". Review of Accounting Studies 14(2-3): 440-452.
Hart, O. 2009. Regulation and Sarbanes-Oxley. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 437-445.
Hayes, R. M. 2009. Discussion of Unintended consequences of granting small firms exemptions from securities regulation: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 507-518.
He, H. 2008. Are changes in cross-listing in the U.S. from the pre-to-post-Sarbanes-Oxley period associated with shareholder protection in foreign firms' home countries? Journal of International Accounting Research 7(2): 65-84.
He, Y., B. Li, Z. Liu and J. Pittman. 2021. Does the threat of a PCAOB inspection mitigate US institutional investors' home bias? Contemporary Accounting Research 38(4): 2622-2658.
Hendricks, B. E., W. R. Landsman and F. D. Pena-Romera. 2022. The revolving door between large audit firms and the PCAOB: Implications for future inspection reports and audit quality. The Accounting Review (January): 261-292.
Herda, D. N. 2016. Subsequent events audit tips: PCAOB inspection reports and SEC enforcement releases show difficulties in subsequent events audits. Journal of Accountancy (January): 22.
Hermanson, D. R., D. M. Ivancevich and S. H. Ivancevich. 2008. SOX section 404 material weaknesses related to revenue recognition. The CPA Journal (October): 40-45.
Hermanson, D. R., D. M. Ivancevich and S. H. Ivancevich. 2008. Tone at the top: Insights from section 404. Strategic Finance (November): 38-45. (Section 404 is the Sarbanes-Oxley requirement for an auditor to express an opinion on its client's internal control over financial reporting).
Hermanson, D. R., R. W. Houston and Z. Ye. 2010. Accounting restatements arising from PCAOB inspections of small audit firms. The CPA Journal (September): 68-70.
Herron, T. L. and C. J. McNellis. 2022. Using storytelling to apply lessons from PCAOB enforcements. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 91-107.
Hill, N. T., J. E. McEnroe and K. T. Stevens. 2009. A comparison of CFOs' and CPAs' perceptions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the PCAOB. The CPA Journal (August): 30-33.
Hirsch, B., B. E. Reichert and M. Sohn. 2017. The impact of clawback provisions on information processing and investment behaviour. Management Accounting Research (December): 1-11.
Hochberg, Y. V., P. Sapienza and A. Vissing-Jorgensen. 2009. A lobbying approach to evaluating the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 519-583.
Hodowanitz, J. and S. A. Solieri. 2005. Guarding the guardians. Strategic Finance (August): 46-53. (Controversy related to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board created by Sarbanes-Oxley).
Hoffman, B. W., J. L. Campbell and J. L. Smith. 2021. Investor perceptions of government deregulation: Evidence from section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Accounting Horizons (June): 57-81.
Holder, A. D., K. E. Karim and A. Robin. 2013. Was Dodd-Frank justified in exempting small firms from section 404b compliance? Accounting Horizons (March): 1-22. (Related to SOX Section 404b auditor certification of internal controls exemption to small firms).
Hostak, P., T. Lys, Y. G. Yang and E. Carr. 2013. An examination of the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the attractiveness of U.S. capital markets for foreign firms. Review of Accounting Studies 18(2): 522-559.
Houston, R. W. and C. M. Stefaniak. 2013. Audit partner perceptions of post-audit review mechanisms: An examination of internal quality reviews and PCAOB inspections. Accounting Horizons (March): 23-50.
Impink, J., M. Lubberink, B. van Praag and D. Veenman. 2012. Did accelerated filing requirements and SOX Section 404 affect the timeliness of 10-K filings? Review of Accounting Studies 17(2): 227-253.
Järvinen, T. and E. Myllymäki. 2016. Real earnings management before and after reporting SOX 404 material weaknesses. Accounting Horizons (March): 119-141.
Janvrin, D. J., M. F. Mascha and M. A. Lamboy-Ruiz. 2020. SOX 404(b) audits: Evidence from auditing the financial close process of the accounting system. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 77-103.
Jelinek, K. and R. Jelinek. 2010. Becoming a more relational firm in the post-Sarbanes-Oxley era. The CPA Journal (September): 64-67.
Jenkins, D. S. and U. K. Velury. 2012. Auditor tenure and the pricing of discretionary accruals in the post-SOX era. Accounting and the Public Interest (12): 1-15.
Ji, X. W. Lu, W. Qu and V. J. Richardson. 2019. Changes in internal control disclosure and analyst forecasts around mandatory disclosure required by the China SOX. Accounting Horizons (September): 43-68.
Johnson, L. M., M. B. Keune and J. Winchel. 2019. U.S. auditors' perceptions of the PCAOB inspection process: A behavioral examination. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(3): 1540-1574.
Jones, R. C. 2012. Potential changes to the auditor's reporting model: Exploring the PCAOB's concept release. The CPA Journal (December): 14-16.
Jordan, C. E. and S. J. Clark. 2013. Manipulating sales revenue to user reference points in pre-and post-Sarbances Oxley eras. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 5(2): 114-130.
Journal of Accountancy. 2021. PCAOB amends independence requirements to align with SEC changes. Journal of Accountancy (February): 8.
Juras, P. E., D. R. Martin and G. R. Aldhizer III. 2007. Adapting six sigma to help tame the SOX 404 compliance beast. Strategic Finance (March): 36-41.
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King, R. R. 2010. The PCAOB meets the constitution: The Supreme Court to decide on the PCAOB's conformity with the separation of powers doctrine and appointments clause. Accounting Horizons (March): 79-93. (The case before the court alleges constitutional problems with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board created by Congress when it passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. According to King, "The Supreme Court's decision about the constitutionality of the PCAOB is important because of its potential impact on (1) the future of auditing oversight; (2) the validity of SOX; and (3) the future of independent agencies in general.").
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Kranacher, M. 2008. The future of Sarbanes-Oxley. The CPA Journal (October): 16-21.
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Lamoreaux, P. T., L. M. Mauler and N. J. Newton. 2020. Audit regulation and cost of equity capital: Evidence from the PCAOB's international inspection regime. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(4): 2438-2471.
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Maksymov, E., J. Pickerd, T. J. Wilks and D. Williams. 2023. The ICFR process: Perspectives of accounting executives at large public companies. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(3): 1671-1703. (Survey of executives on the SOX Act on responsibility for internal control over financial reporting).
Mascha, M. F., M. A. Lamboy-Ruiz and D. J. Janvrin. 2018. PCAOB inspections: An analysis of entity-level and application-level control audit deficiencies. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (30): 19-39.
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