Management And Accounting Web

Digital and Digitalization Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abraham, C., R. R. Sims, S. Daultrey, A. Buff and A. Fealey. 2019. How digital trust drives culture change. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-8.

Ackerman, J. L. 2017. How to protect a CPA firm in the digital age. The CPA Journal (March): 72-73.

Adamczyk, D. 2024. The chair of Honeywell on bringing an industrial business into the digital age. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 31-35.

Ancona, D. 2019. Five rules for leading in a digital world. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4.

Andal-Ancion, A., P. A. Cartwright and G. S. Yip. 2003. The digital transformation of traditional businesses. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 34-41.

Andriole, S. J. 2017. Five myths about digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 20-22.

Austin, R. D. 2016. Unleashing creativity with digital technology. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 157-160.

Barsoux, J., M. Wade and C. Bouquet. 2022. Identifying unmet needs in a digital age: A four-part framework for diversifying how and where you look. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 64-72.

Barsky, N. P. and S. F. Jablonsky. 2000. The digital CFO. Strategic Finance (June): 52-56. (Adapt or fall by the cyber wayside).

Beattie, V. 2011. Digital Reporting Options for Europe: A Study of Interactive Data from the Perspective of Non-Professional Investors by Joanne Locke, Andy Lymer, Alan Lowe. The Accounting Review (November): 2191-2193.

Berg, T. 2018. Old, new, borrowed, and blue? A note on digital literacy and cost management. Cost Management (September/October): 42-47.

Black, R. J. and L. P. Carr. 1999. Activity-based budgeting at Digital Semiconductor. Journal of Cost Management (November/December): 11-20.

Bloch, R., H. Issa and A. Peterson. 2015. The DATA Act: A look at the future for local government financial reporting. The CPA Journal (June): 36-42. ("The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 requires the federal government to publish financial information in a standardized reporting format. State and local governments may soon follow suit...").

Block, R. J. and L. P. Carr. 1999. Activity-based budgeting at Digital Semiconductor. Journal of Cost Management (November/December): 11-20.

Bonnet, D. and G. Westerman. 2021. The new elements of digital transformation: The authors revisit their landmark research and address how the competitive advantages offered by digital technology have evolved. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 82-89. (Summary).

Bonsón, E. and T. Escobar. 2006. Digital reporting in Eastern Europe: An empirical study. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7(4): 299-318.

Brands, K. 2018. Technology workbook: Digital demands. Strategic Finance (October): 68-69.

Brands, K. 2019. Digital leadership for management accountants. Strategic Finance (May): 23-24.

Brozovsky, J. and J. Luo. 2013. Digital forensics: A new challenge for accounting. Strategic Finance (May): 37-43.

Bughin, J. and N. Van Zeebroeck. 2017. The best response to digital disruption: Companies that adopt bold strategies in the face of industry digitization improve their odds of coming out winners. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 80-86.

Burden, A., E. Van Der Ouderaa, R. Venkataraman, T. Nystrom and P. P. Shukla. 2018. Technical debt might be hindering your digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-5.

Calderon, T. G. and C. G. Onita. 2017. Big data and the perceived expectations gap in digital authentication processes. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(2): 736-750.

Carr, N. G., Editor. 2001. Digital Enterprise: How to Reshape Your Business For a Connected World. Harvard Business School Press.

Castelluccio, M. 2018. Technology workbook: Digital disappearances. Strategic Finance (November): 63-64.

Castelluccio, M. 2018. Technology workbook: Digital twins invade industry. Strategic Finance (March): 63-64.

Caster, D., B. Mittag and C. A. Scheraga. 2003. Application of digital analysis to assess the quality and usability of the ATA database. Journal of Forensic Accounting (4): 95-104.

Chakravorti, B., A. Bhalla and R. S. Chaturvedi. 2023. How digital trust varies around the world. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 140-143.

Collins, J. C. 2013. Technology Q&A. Journal of Accountancy (December): 76-78, 80-81. (A digital dashboard in Excel workbook, etc.).

Conway, R. W. 1963. Some tactical problems in digital simulation. Management Science (October): 47-61.

Conway, R. W., B. M. Johnson and W. L. Maxwell. 1959. Some problems of digital systems simulation. Management Science (October): 92-110.

Cook, E., T. Lewis and A. Nellen. 2017. Tax principles for the digital age. Journal of Accountancy (May): 62-66.

Corban, T. and J. Liu. 2023. Accounting digital transformation. Strategic Finance (November): 65-67.

Costa, D. Internet business: Identity crisis: Digital IDs will grease the wheels of commerce, but privacy advocates are keeping a watchful eye. PC Magazine (October 15): ibiz 1, 3-6.

Coupey, E. 2004. Digital Business: Concepts and Strategies (2nd Edition). Prentice Hall.

Cronin, M. J. 2000. Unchained Value: The New Logic of Digital Business. Harvard Business School Press.

Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J., A. Gershenfeld and N. Gershenfeld. 2021. The promise of self-sufficient production: As global supply chains have revealed their vulnerabilities during the pandemic, digital fabrication technologies demonstrate a new way forward. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 66-72.

De, P., Y. J. Hu and M. S. Rahman. 2018. Avoid these five digital retailing mistakes: Today's retailers need to adopt a data-driven view - with the goal of understanding how website features and advances in AI will affect consumer behavior. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

Diller, M., M. Asen and T. Spath. 2020. The effects of personality traits on digital transformation: Evidence from German tax consulting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (37): 100455.

Drew, J. 2015. 2014 MAP survey: Firms tech it up a notch. Usage rates rise for cloud-based software, video conferencing, and digital payments. Journal of Accountancy (January): 28-31, 34.

Drew, J. 2018. Paving the way for a new digital world. Journal of Accountancy (June): 18-22.

Driscoll, T. 2021. Technology workbook: The digitization essentials. Strategic Finance (March): 68-69.

Dzinkowski, R. 2018. Cyber CFO = The next top finance job? In this new age of digital disruptions, constant hacking, and other major corporate risks, the chief financial officer has another new role to play. Strategic Finance (April): 32-37.

Edelman, B. 2015. How to launch your digital platform: A playbook for strategists. Harvard Business Review (April): 90-97.

Edelman, D. C. 2010. Branding in the digital age. Harvard Business Review (December): 62-69.

Epstein, M. J. 2018. Adapting for digital survival: Society, technology, and business are changing. Are you and your company leading or lagging? Strategic Finance (February): 26-33.

Ettredge, M. L. and R. P. Srivastava. 1999. Using digital analysis to enhance data integrity. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 675-690. ("Digital analysis is a method of analyzing the patterns of digits in a sample of numbers to determine if the sample is similar to a population of numbers.").

 Ference, S. B. and S. D. Sterna. 2016. How social and digital media can be a #majorisk. Journal of Accountancy (March): 16-17. (8 risk management recommendations).

Fisher, I. E. 2004. On the structure of financial accounting standards to support digital representation, storage, and retrieval. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (1): 23-40.

Flynn, E. and C. Metz. 2022. Navigating Industry 4.0. Cost Management (January/February): 24-29.

Forman, C. 2005. The corporate digital divide: Determinants of internet adoption. Management Science (April): 641-654.

Frick, W. 2017. The other digital divide. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 160-161.

Gosline, R. R., J. Lee and G. Urban. 2017. The power of consumer stories in digital marketing: New research finds that sharing consumers' positive stories about a brand can be a highly effective online marketing strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 10-13.

Govindarajan, V. and N. V. Venkatraman. 2022. The next great digital advantage: Smart businesses are using datagraphs to reveal unique solutions to customer problems. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 56-63.

Gratton, L., M. Balle, J. Morgan, D. K. Sobek II, J. Bughin, R. E. Freeman, J. Burton, and G. C. Kane. 2019. The learning organization: The strongest companies today have cultures of continuous education - they are investing in helping employees develop the skills they need to succeed in a changing world. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-26. (This special collection includes: An Introduction; Gratton, L. Who's building the infrastructure for lifelong learning?; Balle, M., J. Morgan and D. K. Sobek II. Why learning is central to sustained innovation; Bughin J. Preparing for the coming skill shifts; Freeman, R. E. and J. Burton. Governments as facilitators of value creation; Kane, G. C. Common traits of the best digital leaders; and Kane, G. C. Digitally maturing companies develop their talent into digital leaders).

Gross, A., J. Hemker, J. Hoelscher and B. Reed. 2017. The role of secondary sources on the taxation of digital currency (Bitcoin) before IRS guidance was issued. Journal of Accounting Education (39): 48-54.

Hamel, G. and M. Zanini. 2018. The end of bureaucracy: How a Chinese appliance maker is reinventing management for the digital age. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 50-59.

Harvard Business Review. 2017. It pays to be a digital leader. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 34.

Harvard Business Review. 2018. Why customers won't pay as much for digital goods. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 28.

Higgins, J. H. and B. L. Smith. 2012. 10 Steps to a Digital Practice in the Cloud: New Levels of CPA Firm Work Flow Efficiency. AICPA.

Holtzblatt, M. and N. Tschakert. 2011. Expanding your accounting classroom with digital video technology. Journal of Accounting Education 29(2-3): 100-121.

Hu, M. and S. T. Monahan. 2015. Sharing supply chain data in the digital era. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 96.

Iansiti, M. and K. R. Lakhani. 2017. Managing our hub economy: Strategy, ethics, and network competition in the age of digital superpowers. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 84-92.

Kane, G. C. 2015. How digital transformation is making health care safer, faster and cheaper. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 41-47.

Kane, G. C. 2016. Digital health care: The patient will see you now. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 54-59.

Kane, G. C. 2016. The dark side of the digital revolution. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 51-56.

Kane, G. C. 2017. Digital innovation lights the fuse for better health care outcomes. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 13.

Kane, G. C. 2017. In the hotel industry, digital has made itself right at home: Changing from a traditional to a digital business model altered Marriott's culture in unexpected ways. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 96.

Kane, G. C. 2017. MetLife centers its strategy on digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 88.

Kane, G. C., A. N. Phillips, J. Copulsky and G. Andrus. 2019. How digital leadership is(n't) different. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 34-39.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips and D. Kiron. 2015. Is your business ready for the digital future? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 37-44.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips and D. Kiron. 2017. Winning the digital war for talent. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 17-19.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips, D. Kiron and N. Buckley. 2016. Aligning the organization for its digital future. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-28.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips, D. Kiron and N. Buckley. 2017. Achieving digital maturity. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-29.

Kane, G. C., R. Nanda, A. N. Phillips and J. Copulsky. 2021. The digital superpowers you need to thrive. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-6. (Nimbleness - the ability to quickly pivot and move. Scalability - The ability to rapidly shift capacity and service levels. Stability - The ability to maintain operational excellence under pressure. Optionality - The ability to acquire new capabilities through external collaboration).

Kanter, R. M. 2001. Evolve!: Succeeding in the Digital Culture of Tomorrow. Harvard Business School Press.

Kaplan, A. 2011. Reinventing Professional Services: Building Your Business in the Digital Marketplace. Wiley.

Kiron, D. and B. Spindel. 2019. Case study: Rebooting work for a digital era. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-12.

Klatt, T. 2014. Digital businesses: The next evolution of cost management. Cost Management (January/Feburary): 6-12.

Knudsen, D. 2020. Elusive boundaries, power relations, and knowledge production: A systematic review of the literature on digitalization in accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (36): 100441.

Kokina, J., R. Gilleran, S. Blanchette and D. Stoddard. 2021. Accountant as digital innovator: Roles and competencies in the age of automation. Accounting Horizons (March): 153-184.

Lansiti, M. and K. R. Lakhani. 2014. Digital ubiquity: How connections, sensors, and data are revolutionizing business. Harvard Business Review (November): 90-99.

Lanza, R. B. 2000. Using digital analysis to detect fraud. Journal of Forensic Accounting (1): 291-296.

Lawson, R. 2018. Technology workbook: Preparing to compete in the digital age. Strategic Finance (December): 60-61.

Lawson, R. and D. Smith. 2018. How to master digital age competencies. Strategic Finance (September): 30-37.

Lawson, R. and L. R. White. 2018. Maintaining relevance in the digital age: In the face of technological change, the management accounting profession needs to refocus on providing actionable cost information to support internal decision making - or risk becoming obsolete. Strategic Finance (April): 26-31.

Leonardi, P. 2020. You're going digital - Now what? MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 28-30, 32-35.

Liew, A., D. E. O'Leary, A. Perdana and T. Wang. 2022. Digital transformation in accounting and auditing: 2021 International Conference of the Journal of Information Systems panel discussion. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 177-190.

Linsner, R. 2018. Digitalization with SAP S/4HANNA: What will happen to the management accountant? Cost Management (September/October): 21-26.

MacDonald, A. 2019. How digital platforms have become double-edged swords. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-7.

Maltz, E. and V. Chiappetta. 2002. Maximizing value in the digital world. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 77-84.

Mangelsdorf, M. E. 2014. From the editor: Decision making in the digital age. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-3.

Marcella, A. and R. J. Dippel. 2010. Technical, legal and internal control implications of today's digital multifunctional devices. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2(2): 255-275.

Marion, T., S. Fixson and M. H. Meyer. 2012. The problem with digital design. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 63-68.

Michelman, P. 2019. Key words for digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-7.

MIT Sloan Management Review. 2013. Optimizing your digital business model. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 71-78.

MIT Sloan Management Review. 2015. Remaking a company for the digital natives. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 5.

MIT Sloan Management Review 2019. Accelerating digital innovation inside and out. Research Report. MIT Sloan Management Review (June): 1-18.

Mocker, M., P. Weill and S. L. Woerner. 2014. Revisiting complexity in the digital age. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 73-81.

Moore, M. 2018. Democracy Hacked: Political Turmoil and Information Warfare in the Digital Age. Oneworld Publications.

Murray, M. C. and J. Perez. 2014. Unraveling the digital literacy paradox: How higher education fails at the fourth literacy. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (11): 85-100.

Nagle, F. 2018. Capturing value from free digital goods: Companies can improve productivity by tapping into the market of free digital goods, such as open source software, and by paying their own employees to contribute. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 16-18.

Nambisan, S. and Y. Luo. 2022. Think globally, innovate locally: Multinational companies are leveraging digital technologies to tap creative resources across their markets. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 79-84.

Neeley, T. and P. Leonardi. 2022. Developing a digital mindset: How to lead your organization into the age of data, algorithms, and AI. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 50-55.

Newkirk, K. and S. Webber. 2023. Digital documentation: Avoiding a business deduction disallowance. Journal of Accountancy (May): 1-8.

Nili, A., A. Barros and M. Tate. 2019. The public sector can teach us a lot about digitizing customer service. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 84-87.

Obwegeser, N., T. Yokoi, M. Wade and T. Voskes. 2020. 7 key principles to govern digital initiatives. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-9.

Pearson, T. A. and T. W. Singleton. 2008. Fraud and forensic accounting in the digital environment. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 545-559.

Pedersen, C. L. 2022. Cracking the culture code for successful digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

Pope, K. R. 2015. Overhauling ethics education: Engaging students digitally will give them a better learning experience and will help them remember the lessons throughout their careers. Strategic Finance (August): 40-47. (Recommends adopting a multimedia learning approach, integrating digital badging, promoting social learning, and incorporating microlearning platforms.

Porter, M. E. and J. E. Heppelmann. 2017. Why every organization needs an augmented reality strategy. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 46-57. (Augmented reality or AR "transforms volumes of data and analytics into images or animations that are overlaid on the real world." ..."By superimposing digital information directly on real objects or environments, AR allows people to process the physical and digital simultaneously, eliminating the need to mentally bridge the two. That improves our ability to rapidly and accurately absorb information, make decisions, and execute required tasks quickly and efficiently."..."Every company needs an implementation road map that lays out how the organization will start to capture the benefits of AR in its business while building the capabilities needed to expand its use."... "It will profoundly change training and skill development, allowing people to perform sophisticated work without protracted and expensive conventional instruction - a model that is inaccessible to so many today. AR, then, enables people to better tap into the digital revolution and all it has to offer.").

Posner, B. 2018. Is the threat of digital disruption overhyped? MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 96.

Raschke, R. L. and A. Mann. 2017. Enterprise content risk management: A conceptual framework for digital asset risk management. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(1): 57-62.

Rechtman, Y. M. 2017. Navigating digital sales and use tax nexus. The CPA Journal (August): 15.

Reck, F. and A. Fliaster. 2019. Four profiles of successful digital executives. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-7.

Redman, T. C. 2022. The trust problem that slows digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-3.

Reed, R. M. and D. K. Pence. 2005. Detecting fraud in financial statements: The use of digital analysis as an analytical review procedure. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(1): 135-146.

Rigby, D. 2011. The future of shopping: Successful companies will engage customers through "omnichannel" retailing: a mashup of digital and physical experiences. Harvard Business Review (December): 64-75.

Rigby, D. 2014. Digital-physical mashups. Harvard Business Review (September): 84-92. (Companies need to fuse the digital and physical experiences to allow customers to easily move between the two).

Rogers, D. L. 2023. Rethinking governance for digital innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-7.

Rometty, G. 2016. Digital today, cognitive tomorrow. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 168-171.

Rosen, L. and A. Samuel. 2015. Managing yourself: Conquering digital distraction. Harvard Business Review (June): 110-113.

Ross, J. W., C. M. Beath and M. Mocker. 2019. Creating digital offerings customers will buy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 64-69.

Ross, J. W., I. M. Sebastian and C. M. Beath. 2017. How to develop a great digital strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 7-9.

Rowbottom, N., J. Locke and I. Troshani. 2021. When the tail wags the dog? Digitalisation and corporate reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society (92): 101226.

Sardar, M. 2017. Digital currency: Taxation, enforcement, and the John Doe summons. The CPA Journal (September): 62-63.

Satell, G. 2018. The industrial era ended, and so will the digital era: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 21.

Schrage, M., V. Muttreja and A. Kwan. 2022. How the wrong KPIs doom digital tranformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 35-40.

Schwartz, J., J. Hagel, M. Wooll and K. Monahan. 2019. Reframing the future of work. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.

Sebastian, I. M., P. Weill and S. L. Woerner. 2020. Driving growth in digital ecosystems. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 58-62.

Servon, L. J. 2002. Bridging the Digital Divide: Technology, Community, and Public Policy. Blackwell Publishers.

Shu, L., F. Candelon and M. Reeves. 2018. Lessons from China's digital battleground. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-6.

Singh, A., G. Mangalaraj and A. Taneja. 2011. An approach to detecting plagiarism in spreadsheet assignments: A digital answer to digital cheating. Journal of Accounting Education 29(2-3): 142-152.

Singh, A., G. Mangalaraj and A. Taneja. 2011. An approach to detecting plagiarism in spreadsheet assignments: A digital answer to digital cheating. Journal of Accounting Education 29(2-3): 142-152.

Sinha, P., D. Sahay, A. Shastri and S. E. Lorimer. 2022. How to digitalize your sales organization: Use technology, data, and analytics to do it right. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 108-117.

Smith, A. L. 2016. Insider Secrets to College Classroom Success. Amazon Digital Services LLC.

Smith, G. S. 2004. Divergent views and approaches toward the digital evidence of financial fraud. Journal of Forensic Accounting (5): 265-270.

Solis, B. 2019. How managers can help workers tackle digital distractions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-3.

Stone, E. 2015. Digital badges: A hot career booster. Strategic Finance (June): 19-20.

Stouthuysen, K. 2023. How digitally mature is your finance office? CFOs who are digital leaders prioritize developing seven key capabilities to unlock the power of data and analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 53-57.

Suh, I. S. and T. C. Headrick. 2010. A comparative analysis of the bootstrap versus traditional statistical procedures applied to digital analysis based on Benford's Law. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2(2): 144-175.

Sun, D., R. Easley and B. C. Kim. 2015. Optimal digital rights management with uncertain piracy. Decision Sciences 46(1): 165-191.

Svahn, F., L. Mathiassen, R. Lindgren and G. C. Kane. 2017. Mastering the digital innovation challenge. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 14-16.

Tan, Y., J. E. Carrillo and H. K. Cheng. 2016. The agency model for digital goods. Decision Sciences 47(4): 628-660.

Tapscott, D., D. Ticoll and A. Lowry. 2000. Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs. Harvard Business School Press.

Thomson, J. C. 2018. New accounting skills for the digital age. Strategic Finance (May): 10.

Tidd, R. R. and G. Heesacker. 2008. Digital signatures and certificates. The CPA Journal (May): 60-61.

Troshani, I., M. Janssen, A. Lymer and L. D. Parker. 2018. Digital transformation of business-to-government reporting: An institutional work perspective. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (31): 17-36.

Tucker, I. 2017. The blueprint for continuous accounting: Digital finance is all about speed, automation, and flexibility - and doing away with manual accounting processes. Is your organization on board? Strategic Finance (May): 40-49.

Van Osch, W. and B. Bulgurcu. 2023. The profound influence of small choices in digital collaboration. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 38-41.

Venkatraman, V. 2019. How to read and respond to weak digital signals. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

Verbeeten, F. and J. Heinen. 2021. Managing digital transformation. Strategic Finance (February): 46-53. (Digitalization of the finance function).

Vien, C. L. 2015. The future of marketing: Thriving in a digital world. Cast a broader net and win more business with digital marketing. Journal of Accountancy (June): 50-53.

Visnjic, I., J. Birkinshaw and C. Linz. 2022. When gradual change beats radical transformation: Industrial companies may not be the face of digital disruption, but their evolutionary approaches to successful digital initiative hold lessons for other sectors. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 74-78.

Wade, M. and N. Obwegeser. 2019. How to choose the right digital leader for your company. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-4.

Waller, D. 2019. Train your people to think in code. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-3.

Watson, L. A. and D. Wray. 2022. The digital transformation of sustainability data. Digital sustainability data enables better decision making and improves companies' reporting and strategic planning. Strategic Finance (April): 36-41.

Weill, P. and S. L. Woerner. 2015. Thriving in an increasing digital ecosystem. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 27-34.

Weill, P. and S. L. Woerner. 2018. Is your company ready for a digital future? MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 21-25.

Weill, P. and S. L. Woerner. 2018. Surviving in an increasingly digital ecosystem. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 26-28.

Weill, P., T. Apel, S. L. Woerner and J. S. Banner. 2019. It pays to have a digitally savvy board. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 41-45.

Westerman, G. 2016. Why digital transformation needs a heart. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 152-155.

Westerman, G. 2018. Your company doesn't need a digital strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

Westerman, G. 2022. The questions leaders should ask in the new era of digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

Westerman, G., D. Bonnet and A. McAfee. 2014. The nine elements of digital transformation.  MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.

Westerman, G. and D. Bonnet. 2015. Revamping your business through digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 10-13.

White, S. 2016. Intangibles drive value in the digital age. Journal of Accountancy (March): 21.

Yokoi, T., N. Obwegeser and M. Beretta. 2021. How digital inclusion can help solve grand challenges. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-5.