Management And Accounting Web

Agile Management Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Barton, D., D. Carey and R. Charan. 2018. One bank's agile team experiment. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 59-61.

Birkinshaw, J. 2018. What to expect from agile. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 39-42. (Case study of a bank in the Netherlands that adopted agile management methods).

Blokdyk, G. 2017. Lean and Agile Project Management Complete Self-Assessment Guide. (Paperback). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Bohn, S. 2022. Books: How agile really works. Strategic Finance (July): 12. (Review of Rigby, Elk and Berez. Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos).

Bray, D. A., Reeves, M., S. Levin, J. D. Harnoss, D. Ueda, G. C. Kane, J. S. Johnson and D. Billespie. 2019. Adapt and thrive: How can business leaders best understand the complex interplay between companies, economies, and societies? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-23. (This special collection includes an Introduction; Bray, D. A. Three meaningful strategies for managing rapid change; Reeves, M., S. Levin, J. D. Harnoss and D. Ueda. The five steps all leaders must take in the age of uncertainty; Kane, G. C. Digital disruption is a people problem; Johnson, J. S. Six principles for strategic migrations; and Gillespie, D. What the military can teach organizations about agility).

Cappelli, P. and A. Tavis. 2018. HR goes agile. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 46-52.

Carson, P. P., P. A. Lanier, K. D. Carson and B. N. Guidry. 2000. Clearing a path through the management fashion jungle: Some preliminary trailblazing. The Academy of Management Journal 43(6): 1143-1158. (MBO, PERT, EAPs, Sensitivity training/T-groups, quality of worklife, quality circles, corporate culture, TQM, ISO, benchmarking, empowerment, horizontal corporations, vision, reengineering, agile strategies, and core competencies).

Collier, K. 2011. Agile Analytics: A Value-Driven Approach to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. Addison-Wesley Professional.

Cross, R., H. K. Gardner and A. Crocker. 2021. For an agile transformation, choose the right people: Identify your "hidden stars" and other vital players. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 60-69.

Dickey, G., W. E. Wilcox and R. Cahalan. 2022. A practical roadmap for introducing agility to Certified Public Accounting firms. The CPA Journal (November/December): 42-49. (Phase 1: Team Formation; Phase 2: Team Empowerment; Phase 3: Shared Leadership; Phase 4: Self-Governance).

Edmondson, A. C. and R. Gulati. 2021. Agility hacks: How to create temporary teams that can bypass bureaucracy and get crucial work done quickly. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 46-49.

El-Wakeel, F. 2019. Technology workbook: Agile project management in analytics: Agile project management is an iterative adaptive approach that helps ensure the project delivers what the customer truly needs. Strategic Finance (May): 66-67. (Summary).

El-Wakeel, F. 2019. Technology workbook: Further demystification of agile project management. Strategic Finance (August): 76-77.

Felipe, C. M., D. E. Leander, J. L. Roldan and A. L. Leal-Rodriguez. 2020. Impact of IS capabilities on firm performance: The roles of organizational agility and industry technology intensity. Decision Sciences 51(3): 575-619.

Galvin, B. 2019. Lean Sigma Mastery Collection: 7 Books in 1: Lean Six Sigma, Lean Analytics, Lean Enterprise, Agile Project Management, Kaizen, Kahban, Scrum. Independently Published.

Heer, R. 2012. How agile is your planning? Find out by measuring the ROI of your planning software. Strategic Finance (April): 44-50.

Hill, L. A. 2020. Being the agile boss. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 7-10.

Ignatius, A. 2016. Toward a more agile future. Harvard Business Review (May): 10.

Jiles, L. 2021. Is your finance function agile? Strategic Finance (October): 28-35.

Jiles, L. 2021. Technology workbook: Agile and Scrum-based value delivery. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.

Kavadias, S., K. Ladas and C. Loch. 2016. The transformative business model: How to tell if you have one. Harvard Business Review (October): 90-98. (Transformative business models include three or more of the following: Personalization, a closed-loop process, asset sharing, usage-based pricing, a collaborative ecosystem, and an agile and adaptive organization).

Lee, H. L. 2004. The triple-A supply chain. Harvard Business Review (October): 102-112. ("Only supply chains that are agile, adaptable, and aligned provide companies with sustainable competitive advantage.").

Liang, H., N. Wang, Y. Xue, S. Ge and S. Ransbotham. 2018. Can IT be too in sync with business strategy? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5. (Alignment vs. agility).

Liao, J. and F. Zhu. 2024. How to avoid the agility trap. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 126-133.

Lin, P. and A. Jeyaraj. 2023. A roadmap to technology agility for CPAs. The CPA Journal (September/October): 59-63.

Loraas, T. M. and D. L. Searcy. 2010. Using queries to automate journal entry tests: Agile Machinery Group, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 155-174.

Quiros, E. 2021. Lessons from an agile product owner: The Agile project management methodology enables finance professionals to hone their leadership and organizational skills. Strategic Finance (November): 21-22.

Raju, P. and R. Koch. 2019. Technology workbook: Can RPA improve agility? Strategic Finance (March): 68-69. (Robotic process automation).

Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan, T. L. James, E. Apfelbaum, M. E. Mangelsdorf, T. Wakayama, K. LaPierre, J. McConnell, M. Spiegel, T. Schmiedel and J. vom Brocke. 2019. Leading through change conflicts: Discover some of the best ways to acknowledge and work through the fears of experimentation - while still embracing flexibility, creativity, and communication. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-23. (This special collection includes Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan and T. L. James. Consider culture when implementing agile practices; Wakayama, T. and K. LaPierre. Embracing a strategic paradox; McConnell, J. Neutralize internal politics in digital initiatives; and Spiegel, M., T. Schmiedel and J. vom Brocke. What makes change harder - easier).

Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan, T. L. James, J. Birkinshaw, N. P. Repenning, D. Kieffer, J. Repenning, J. Ross, J. Ross, and D. Gillespie. 2019. Staying agile: Learn how the agile software development process is being used as a management strategy, with lessons from ING bank, Toyota, Spotify, and others. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-37. (This special collection includes: An Introduction; Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan and T. L. James. Consider culture when implementing agile practices; Birkinshaw, J. What to expect from agile; Repenning, N. P., D. Kieffer and J. Repenning. A new approach to designing work; Ross, J. Goodbye structure; Hello accountability; Ross, J. Architect your company for agility; and Gillespie, D. What the military can teach organizations about agility).

Rechtman, Y. M. 2023. The burgeoning field of agile internal audit. The CPA Journal (January/February): 8-9.

Rigby, D., S. Elk and S. Berez. 2020. Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos. Harvard Business Review Press.

Rigby, D., S. Elk and S. Berez. 2020. The agile c-suite: A new approach to leadership for the team at the top. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 64-73. (Building an agile enterprise means finding the right balance between standardizing operations and pursuing (sometimes risky) innovations).

Rigby, D., S. Elk and S. Berez. 2022. Purposeful business the agile way: Turn squishy debates into concrete action. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 56-58.

Rigby, D. K., J. Sutherland and A. Noble. 2018. Agile scale: How to go from a few teams to hundreds. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 88-96.

Rigby, D. K., J. Sutherland and A. Noble. 2018. Agile at scale: How to go from a few teams to hundreds. Interaction. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 16.

Rigby, D. K., J. Sutherland and H. Takeuchi. 2016. Embracing agile: How to master the process that's transforming management. Harvard Business Review (May): 40-50. (Summary).

Sabri, E. H. and S. N. Shaikh. 2010. Lean and Agile Value Chain Management: A Guide to the Next Level of Improvement. J. Ross Publishing.

Schiemann, W. A. and L. A. Guth. 2014. Three crucial ingredients for success: Agile alignment, customer-driven priorities, and people equity. Cost Management (September/October): 26-34, 36-38.

Searcy, D. L. and T. M. Lorass. 2009. Agile Machinery Group, Inc. - Rental operations analysis. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(2): 1-5.

Strebulaev, I. A. and A. Dang. 2024. Make decisions with a VC mindset: The key is to embrace risk, disagreement, and agility. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 132-141. (Venture mindset).

Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. 2019. The strategic agility project: Discover how organizations can translate complexity into simple and flexible guidelines and achieve strategic objectives. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-39. (This special collection includes: An Introduction; Sull, D. S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. How to develop strategy for execution; Sull, D., C. Sull and J. Yoder. No one knows your strategy - Not even your top leaders; Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. Turning strategy into results; Sull, D. and C. Sull. With goals, FAST beats SMART; and Sull, D. and S. Turconi. How to recognize a strategic priority when you see one).

Todorovich, K. 2021. Books: Becoming more agile. Strategic Finance (October): 9. (Review of Setili, A. The Agility Advantage: How to Identify and Act on Opportunities in a Fast-Changing World).

Tysiac, K. 2015. Driving faster decisions: How continuous monitoring and auditing are enabling HP - and many other organizations - to become more agile. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 48-51.

Wysocki, R. K. 2009. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, 5th edition. Wiley.

Zhen, J., Z. Xie and K. Dong. 2021. Impact of IT governance mechanisms on organizational agility and the role of top management support and IT ambidexterity. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (40): 100501.