Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Adler, P. S. 2015. Book review essay: The Environmental Crisis and Its Capitalist Roots: Reading Naomi Klein with Karl Polanyi - Naomi Klein: This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(2): NP13-NP25.
Adly, A. 2020. Cleft Capitalism: The Social Origins of Failed Market Making in Egypt. Stanford University Press.
Anzilotti, E. 2017. The end of capitalism is already starting - If you know where to look. Fast Company (September 18). Reprinted by Pocket October 11, 2019.
Appelbaum, B. 2019. The Economists' Hour: False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society. Little, Brown and Company.
Barton, D. 2011. Capitalism for the long term. Harvard Business Review (March): 84-91.
Barton, D. (Editor), D. Horvath (Editor) and M. Kipping (Editor). 2016. Re-Imagining Capitalism. OUP Oxford.
Bennett, J. T. 2017. Corporate Welfare: Crony Capitalism That Enriches the Rich. Routledge.
Berland, N. and E. Chiapello. 2009. Criticisms of capitalism, budgeting and the double enrolment: Budgetary control rhetoric and social reform in France in the 1930s and 1950s. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(1): 28-57.
Bhide, A. 2010. The judgment deficit: Statistical models have deprived the financial sector of the case-by-case judgment that makes capitalism thrive. That must change. Harvard Business Review (September): 44-53. (Decentralized individual judgment and initiative are essential to the success of the modern capitalist economy.).
Block, F. L. 2018. Capitalism: The Future Of An Illusion. University of California Press. (Chapters: 1. The Capitalist Illusion, 2. Elaborating an Alternative, 3. The Illusion that Democracy Threatens the Economy, 4. The Illusion that Greed is Good, 5. The Illusion of an Unchanging System, 6. The Illusion of Global Order Organized by Capitalism, 7. Beyond Illusions).
Bower, J., H. Leonard and L. Paine. 2020. Capitalism at Risk: How Business Can Lead. Harvard Business Review.
Bower, J. L., H. B. Leonard and L. S. Paine. 2011. Capitalism at Risk: Rethinking the Role of Business. Harvard Business Press.
Bremmer, I. 2010. The End of the Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations? Portfolio. (Bremmer contends that state-controlled economies, or state capitalism, e.g., China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, threaten the U.S. free market system, and develops a case for the superiority of regulated free markets over state capitalism).
Bryer, R. 2004. The roots of modern capitalism: A Marxist accounting history of the origins and consequences of capitalist landlords in England. The Accounting Historians Journal 31(1): 1-56.
Bryer, R. A. 1993. The late nineteenth-century revolution in financial reporting: Accounting for the rise of investor or managerial capitalism? Accounting, Organizations and Society 18(7-8): 649-690.
Bryer, R. A. 2000. The history of accounting and the transition to capitalism in England. Part one: Theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(2): 131-162.
Bryer, R. A. 2000. The history of accounting and the transition to capitalism in England. Part two: Evidence. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(4-5): 327-381.
Carlsson-Szlezak, P. and P. Swartz. 2024. How to assess true macroeconomic risk. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 84-93.
Carlsson-Szlezak, P. and P. Swartz. 2024. Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms: How to Assess True Macroeconomic Risk. Harvard Business Review Press.
Carney, R. W. 2019. Authoritarian Capitalism: Sovereign Wealth Funds and State-Owned Enterprises in East Asia and Beyond. Cambridge University Press.
Carruthers, B. G. 2019. Accounting for clerks: On the paper work of capitalism. Accounting, Organizations and Society (78): 101053.
Chandler, A. D. 1990. Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chang, H. 2011. 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Child, J. 1981. Culture, contingency and capitalism in the cross-national study of organizations. In L. L. Cummings and B. M. Staw. Research in Organizational Behavior (3): JAI Press: 303-356.
Cliff, T. 2019. State Capitalism in Russia. Haymarket Books. (A different interpretation of what happened in the decades after the Russian Revolution. First published in 1955).
Cohen, R. 2020. Impact: Reshaping Capitalism to Drive Real Change. Ebury Press.
Collier, P. 2018. The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties. Harper.
Corneo, G. 2017. Is Capitalism Obsolete? A Journey Through Alternative Economic Systems. Harvard University Press.
Crosser, P. K. 1960. State Capitalism in the Economy of the United States. Bookman.
Desai, M. 2012. The incentive bubble: Outsourcing pay decisions to financial markets has skewed compensation and, with it, American capitalism. Harvard Business Review (March): 124-132. ("Financial markets cannot evaluate individuals because they can't easily disentangle skill from luck.").
Dezalay, Y. 1997. Accountants as "new guard dogs" of capitalism: Stereotype or research agenda? Accounting, Organizations and Society 22(8): 825-829.
Doherty, B. 2007. Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement. Public Affairs.
Drane, N. T. 1966. Growth of firms and managerial capitalism. Abacus 2(1): 49-67.
Dunn, D. and K. Yamashita. 2003. Microcapitalism and the megacorporation. Harvard Business Review (August): 46-54.
Durand, R. 2023. Book reviews: Rebecca Henderson. Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire and Chris Marquis. Better Business: How the B. Corp Movement is Remaking Capitalism. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(1): NP1-NP6.
Ferguson, W. B. 2020. The Political Economy of Collective Action, Inequality, and Development. Stanford University Press.
Fisman, R. and Y. Wang. 2013. The unsafe side of Chinese crony capitalism. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 24. (When bosses are politically connected, more workers die).
Frase, P. 2016. Four Futures: Life After Capitalism. Verso.
Friedman, M. 2002. Capitalism and Freedom: Fortieth Anniversary Edition. University of Chicago Press.
Friedman, M. and R. D. Friedman. 2002. Capitalism and Freedom. University of Chicago Press.
Galbraith, J. K. and J. K. Galbraith (ed). 2010. Galbraith: The Affluent Society & Other Writings, 1952-1967: American Capitalism, The great Crash, 1929, The Affluent Society, The New Industrial State. Library of America.
Gerlach, M. L. 1992. Alliance Capitalism: The Social Organization of Japanese Business. University of California Press.
Gleeson-White, J. 2015. Six Capitals, or Can Accountants Save the Planet?: Rethinking Capitalism for the Twenty-First Century. W. W. Norton & Company. (Note).
Gleeson-White, J. 2021. Six Capitals: Capitalism, climate change and the accounting revolution that can save the planet. Revised and updated edition. Allen & Unwin.
Goldstein, S. 2015. Six capitals, or can accountants save the planet? Rethinking capitalism for the twenty-first century. The CPA Journal (October): 15-16. (Review of Gleeson-White's Book - Note).
Greenwood, R. 2017. Book review: X. Itcaina, A. Roger, and A. Smith: Varietals of Capitalism: A Political Economy of the Changing Wine Industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): NP15-NP17.
Greider, W. 2003. The Soul of Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy. Simon & Schuster.
Gu, F. 2018. Book review: Capitalism without capital by Johathan Haskel and Stian Westlake. The Accounting Review (July): 359-363. (An economy dominated by intangible investment such as R&D, software, brands, and organizational development).
Gupta, A., G. George and T. J. Fewer. 2024. Venture Meets Mission: Aligning People, Purpose, and Profit to Innovate and Transform Society. Stanford Business Books.
Guth, R. A. 2008. Bill Gates issues call for kinder capitalism: Famously competitive, billionaire now urges business to aid the poor. The Wall Street Journal (January 28): A1.
Guthrie, D. 2009. Book review: From Communists to Foreign Capitalists: The Social Foundations of Foreign Direct Investment in Postsocialist Europe by Nina Bandelj. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 354-355.
Handy, C. 2003. Helicoptering up. Harvard Business Review (August): 80-93. ("Increasingly, society seems to be redefining the notion of progress to include a greater sensitivity to the planet. But only through close cooperation can government and business harness the relentless energies of capitalism and persuade companies to adopt their own version of the doctor's oath: Above all, do no harm.").
Henderson, R. 2020. Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire. Public Affairs; Illustrated Edition.
Hermanson, D. R. and D. F. Prawitt. 2020. Providing balance in the accounting curriculum and beyond: The case for capitalism. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 12(2): 179-196.
Ignatius, A. 2021. "Americans don't know how capitalist China is". Harvard Business Review (May/June): 61-63. (Summary).
Kane, G. C. 2016. Crowd-based capitalism? Empowering entrepreneurs in the sharing economy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 127-133.
Kehoe, J. 2016. Can capitalism be redeemed? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 128-129. (Books).
King, M. E. 2016. From financial capitalism to sustainable capitalism. The CPA Journal (June): 40-45.
Kurlantzick, J. 2016. State Capitalism: How the Return of Statism is Transforming the World. Oxford University Press.
Kuttner, R. 2018. Can Democracy Survive Capitalism? W. W. Norton & Company.
LaPierre, S. 2020. One last chance to fix capitalism: To avert upheaval we need policy change and private-sector leadership. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 146-147.
LaPierre, S. 2024. Does capitalism need reform - or revolution? Harvard Business Review (March/April): 150-151. (Discussion of books including: Romeo, N. 2024. The Alternative; Stigitz, J. E. 2024. The Road to Freedom; Mayer, C. 2024. Capitalism and Crises; Rathi, A. 2024. Climate Capitalism; Gupta, A. 2024. Venture Meets Mission; and Saito, K. 2024. Slow Down).
Levy, J. 2021. Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the United States. Random House.
Lewis, H. 2013. Crony Capitalism in America: 2008-2012. AC2 Books.
Lindsey, B. 2001. Against the Dead Hand: The Uncertain Struggle for Global Capitalism. John Wiley & Sons.
Loucks, W. N. 1965. Comparative Economic Systems, 7th edition. Harper & Row Publishers.
Lovins, A. B., L. H. Lovins and P. Hawken. 1999. A road map for natural capitalism. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 145-158. (A new approach where the natural capital of the ecosystem is properly valued. Where business practices shift: 1) to dramatically increase the productivity of natural resources, 2) to biologically inspired production models, 3) to solutions based business models, and 4) to reinvest in the natural capital).
Lovins, A. B., L. H. Lovins and P. Hawken. 2007. A road map for natural capitalism. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 172-183. (Reprint of their 1999 article).
Mackey, J. and R. Sisodia. 2013. The kind of capitalist you want to be. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 34. (Conscious capitalism - Recognizing that all businesses operate in a broader system with interdependencies).
Martin, J. R. Not dated. A note on comparative economic systems and where our system should be headed. (Note).
Martin, J. R. 2024. Distribution of U.S. Household Wealth 2024.
Mason, P. 2017. Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Martin, R. 2010. The age of customer capitalism. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 58-65.
Mayer, C. 2024. Capitalism and Crises: How to Fix Them. Oxford University Press.
McGee, R. W. 2023. Corporations, accounting, security laws, and the extinction of capitalism. The CPA Journal (May/June): 15. (Review of Wm. Dennis Huber's book).
McKenna, C. 2023. Book review: David Gelles. The Man Who Broke Capitalism: How Jack Welch Gutted the Heartland and Crushed the Soul of Corporate America - and How to Undo His Legacy. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(3): NP56-NP58.
Meyer, C. and J. Kirby. 2012. Runaway capitalism. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 66-75.
Meyer, M. W. 2013. Book review: Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China by V. Nee and S. Opper. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(2): 300-303.
Mihret, D. G., S. Mirshekary and A. Yaftian. 2020. Accounting professionalization, the state, and transnational capitalism: The case of Iran. Accounting, Organizations and Society (82): 101091.
Milanovic, B. 2019. Capitalism Alone: The Future of the System That Rules the World. Harvard University Press. (Summary).
Mizruchi, M. S. 2021. Book review essay: Capitalism, socialism, or social democracy? Administrative Science Quarterly 66(2): NP17-NP22. (Adler, P. S. 2019. The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism. Six crises that plague capitalist societies: Economic irrationality (inequality, recessions), workplace disempowerment, unresponsive government, environmental unsustainability, social disintegration (including racial and gender discrimination, poorly distributed health care, education and housing), and international conflict).
Naughton, B. and K. S. Tsai. Editors. 2015. State Capitalism, Institutional Adaptation, and the Chinese Miracle. Cambridge University Press.
Oser, J. 1963. The Evolution of Economic Thought. Chapter 9: The Rise of Socialist Ideologies. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. (Summary).
Paine, L. S. 2023. What does "stakeholder capitalism" mean to you? A guide to the four main types. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 108-119. (From weakest to strongest: 1. Instrumental - Managers should respect stakeholders' interest when doing so will maximize long-term returns to shareholders; 2. Classic - Companies have ethical and legal obligations to stakeholders that must be respected whether or not doing so is likely to maximize shareholder value; 3. Beneficial - The corporate objective is improving all stakeholders' well-being rather than just maximizing the value for shareholders; and 4. Structural - To protect stakeholder interest, stakeholders other than shareholders should have formal powers in corporate governance.).
Pei, M. 2016. China's Crony Capitalism: The Dynamics of Regime Decay. Harvard University Press.
Piketty, T. 2014. Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Belknap Press. (Note and Some Reviews).
Piketty, T. 2020. Capital and Ideology. Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press.
Piketty, T. and A. Goldhammer. 2020. Capital and Ideology. Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press.
Porter, M. E. and M. R. Kramer. 2011. Creating shared value: How to reinvent capitalism and unleash a wave of innovation and growth. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 62-77. (Summary).
Proudhon, P. J. 2008. The Evolution of Capitalism: System of Economical Contradictions or, The Philosophy of Misery. Forgotten Books. (First published in 1847.)
Pryor, F. L. 2002. The Future of U.S. Capitalism. Cambridge University Press.
Puxty, A. G., H. C. Willmott, D. J. Cooper and T. Lowe. 1987. Modes of regulation in advanced capitalism: Locating accountancy in four countries. Accounting, Organizations and Society 12(3): 273-291.
Rathi, A. 2024. Climate Capitalism: Winning the Race to Zero Emissions and Solving the Crisis of Our Age. Greystone Books.
Roberts, D. 2020. The Myth of Chinese Capitalism: The Worker, the Factory, and the Future of the World. St. Martin's Press.
Robertson, J. and W. Funnell. 2012. The Dutch East-India Company and accounting for social capital at the dawn of modern capitalism 1602-1623. Accounting, Organizations and Society 37(5): 342-360.
Romeo, N. 2024. The Alternative: How to Build a Just Economy. Public Affairs.
Sabeti, H. 2011. The for-benefit enterprise: A fourth sector of the economy is emerging, with the power to transform the course of capitalism. Harvard Business Review (November): 98-104. (A new hybrid "For-benefit" enterprise is emerging. Sabeti discusses COOPs as an example - "Community operated and oriented plans" encouraged by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Characteristics of a for-benefit enterprise include: a commitment to social purpose, and a reliance on earned income. For-benefit companies emphasize their impact on all stakeholders, rather than the for-profit companies more narrow focus on shareholder value. The for-benefit value proposition is to be able to account for its total impact and performance including financial, social, and environmental. New accounting methods are needed since conventional accounting is not designed for this type of organization structure. The other three sectors are the private or for-profit sector, the social or nonprofit sector, and the public or government sector).
Salisbury, K. 2017. Book review: Strategy for business advantage. Strategic Finance (May): 18. (Review of D'Aveni. 2012. Strategic Capitalism: The New Economic Strategy for Winning the Capitalist Cold War. McGraw-Hill Education).
Schaede, U. 2020. The Business Reinvention of Japan: How to Make Sense of the New Japan and Why it Matters. Stanford University Press. ("Japan's more balanced model of 'caring capitalism' is both competitive and transformative, and more socially responsible than the unbridled growth approach of the United States.").
Schumpeter, J. A. 1984. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. Harpercollins.
Schumpeter, J. A. 2008. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. Harper Perennial Modern Classics.
Shih, W. C. 2023. The new era of industrial policy is here: Are you prepared? Harvard Business Review (September/October): 66-75. ("Governments around the world are increasingly intervening in the private sector through industrial policies designed to help domestic sectors reach goals that markets alone are unlikely to achieve.")
Sjogren, K. 2019. The Fairshare Model: A Performance-Based Capital Structure for Venture-Stage Initial Public Offerings - Reimagining Capitalism at the DNA Level. Fairshare Press.
Soto, H. D. 2000. The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. Basic Books.
Starling, G., and O. W. Baskin. 1985. Issues in Business and Society: Capitalism and Public Purpose. Kent Publishing Company.
Stiglitz, J. E. 2024. The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society. W. W. Norton & Company.
Stockman, D. 2014. The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America. Public Affairs.
Streeck, W. 2017. How Will Capitalism End?: Essays on a Failing System. Verso.
Thurow, L. C. 1996. The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World. William Morrow and Company. (Summary).
Toms, J. S. 2010. Calculating profit: A historical perspective on the development of capitalism. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(2): 205-221.
Trigilia, C. 2002. Economic Sociology: State, Market, and Society in Modern Capitalism. Blackwell Publishers.
Walker, S. P. 2019. From nobodies to revolutionaries. Clerks, accounting and capitalism. Accounting, Organizations and Society (78): 101054.
Wells, W. 2020. Permanent Revolution: Reflections on Capitalism. Stanford University Press.
Winjum, J. O. 1971. Accounting and the rise of capitalism: An accountant's view. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 333-350.
Yamey, B. S. 1964. Accounting and the rise of capitalism: Further notes on a theme by Sombart. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 117-136.
Yaziji, M. 2008. Forethought: Time to rethink capitalism. Harvard Business Review (November): 27-28. (Short, but interesting discussion of the need to move from free-market competitive capitalism to free-market competitive laborism, where those who work for a company receive most of the residual returns, and the greatest decision-making authority within it. The underlying logic of this claim is that now, labor not capital, is the biggest risk taker and labor's generation of knowledge is the greatest source of competitive advantage for most firms).
Zuboff, S. 2020. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. PublicAffairs.